The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 520: Business elite

Several uncles have been waiting for the players to establish their official tribes, and then see how they build private territories, and figure out the private territories that players have in the virtual world, how much development authority they have, and whether they can meet their commercial development plans. .

But so far, no professional guild has been able to establish a tribe, making them wait really sad.

"You want to establish a junior tribe, aren't you kidding us?" God said to have light asked again.

"I didn't lie to you, wait and see for a while. If the entire district announces the establishment of the Eternal God Realm Alliance, it will be my tribe." Mo Xie smiled.

"Impossible, you are here to buy a copy with us, even if a player establishes a tribe, how can it be yours?" I asked in confusion when there was nothing to do.

"Uncle Zhuan Zhuan, the situation here is a bit complicated, I will tell you slowly." While dealing with a large number of monsters, Mo Xie took the time to tell them about his wanted status and so on.

For these uncle-level players who met by the water, Mo Xie still trusted him, because in them, he couldn't see the intrigue between the players.

In reality, these uncles and aunts are already winners in life, and they don't need to deal with themselves.

"It turns out that this is the case, we really accidentally caught a master into the team." How to play this and said with a smile.

"Hey, how about it, I have a good vision, I just pull it in and I am a talent." God said that you want to say proudly.

"Come on, Shaobianzui, God is really helping us this time, and we actually ran into Xiao Mo. It seems that our plan is promising." I am the doctor and said with a smile.

"Mo, tell you the truth, some of our classmates are the core executives of several large e-commerce groups. The lowest position is also the functional director of the headquarters, and the other two are executive directors. Our ability allows us With a high salary, but not satisfied with the bottleneck of future development, I have the idea of ​​independent entrepreneurship. Now, the resources you have in your hand are likely to be integrated with our envisioned plan, so we intend to verbally reach an agreement with you Promise." It's okay to turn around and said solemnly.

"What promise?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"If you are willing to cooperate with us, please upgrade your tribe to an alliance first. When you can establish a private territory, we will formally discuss the cooperative development plan with you. Then you can use the resources in your hand as the corresponding Shares, add it to our plan." God said that there must be light and serious expression.

"I don't understand what you said, so where do the funds for my development alliance come from?" Mo Xie asked.

"Although we have a good relationship, business is business. We cannot invest too much in your early development, because we cannot be sure whether you can stand firm in the competition of many professional guilds, so when you have an alliance At that time, that is the starting point for us to officially start the cooperation plan. At that time, we will give you detailed information and a special lawyer to sign legal documents such as equity and income with you. "It's okay to transfer.

"Oh, that means that you don't plan to invest me much in the early stage." Mo Xie was slightly disappointed.

"That's for sure, because you can't guarantee me that verbal promises we won't believe. This is our rule of the game. Not only you, but even our classmates cannot break it." How to play.

"Well, I believe in the abilities of the uncles. No matter what you think, I will try my best to upgrade the tribe. When it expands to the size of the alliance, we will discuss the cooperation plan." Mo Xie nodded.

"Happily, Xiaoxiaoyoung has such a long-term vision, and your future is limitless." God said to you, said with excitement.

"Well, let's discuss it, and give you a little start-up capital in the early stage, which is our sincerity." It's okay to turn around and laugh.

"It's still a matter of discussion. I'll give this number." I'm a doctor, and I stretched out a finger directly on the tower.

"Well, our strong women have expressed their opinions, so let's count them all." God said that Yaoguang shrugged and stretched out a finger.

Mo Xie looked at them suspiciously, and didn't understand what this finger meant and what the specific amount was.

However, the other party clearly stated that he would not give much financial support in the early stage, and he did not expect much.

"Xiao Mo, each of the four of us will give you 10 million yuan in development funds, but this money is not for free. You have to sign a venture capital agreement for us, and then your studio must be filed with our lawyer. We must join your new tribe to supervise the operation, what do you think?" I am a doctor and asked.

"What? 40 million, give it to me?" Mo Xie's eyes widened in surprise, and even the attack stopped instantly.

He couldn't believe it. He just came to make a copy, and he was able to get a huge investment of 40 million!

"It must be beyond your expectation, but don't forget. This is a large project involving hundreds of millions of dollars. An initial investment of 40 million is necessary, but our money does not fall from the sky, so we must be clear. I know where every dollar is spent." It's okay to turn around and say.

"This is necessary, I accept this condition." Mo Xie nodded quickly.

"Okay, when will your junior tribe be established?" God said to have light and asked.

"A few of you, wait, let me ask about the situation." Mo Xie looked at the time and almost passed the system's required time limit. Why hasn't the whole district notice appeared yet?

He quickly opened the friend list and sent a private chat message to Mo Xiaolang.

"Xiao Mo, what's the matter? We will be so busy now." Mo Xiaolang said hurriedly as soon as he connected.

"Nothing happened, why didn't I see the news of the establishment of the tribe?" Mo Xie asked.

"In the new situation, the number of responses just now has reached the system requirements, and all that needs to be prepared are also submitted. Now we are still busy changing the name. The Eternal God Realm Alliance is not allowed to pass. We are ready to think of a good name before contacting you. Yes." Mo Xiaolang said helplessly.

"It turns out that this is the case. The Eternal God Realm League is probably because it is too close to the game name, so it's simply called God Realm." Mo Xie said with a frown.

"The God Realm Tribe, the God Realm Alliance... it seems to be pretty good, then we will register with this name." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"Hurry up, I just made an investment and wait for the tribe to be officially established." Mo Xie smiled.

"Where did you get the investment again, didn't you go to the copy?" Mo Xiaolang was surprised.

This guy is really amazing. Even his old rivers and lakes are almost unable to adapt to his routine. I don't know when and where this guy will bring some unexpected surprises...

"The investment amount is 40 million yuan. This situation will be discussed later. Our investor team is still waiting for the news of the official establishment of the tribe." Moxie said.

"Ah, there are 40 million! Don't worry, the name is confirmed, and wait for the good news in a few minutes." Mo Xiaolang said excitedly.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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