The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 659: Security

Knowing the strength of Thunder Security, Mo Xie was even more pleasantly surprised. What he needs most now is a guarantee of safety, especially the upcoming competition with the Chen Group...

The Chen Group can be regarded as a giant in the real estate industry in the whole country. Not to mention its strong strength, it also raises a large group of invisible dark forces led by Luo Feng.

To compete with them, you must guard against each other's small actions, and the two sides are still in the same city.

"Xiaodong, I'll leave it to you, I really need a security service." Moxie said.

"I got it." Xiaodong nodded and stopped talking.

"You small guild, why should you hire a large company like Thunder Security? You must know that the security cost is not low." Zhou Jianing asked puzzledly.

"Miss Zhou doesn't know something..." Mo Xiaolang briefly told her the current situation.

"Ah...I don't know this. You have long understood that the contradiction with the Chen Group cannot be avoided..." Zhou Jianing blinked her beautiful eyes and finally understood their thoughts.

"Yes, take precautions, no matter how personal safety comes first, we must first ensure a safe environment." Mo Xie nodded and said.

"That's fine, leave this to Xiaodong, he knows what to do." Zhou Jianing smiled.

She understood the situation faced by the studio, and understood the concerns of these people in her heart. It was indeed not superfluous.

"Miss Zhou, how strong is Thunder Security?" Ouyang Jiaojiao asked with some doubts.

"The background of this security company is incredible. They were originally an organization similar to the underworld, but when the founder of the first generation of Thunder Security was young, it is said that his parents, the leaders of this underworld organization, were secretly attacked by enemies. Assassination, after their children took over the organization, they felt that this business would not last long, but for the sake of the jobs of the large number of brothers in the organization, he could only find new ways to make money. After all, these people only knew how to fight and kill, so he simply let the brothers Let's take on the task of bodyguards and protect some rich and important people." Zhou Jianing said.

"He will find a way to transform the killer into a bodyguard. This is indeed a good career change." Mo Xiaolang said in surprise.

"The creator's name is Thunder, and Thunder Security, named after him, quickly went from black to white under his plan, plus their family's prestige on the road before, as long as it is the person they protect, the accident The probability is less than one in a thousand. After decades of operation, Thunder Security has become a guarantee of safety. This is what I heard from my friends. You are just like a story. Just listen to it." Zhou Jianing smiled.

"For decades of security companies, this scale should be quite scary." Ouyang Jiaojiao said in surprise.

"That's not the case. It is said that Thunder Security not only accepts the overall security business of large groups, but also accepts the security work of the top rich and important figures in various countries, which is very bullish." Zhou Jianing said.

"No wonder they don't take on small business. It depends on whether they are willing to accept our business requirements this time." Mo Xie was also introduced by the big star, with excited eyes beaming.

As long as there is the protection of Thunder Security, Luo Feng must be unable to use himself...

After inquiring about security, everyone ate quickly. After a while, they ate their stomachs and began to help clean up the tableware.

Mo Xiaoyuan immediately found Mo Xiaoyu and told the chief financial officer of Mo Xie's purchase of the vehicle. After inquiring, Mo Xiaoyu followed Mo Xiaoyuan out again and went to the 4 nearby shops to buy the vehicle...

Others work normally, all return to the third floor to continue logging in to the game.

But everyone didn't know that all their actions in the game were closely monitored by the arrogant alliance...

And this time, in order not to stun the snakes, Luo Feng chose to monitor all his own people, and even the closest followers around Chen Shao didn't know the secret core actions.

Therefore, there is no news from Brother Hao...

Since Hao Ge and Mo Xie reached a private agreement, the two will contact each other every few days to obtain the recent major events of the arrogant alliance.

So far, Mo Xie knows almost all the major events of the Arrogant Alliance.

But this time, the situation has changed dramatically...


Back in the virtual world, Mo Xie appeared in a hidden location on the dungeon map that went offline yesterday.

As soon as he entered the game, he hurriedly mobilized his mount and rushed towards the periphery of the map, away from crowded places.

But no matter how cautious he was, in a place far behind him, there were always several figures following him firmly, following him all the way out of the dungeon map.

"Big brother, this kid is as cunning as the loach, where is he going?" an arrogant player asked curiously.

"No matter where he goes, even if he goes to heaven and earth, our mission will still follow him. This is a reward of 100,000 yuan." I am arrogant and said with a smile.

"A hundred thousand rewards, this kid is really worth the money." Several players were all excited.

"Stop talking nonsense, keep your eyes open for me, don't let him run." Arrogance is what I reminded.

After several days of tracking, except for Mo Xie who did not go online yesterday morning, his work and rest time has been very clear by these people taking turns waiting to be inquired about, and he will almost be consistent on and off the line.

However, these guys in the arrogant alliance are also very cunning. Even if Mo Xie goes offline, they will leave one or two people to stay where they are, not letting him escape any chance.

Today, as soon as Mo Xie went online, they were spotted again...

But this time, they did not expect that this guy was trekking a long distance map...

Passing through several wild maps all the way, Mo Xie rode on the mount and continued to rush forward, bypassing the corner of the city wall, and continued to advance quickly toward the depths of the distant map.

The players of the four arrogant alliances had no choice but to track them all the way, and gradually entered many maps they had never been to.

"Fuck, is this guy going to travel around the world? He is heading for advanced maps." An arrogant player looked at the tracking route, feeling very surprised.

"He must be doing the task, now we have to make a small profit!" Arrogance is what I said excitedly.

According to the monitoring task given to them by Shao Chen, as long as you stare at Mo Xie, you can easily get 100,000 rewards, but if you find some secrets of Mo Xie during the tracking process, you can count the money...

Now watching Mo Xie rush all the way to the high-level map far away from the main city, the few eyeliners behind him suddenly became excited.

Mo Xie doesn't care so much. He just wants to meet the General and Princess Zixin. After picking them up, they will settle in the cliff's secret cave for protection. It will be more convenient for the main task in the future.

The most important thing is that there are veterans and elf queens, so the two parties can meet as soon as possible. Maybe there are more tasks to take...

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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