The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 807: Luo Feng's call

Unexpectedly, after stopping the Orc Army's siege this time, the system actually issued such a powerful reward.

The biggest gain of the God Realm League is the mage legion that participated in the front-line attack firepower. Basically, each of them received the lowest outstanding gift package award judged by the system, and some people received the golden battle gift package award!

It was just the props rewarded by the gift pack, and immediately the strength of all the wizards of the God Realm League rose to a level...

Especially the core mage players, the acquisition of the golden gift pack makes them even more powerful.

Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang are very excited. The gains from this battle are beyond their imagination. The various maps drawn by the players of the Mage Legion from the gift pack have given the God Realm Alliance Life Legion the much-needed manufacturing technology. To add, some of the manufacturing maps that are not available on the market were collected at once!

The happiest part is the players headed by Ouyang Jiaojiao who have received the golden gift packs. From these gift packs, they can at least buy one or two pieces of gold equipment for the mage profession. Only waiting for the equipment after level 50 can greatly increase the mage army’s performance. Combat ability...

As a result, the overall strength of the Mages Legion of the God Realm Alliance is rapidly approaching the Mages Legion of the Arrogant Alliance, but the number is still very different.

But there is no need to worry about this. After a battle is won, these core mage players quickly grow into the backbone of the team, and they can all be alone when they recruit more members.

The props that Ouyang Jiaojiao gave out in this golden gift pack finally made her get her wish. She got a gold-level 50-level mage's staff, and she also got a gold-quality jewelry jade pendant that could increase her attack...

You should know that all gold-level equipment items, regardless of weapons or clothing, can have additional attribute points, which has greatly improved the full attribute abilities of mage players.

Moreover, Ouyang Jiaojiao is very lucky. In addition to the two gold-level mage equipment, she also published two maps, a gold-level mage boots manufacturing book, and an excellent mage robes manufacturing book.

The existence of these two atlases means that in the near future, as long as the materials are sufficient, they can manufacture 50-level golden mage boots and 50-level outstanding mage robes on a large scale!

This is equivalent to helping the entire army of wizards. Previously, two pieces of top-quality wizard equipment after level 50 were pre-ordered. If a large quantity is manufactured, they can be sold in exchange for a large amount of gold coins.

Ouyang Jiaojiao's fifth reward is actually a peculiar blue-returning potion. This potion is limited to players at level 50 and is not as simple as an ordinary magic potion.

Junior Heavenly Spirit Jade Bottle Excellent Grade Pill

Use level: 50

Effect: After the equipment is activated, once the mana is lost, the jade bottle will automatically restore 100 mana per second until it is consumed.

Note: After the jade bottle is equipped in the deputy's inventory, the use function will be activated immediately to automatically restore the lost mana value for the player, and it will automatically disappear after consumption.

The appearance of this kind of college recovery medicine bottle made a group of commanders excited, and Mo Xie was even more surprised.

You know, his current spirit beast contract has always been unable to summon spirit beasts to help fight because of insufficient mana. If this jade bottle exists, then summoning spirit beasts will no longer be difficult.

Because this jade bottle is only a primary quality, there may be more powerful recovery potions. As long as you can reserve a few more, often summon spirit beasts to help, it is no longer a dream thing.

Seeing the surprise cheers of the players sounded from time to time, and good news came one by one. The players who opened the production maps had already contacted their respective branch leaders and planned to hand over all these maps to the alliance warehouse for distribution by the commander. Used by the Life Corps.

Of course, props such as these maps are not handed in for nothing, and commanders need to be rewarded with points based on value...

The core commander was busy collecting props, and Mo Xie stood there, thinking about the next thing in his heart.

This time, the enemy's conspiracy was destroyed again, and even the orc army failed to capture God Realm Town. The Arrogant Alliance must be very disappointed, and I don't know what kind of trouble they will cause.

Moreover, the Orc Legion failed, the Protoss would not give up, and 100% safety could not be guaranteed in the future.

We must find a way to speed up the development of the alliance and continue to increase the scale of God Realm Town. Only by strengthening our own strength can we resist the enemy's next conspiracy...

Mo Xie thought in his heart that when he was about to give an order to dispatch the next task, an external connection order suddenly popped out...

Ding Ding Ding!

A phone icon rang, and an unfamiliar phone number appeared before Mo Xie's eyes.

Someone call himself?

Mo Xie was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't know who the number was, he still chose to connect, and a mobile phone interface popped up in front of him.

"Hello, is it Mr. Moxie?" A low man's voice sounded in his ear.

"I am Mo Xie, you are..." Mo Xie asked curiously.

"We are acquaintances. My name is Luo Feng. You should know me." The man smiled faintly.

What... Luo Feng?

Mo Xie's heart trembled as he listened to the other party's self-report of his family!

Why would he take the initiative to call himself, what kind of conspiracy is this?

The name Luo Feng, even if there is no arrogant alliance, Mo Xie has known it for many years...

The city where Crazy Brother lives in Moxie can be said to be a legendary existence!

When he was studying, the legend of the crazy brother was widely circulated among his classmates. The various exaggerated stories about Luo Feng made those rebellious teenagers regarded as life idols, and even wanted to become his little brothers. He is happy together...

Even Mo Xie once dreamed that he could become a celebrity like Luo Feng, possessing countless wealth and countless subordinates. With a wave of his hand, people can kneel to the ground and cry...

Only his height and physique limited his dreams, but Luo Feng's legend was like a brand, deeply engraved on his heart.

This time against the arrogant alliance, Mo Xie was actually nervous, but for so many years, unfinished was the only opportunity he saw, and he would never give up because of fear of Luo Feng.

And now, the legendary mad brother actually took the initiative to call, making his heart beat suddenly, and he felt a trace of fear.

"You are crazy brother, won't you, will you call me?" Mo Xie still couldn't believe the identity of the other party.

"Brother Crazy is just someone calling me. At your age, you should call me Uncle Luo. This time I don't know each other. I didn't expect another amazing person to appear in our small place, right? Mr. Moxie? "Luo Feng said lazily.

"Don't say that, Uncle Luo, I can't bear it." Mo Xie quickly said with a smile.

Regardless of what Luo Feng called, he could only endure it temporarily, first to figure out Luo Feng's mind before speaking.

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