The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 660: Eyeliner

He dashed forward and dashed through countless maps, Mo Xie passed through the Dragon Mountain Range in a light car, opened the map channel, and kept moving forward.

Those arrogant players who followed, the farther they followed, the more pleasantly surprised they were.

They found that the guy in front seemed to be very familiar with the terrain here, and even the monster spawn area was easily bypassed, and no dangerous things happened.

"Boss, it seems we are going to post." An arrogant player said excitedly.

"With these map routes and the hidden organs, Shao Chen won't treat us badly this time." Arrogance is what I said excitedly.

A group of people quietly followed in excitement, and followed Mo Xie all the way to a strange map scene.

Outside the valley in front, there are black bare stone mountains everywhere, one after another black hills, as if people are in the nether world, just looking at the map environment makes people shudder.

The ghost mountain is finally here!

Mo Xie was also extremely excited in front, as long as he passed through this dangerous zone and escaped the soldiers' secret whistle, he could return to the ghost fortress again.

According to the previous experience, he didn't hesitate to shuttle back and forth among the piles of rocks, moving forward to the far end of the map.

But even he didn't expect that this time he just wanted to come and pick up the action of Lord General, but he received an unexpected surprise...

Within a few minutes of rushing into the middle of the rock pile, Mo Xie suddenly heard strange sounds behind him. It seemed that someone had broken into the soldier's secret post and was being attacked by the checkpoint.

You know, there is no such thing as the enemy or the enemy in the ghost mountain. Unless the people who come here hold the warrant of the current sunset city general, the intruders will be attacked with indiscriminate firepower.

Why are there still people here, and it happens to be the place where I walked?

The curious Mo Xie immediately stopped advancing, jumped off his mount and turned to hide behind a rock, pricking his ears to listen to the movement behind him.

Listening carefully, I realized that at the place where he had just walked, that is, more than 20 meters away, the roar of arrows continued to sound. Accompanied by the tragic cry of a player when he was dying, it made Mo Xie feel extremely. Surprise.

There are other players who have entered the Ghost Mountain!

Could it be that other players who received the main storyline, but things weren't so coincidental, just happened to come by themselves, and they came to do the task?

Mo Xie guessed in his heart, feeling more and more weird, so he temporarily gave up and moved on, and slowly turned back against the stone wall.

Perhaps it was because these players alarmed the guards. Mo Xie didn't encounter any trouble when he returned. After a while, he walked out more than ten meters, hid behind a rock, and quietly poked his head out to look out...

I saw a player's corpse lying in the middle of the small clearing between the three rocks, the only way to enter the ghost mountain range, and the white light cluster in mid-air just dissipated.

In front, three figures fled in a hurry, seeming to be a few guys who had just escaped.

What are these people? Mo Xie curiously watched them run away quickly, unable to see the names above them.

With one death and three escapes, the map here returned to calm. The soldiers in the rocks seemed to be on guard from a distance, so that Mo Xie didn't dare to move randomly.

But the corpse of the player lying underground successfully aroused Mo Xie's curiosity...

He quietly stretched out his head and looked at the top of the player's corpse. A familiar name immediately made him stare!

Arrogance is me!

The arrogant alliance...

Even the arrogance was me. I never expected that I followed Mo Xie all the way to this place. He thought it was safe to do so, but when he watched Mo Xie rush into this pile of rocks, he led the team to follow him from a distance. Entering the middle of the pile of rocks, you encounter a fierce fire attack for no reason!

From among the rocks in all directions, clusters of arrows gleaming with cold light were locked in front of him for the first time. Before he could react, he had already had a few arrows in his body, and his blood volume was instantly cleared!

You know, the ghost mountain range is set as the level map by the system. The soldiers ambushing here are all elite soldiers of level 50. Players at this stage have no way to resist the offensive they launched, even if they found a lot from the copy. Good equipment, still can't stand the simultaneous attack of so many arrows.

The arrogance is that I was instantly killed, scared his little brothers quickly turned around and fled, leaving the body of the boss lying there, just to be discovered by Mo Xie who had heard the news.

Looking at the name on the top of the corpse, Mo Xie suddenly felt chills in his heart!

He knew exactly what was going on. These guys were clearly following him, but they didn't understand the danger of the Nether Mountain Range, so they killed one for nothing.

Help him this time, let him know that he has been tracked by the enemy.

But since when these guys started tracking, he didn't notice at all.

Damn it, it's too dangerous...

Mo Xie hid behind the rock, feeling cold sweat coming from behind, very alert in her heart!

Being watched by the arrogant alliance, and quietly trailing here, but a very dangerous situation...

If they have been following themselves for a long time, I am afraid they have already known about Hong sister!

Damn, they are too thief, right?

Mo Xie couldn't imagine how terrible the severe consequences would be after this incident happened!

The key is, how long have these guys been following him...

Thinking of this, Mo Xie quickly turned around and left quietly, avoiding this dangerous zone first, so as not to be caught by the opponent again.

But he didn't know that the person who fell on the ground was the person in charge of the squad who followed him. The arrogance is that I hang up like this. His little brothers don't know what to do...

Mo Xie stayed away quietly, and continued to set off toward the ghost fortress according to the determined plan, but his heart was extremely shocked.

Away from the danger zone, he opened the friend list for the first time.

"What's wrong, Xiao Mo, any new instructions." Mo Xiaolang said jokingly.

"I'm in trouble. I have been secretly followed by people from the arrogant alliance. I only found out today..." Mo Xie frowned and told him what had happened.

"What? How could you be targeted, you have been in Shennong Mountain!" Mo Xiaolang's surprised mood was not much worse than Mo Xie.

"I also feel strange that Shennong Mountain is so remote, it should not be easy to be discovered. I also thought that they would have a chance to discover my location, only possibly in the main city or yesterday's copy." Moxie said.

"It's possible. Yesterday, the dungeon went through the middle of the night, and it was normal for them to find you." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"But I just thought about it carefully. According to what I found today, they should have been following me for a long time. It could only be when I returned to the main city a few days ago." Moxie said.

"No, why didn't I find you last night? If they saw you in the main city a few days ago, they have followed you for a few days." Mo Xiaolang said nervously.

He also understood very well that if the other party had discovered Mo Xie a few days ago and followed them secretly without showing off, then this matter would be somewhat dangerous!

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