The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 153: Ghost mountain

According to the method of advancing last night, the swift elves explored the way ahead and found a safe way forward.

Mo Xie just led a large army to follow, bypassing the harassment of countless warrior souls in the establishment, and entering the depths of this wood unimpeded...

Approaching the center of this maple forest, he paid more attention to the surrounding situation, and found that the setting of this forest was exactly the same as the last time. The clearing deep in the forest was densely covered with the heroic spirits of warriors from the two camps.

And when he passed by the center of the woods, he paid special attention to observation, and he once again found a black stone tower standing in the center of the lively monster group.

"There is another stone tower, what exactly does it do?" Ouyang Jiaojiao looked at the black tall tower outside the woods beside her, and asked in confusion.

"I don't know yet. I have to figure it out later." Mo Xie looked at the stone tower carefully, suppressing the doubts in his heart, and quickly led the army to move forward.

He now understands that level is very important. At least until level 20, all tasks can only be temporarily set aside.

But this **** mission could not be terminated, he could only bite the bullet and **** the anode generals and the elves to safety.

Moving forward all the way, after walking out of a maple forest, a large open grassland map appeared in front of them again, the monster refresh area densely covered in the grassland, so that they could only continue to look for another maple forest around.

With the help of the energetic people, the map of Maple Forest, which was originally very dangerous, no longer poses any threat to them. Whenever they find a blood-red maple forest, the elves will take the lead to explore the way, and then the large forces will follow closely.

More than an hour passed quickly. In this boundless grassland map, a long line passed through at least five or six Maple Forest maps...

On the dark map interface, the large army has shuttled out a long white area in the dark.

Mo Xie has been puzzled by the map situation he has seen during this period of time. Why does the system set up so many maple forests in the prairie?

And in each maple forest, the set scenes are exactly the same, and the warriors of the two camps each occupy half of the forest, and fierce battles are unfolding in the middle area at all times.

The most important thing is that there is also a black stone tower on the coordinates of each forest center!

The two goddesses were paying great attention to these stone towers, and Mo Xie had already realized that the existence of these stone towers must be related to a very important situation.

If it weren't for the low level now, he couldn't help but want to thoroughly figure out all the secrets inside...

But after a long time on the road, Mo Xie was surprised to find that the green light spot on the small map representing his location had already moved from one side of this **** maple forest map to the end of the other side!

"Hurry up and look for the next maple forest, we are about to step out of this map." Mo Xie said excitedly.

"Understood." Princess Zixin who stood in the grassland in front replied, directing her people to continue searching for the next maple forest...

The mighty force bypassed the dense monster refresh area, and soon found the maple forest on the other side in the dark night not far away, and immediately rushed into the forest.

This narrow woodland area leads all the way to the other end of the map. As the dark scenes of the map continue to open, Mo Xie holding a torch is suddenly excited.

If he guessed correctly, this should be the last maple forest at the end of the map.

This maple forest was exactly the same as the forests I had walked through before, rushing safely through the tall stone tower in the middle, and a large force quickly passed through the other half of the forest area.

At this moment, in the midair of the dark woods ahead, Princess Zixin's charming figure was leaping back quickly from the trees, and quickly fell from the air, standing in front of Mo Xie.

"Dear warrior, the front is the end of the forest. As long as you walk through this forest, you will enter the next map area." Princess Zixin reported the situation immediately.

"Very well, let's leave here quickly." Mo Xie nodded excitedly, looking forward to what the next map will be like?

Leading a large force to speed up and rushing through the big trees, as he strode across the last row of maple trees, the scene in front of him suddenly changed...

Under the starry sky, outside the forest is a flat grassland. A small river meanders from afar, extends to the left in front of the forest, and flows to the other end of the map.

This river just divides the grassland map into two halves. On both sides of the river, you can see large areas of black spots gathering in the grassland. There are also dense monster refresh areas.

But looking straight ahead along the river, the black outline of a large mountain range can be vaguely seen in the night.

"Is the mountain map in front again?" Ouyang Jiaojiao looked ahead and asked in exclamation.

"Well, we won't be trapped in the mountains again." Lianna said nervously.

The encounter with the Dragon Mountain Range made the two beauties talk about the tiger's face. Now they have finally passed through the map of Maple Forest, but they saw a large stretch of spectacular mountain map edge.

"Don't worry, no matter how difficult the map is, you have to find a way to go over." Mo Xie waved his arm and let the elves continue to explore in front. The large group walked out of the last woods and moved forward quickly toward the end of the grassland.

Under the guidance of the elves, Mo Xie led the team behind him cautiously forward along the river bank. This place seemed to be at the end of the big map, so the monster spawning area was denser, but fortunately, there was a safe path along the river bank. Keep a certain distance in the nearby monster spawning area, so no monsters will come to attack actively.

The long line quickly rushed forward along the river bank. Gradually, the outline of the mountain range in front became clearer, and a majestic mountain lined up in front of them, blocking all their way forward!

If you want to keep going, you can only climb this mountain...

But looking from a distance, the outline of the black mountain is hundreds of meters high, and the sloping hillside is full of green trees. I don't know how many dangerous monsters are hidden inside!

As Mo Xie rushed forward quickly, the soft grass under his feet slowly became hardened, and a large sandstone ground appeared in front of him.

They finally got out of the terrifying Scarlet Maple Forest map and stood at the entrance of the new map at the foot of the mountain...

Ding...System: Congratulations to the player, don't be sad, you successfully found the map of the ghost mountain range, and the new map data is being loaded!

Ding...System: Warning! You have entered the 50-level advanced battle map. In view of your current strength, please stay away from this dangerous map!

The moment they stepped on the new map, the two system prompts immediately jumped out, but when they looked at the name of the new map on the system prompt, all three of them stared at the same time...

This new map is actually called the Ghost Mountain... What does it have to do with the Ghost Fortress?

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