The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 154: Hidden whistle

In the dark night, a new map scene suddenly appeared in front of Mo Xie and the two goddesses, and the system prompt also jumped out, displaying the name of the new map.

However, this map of the tall mountain range was actually called the Ghost Mountain Range, which made Movi's heart suddenly moved.

Before he turned around and asked General Anode, the general had already stepped automatically to the front of the team, his burly body facing the mountains, seemed to be looking at this vast mountainous area.

Mo Wei's eyes were shining, and he understood very well that perhaps because of entering the new map, the general began to act again.

"Brave warriors, this is the forward position where our Sunset Legion used to deploy checkpoints. In this mountain and other nearby terrain, we have secretly deployed countless frontline guards in order to discover before the enemy approaches Sunset City. They, and issued an emergency alert." The anode general looked at the vast mountains in the night, and said with a sigh.

"Master General, is it that the ghost fortress you are going to is in this mountain range?" Mo Xie asked excitedly.

If the ghost fortress is in this mountain map, it is very exciting news for him, which means that he will soon be able to complete this **** mission, not only can the anode general be smoothly sent to a safe place, these elves Clan people and mine spirits can also have an absolutely safe environment.

In this way, Mo Xie can kill two birds with one stone and accomplish both tasks at the same time!

He can also go back to level up...

"You guessed it, Ghost Fortress is one of the garrison checkpoints in this mountain, but it is very different from other checkpoints." General Anode turned around and nodded and replied.

"Aren't they all checkpoints? What's the difference?" Mo Xie asked suspiciously.

"You don’t know, there are two types of guards: clear guards and secret guards. Clear guards are used to station soldiers and guard military forces in a certain area, while secret guards are hidden in a certain place to monitor the surrounding enemy. It's usually hard to be discovered." General anode said with a smile.

"Oh, I see, that ghost fortress should be a secret whistle?" Mo Xie seemed to have guessed something.

"Yes, the ghost fortress was built by me personally, and it was built secretly by my confidant officers and soldiers. Except for my people, Yang Hui didn't even know that such a fortress existed, so I can guarantee it when I get there. Safe." General Anode nodded and said.

"But General, you haven't been to this fortress in more than ten years. Can you still guarantee absolute safety?" Mo Xie reminded.

"Brave warrior, I can tell you now that the royal turmoil in those days, the internal swords of the several major legions were at odds with each other. I expected that there would be a major turmoil in the end. In order to prevent too many innocent people from being involved in this storm, I decided to support At the same time as the holy princess, she has secretly made arrangements to **** all the veterans and wounded soldiers who have followed me for many years, but have lost their combat effectiveness, to this secret fortress. If I guess right, they should still be staying. There." General Anode said.

"What... In that fortress, there are some generals hiding?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"If there is no accident, they should still be there." The anode general said with his eyes shining, seeming to be particularly excited about seeing his old friend again.

"Well, since the ghost fortress is not far away, please point out the way for the military master. We will find this fortress as soon as possible." Mo Xie said excitedly.

This time the **** mission, he did not expect that the final destination was set by the system on a level 50 field map, leaving him speechless.

Fortunately, there are surprises through various maps along the way, and the mission of saving the elves can be triggered on the way, and clues to the conspiracy of the protoss have been discovered. This is also an unexpected surprise.

Seeing that the final mission destination was about to arrive, Mo Xie couldn't wait to complete the mission as soon as possible.

"Don't worry, although the road between the Ghost Mountain and Sunset City has been interrupted for many years, I believe that Yang Hui will continue to command the major checkpoints here through the carrier pigeon contact. We want to reach the ghost fortress safely, Along the way, you have to avoid the warnings of many checkpoints." General anode warned.

"What... do you want to avoid checkpoints?" Mo Xie opened his mouth wide, unexpectedly there would be so much trouble in the end.

The two goddesses also widened their eyes. They couldn't talk to the general anode, but every word of what the other party said just now was clearly heard in their ears, and they looked at each other in surprise.

"Of course you must avoid the eyeliner of those checkpoints, otherwise my appearance will soon reach Yang Hui's ears, and he will definitely report this to the current emperor. You should be very clear about the consequences." General anode Reminded.

"You are right, if General Yang Hui knows where you are, then the Protoss will soon know..." Mo Xie immediately understood what he meant, and felt very nervous in his heart.

You must know that the current Emperor of the Sun was supported by the Protoss to ascend the throne. If the Human Emperor knows the situation, it means that the Protoss will get news soon, and they will immediately determine where the Elves are fleeing. ...

At that time, not only the anode general will face great danger, even the elves will have nowhere to go!

"So before we arrived at the Ghost Fortress, our danger was not completely relieved." General anode nodded.

"But General, I'm not familiar with the terrain here. It is very difficult to avoid those dark and open guards. Can you give me some help?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

According to the task setting of the system, the anode general will only speak actively under certain circumstances during the **** process. This is specifically to remind the players of some things that need to be paid attention to. In some cases, he has been silent. Follow Mo Xie and keep moving forward, not accepting any questions.

Therefore, Mo Xie knew that he had to seek answers to his questions as much as possible during the time when the general anode was actively speaking, otherwise it would be very troublesome when the general was quiet again...

"You can go on your way with peace of mind. When you arrive at the dangerous zone, I will issue a warning in advance. As for how to deal with those checkpoints, you still have to rely on your own strength." General anode nodded and replied.

"So I'm relieved, General, do you have anything else to explain, such as the correct route to the ghost fortress?" Mo Xie's tight heart finally relaxed a little, and quickly continued to ask.

"The location of the fortress is in the southwest of the mountain, and it is also near the most magnificent peak of the Ghost Mountains. As long as you reach this area, I will help you find the correct entrance to the fortress." General anode replied.

"Understood, we will set off right away." Mo Xie smiled and nodded. After clarifying all the rules of this mission, he also had some assurance in his heart.


At this moment, a flashing icon suddenly popped up in front of his eyes. On it was an unfamiliar player's avatar. It was shaking in front of him. Unknown players sent him a private chat application...

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