The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 519: Uncles' ambition

After being directly pulled into the copy by these uncles and aunts, until now, Mo Xie only knew that these three men and one woman were all former university classmates, and are now office workers, but did not know their specific identities.

But now listening to them saying that they can invest, Mo Xie has to re-examine their identity and background.

Although the so-called investment may be a temporary joke, for him, the most important thing now is funding. In case the commercial team has no results, it will affect Mo Xie's long-term plan.

Nowadays, the tribe is preparing to build. Once it is built, it will require a lot of money to recruit troops, quickly expand the tribe’s level, and then build a private domain. All of these steps are inseparable from the injection of funds.

"Uncles, are you very optimistic about the prospects of this game?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"This game is not bad. If we are not optimistic, we won't get together to experience the excitement of the virtual world." God said with a smile.

"This group of guys originally said they were busy and didn’t have time. They didn’t want to come and have a look. It was because I dragged them to play. They only entered the game reluctantly, but they haven’t waited to leave Novice Village. , They were fascinated by this game." I am the doctor and said with a smile on the tower.

"Yeah, we haven't played a game for many years. Who knows this game has brought us back to our college life. The past years of teaming up and watching the dungeons are really inadvertent. We are almost running four." Look and exclaimed.

"This game is really good. Although many places are still used in the old game style, this style is very popular among players. Coupled with the use of virtual technology, online games are more realistic. The future of this game is not Estimated." How to play this and said excitedly.

"We haven't played in vain during this period. We have thought about a lot of development plans, but a lot of information about this game has not yet appeared. We can't come up with a complete set of development plans for the time being." God said to Youguang.

"Yeah, I lack a lot of future information, this is a very important part." It's nothing to turn around and said with confidence.

"Uncles, how do you plan to develop this game? Do you also want to build a guild?" Mo Xie asked curiously. Shouldn't these uncles talk about youth madness, are they really ready to invest in professional guilds?

"Professional guilds fighting for hegemony? We don’t have this energy. Let me tell you, some of us are engaged in e-commerce and various electronic application industries. What we value is the unfinished platform. If this virtual world is not a game, It is built as a real virtual interactive platform, so that everyone can wander in the virtual business district using the equipment without leaving home. All the products can be seen with their own eyes, touched with their hands, or tasted in person. In short, the products They are able to truthfully reflect their advantages through virtual technology, which can not only stimulate more consumption, but also create a huge business empire!" God said, bright eyes and bright eyes.

"Ah!" Mo Xie never thought about such a big plan. His vision was limited to the game industry before. As for the huge virtual business empire that Uncle Guang said, he didn't dare to think about it at all, and he couldn't stand it. A super project!

I'll go, who are they, their vision is so big...

"Little brother, I still remember that a few years ago, our country had a business miracle. A man who was not good looking and was as short as you. With his unique ideas, he did something that others dared not do, and he quickly became The country's first richest man, and his business empire is getting bigger and bigger, and he ranks in the forefront of the whole world. Since he dares to do it, why don't we dare to do it?" It's okay to turn around and laugh.

"That person, that was a legend a long time ago, what about my father's idol." Mo Xie immediately understood who the guy they were talking about was.

"He is the pioneer of our industry, but we can't always eat this bowl of old rice. If you don't look forward, sooner or later you will be surpassed by young people like you." How did this play with a smile.

"Yes, some of us are now senior executives of several companies. No matter how hard we are, it is unlikely that we will upgrade. We just met the opportunity to be continued, so we plan to try hard while we are still young."

"I don't see it, these uncles are all proud of the business world." Mo Xie said in surprise.

"It's not from your age to fight all the way up, you are almost 40 before sitting in your current position, walking on thin ice." It's okay to turn around and exclaimed.

"Since the uncles already have ideas, why don't they start planning preparations quickly?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"Didn’t you just say that we have a plan, but to realize the idea, we need to know more game information. In fact, when virtual technology began to be used in games, we had already contacted the game company. See if there is an opportunity to transfer virtual technology to us, and then use it as the development of a virtual business platform." God said with a light smile.

"What did the game company say?" Mo Xie hurriedly asked, but he knew that the other party must have rejected the acquisition plan, otherwise the uncles would not continue to think of ways in the game.

"Virtual technology is not a game company's patent, but a technology shared by several countries, so it cannot be transferred at all. Moreover, these countries each have a part of the core technology. If they are not willing to cooperate and share, then this commercial platform cannot be built. "It's okay to turn around and shook his head.

"So, we can only think of ways from the game, and hope to deal with those countries, that is simply impossible." How to play this, sighed.

"Are you going to develop a virtual mall in the game?" Mo Xie seemed to understand some of their thoughts, and his heart suddenly beat fiercely.

If this plan can be realized, it would not be a joke!

With the help of a virtual game platform, the development of a virtual mall is equivalent to bringing all the players in the entire region into the consumer circle, and it can also develop those housewives into game players, shopping for things to play games, sitting on the control chair...

If you make it early and successful, you can also establish malls in other game areas around the world to form an overall global business system!

"The biggest trouble now is that this kind of idea of ​​ours can be imagined by others, and I am afraid it is also under study. Therefore, if we want to do it, we must figure out some key situations as soon as possible, otherwise everything will be ignored." I am The doctor reminded.

"Uncle, aunt, what information do you need to know?" Mo Xie asked.

"There are too many materials involved, and it is also related to the commercial system in the game. Fortunately, currency exchange countries in this game have given guarantees, which have paved the way for our business plan. Now we want to know that the players’ private How much management power a territory has and the ability to create a business model that is completely managed by itself in its territory is a very important point.” It’s okay to transfer.

"Oh, what a coincidence, my primary tribe today is just established. As long as it develops well, you should be able to establish your own private territory after a while." Mo Xie said in surprise.

"You set up a junior tribe? Isn't this kidding us?" The uncles blinked, and all of them were stunned...

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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