The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 808: Peace negotiation

Listening to Luo Feng's voice on the phone, Mo Xie couldn't believe it.

The famous mad brother actually took the initiative to call him, and the meaning of the words faintly meant that he wanted peace talks...

The strong side actually took the initiative to demand peace talks. This also shows that the current performance of the God Realm League makes the other party feel that it is difficult to defeat, so simply sit down and have a talk, divide the territory between the two alliances, so that the well water does not break the river. , The two sides develop peacefully.

Of course, such a request was exactly what Mo Xie wanted.

He understands that with the strength of the God Realm Alliance, even if it develops for a month or two, it may not be the opponent of the arrogant alliance. The last time he won by fluke, he used the system rules and terrain advantages, and the opponent did not know it.

Once the arrogant alliance establishes its own alliance territory, and then the two sides fight again, Mo Xie is not sure.

But regardless of winning or losing, this kind of battle will only waste the financial resources, manpower and development time of the God Realm Alliance. Even if it can repel the enemy again, neither side will be a winner in the long run.

Since Luo Feng put down his wealth and took the initiative to negotiate, Mo Xie couldn't ask for it.

"Uncle Luo, if you have something to say directly, I am a junior, and if you can do so, I will do it, but you also know that many brothers are eating with me now, and I can't treat them badly." Mo Xie said respectfully, but said nothing. Leave room.

He tactfully told the other party that you are an elder and he can do his best if he has any instructions, but the premise is not to affect the development of the entire God Realm League.

"Interesting, it seems that I didn’t find a mistake when I found you. Now there is a bit of tension between our two alliances. Sooner or later we will fight to death and life. Although you are developing well, if our arrogant alliance concentrates all our strength to deal with you, The consequences should be thought of." Luo Feng threatened lightly.

"I know the consequences, but I can tell you clearly, as long as you don’t use some non-gaming methods, even if the arrogant alliance can defeat our God Realm League, you will pay a very heavy price, but you will not be able to eliminate us all. We have a big deal to re-development." Mo Xie said neither humble nor humble.

"Well said, I know you have greater expectations for the development of the God Realm League, and you also know how much energy and money I have spent on this game. We don't want to fight to the death and death in the early game. We all want to develop quickly. The region is striving for hegemony. However, Sunset City has such a large site and limited resources. If the two major alliances develop together, it will inevitably be a little bumpy." Luo Feng said with a smile.

"I know that Uncle Luo is spending a lot of money this time. I didn't deliberately want to fight against you. I just accidentally entered the wrong main city. But I don't think your concerns are necessary." Mo Xie smiled lightly.

"Oh, tell me, why is my concern unnecessary?" Luo Feng asked curiously.

"Uncle Luo may not know that the main city and field map settings of this game have some peculiar rules. After so long of exploration, I found that the maps around the main city have their own different related settings, such as the above In the battle of the Iron Mirror Mountains, I used this rule to narrowly defeat your side." Moxie said.

"Yes, this is true." Luo Feng nodded.

"Outside the main city, it is actually divided into four major map settings. Each area has independent resource settings. Not to mention the development of our two alliances. Even if there are two more arrogant alliances, it is enough. You think there is a shortage of resources. That is because the setting of the field map has not been studied in detail." Mo Xie reminded.

"Do you mean that the maps in every direction of the main city have complete resource settings?" Luo Feng seemed to be very interested in asking.

"This is the situation. Many resources are hidden in some hard-to-find places, and they can be discovered one by one through some tasks or other means. Therefore, our two families can develop each other according to each side. We can only start fighting so early. Those professional guilds in other main cities and opposing camps are cheaper." Moxie said.

"Unexpectedly, you still have such insights at your young age. It is really worthwhile to find you this time." Luo Feng said with satisfaction.

"In fact, Uncle Luo also knows that no matter how we develop in the future, our enemy is the hostile camp. Only by defeating them can we have the right to speak in the entire region, and this is just the beginning. If our two develop smoothly, maybe There will be a big battle in the future," Moxie said.

"Then it depends on your development. Today's call can allow our two families to temporarily abandon their prejudices and develop with peace of mind. In the future, whether you are eligible to become opponents of the arrogant alliance depends on your abilities." Luo Feng was indifferent. Smile.

Of course he knows that there is only one hostile camp to be continued. When the players develop to a certain level, the battle of the camps will be fully launched sooner or later. All professional leagues are challenging the status of the regional hegemon. The enemy is not only the God Realm League. .

However, when the battle of factions is over and the regions are merged into one, the real chaos will start. The major alliances will challenge each other for the position of the national hegemon and compete for the honor of opening the region.

According to official advertising materials, once a region is unified in advance and the final region kings alliance is decided, it means that the region has the right to start a cross-region war!

In other words, no matter how you compete, the last enemy faced by players in all countries will be foreign players...

"Uncle Luo rest assured, we will definitely become your qualified opponent." Mo Xie smiled.

"Okay, we are not polite. I don't care about those peace agreements or anything. I just rely on the words of the two of us. The city is bounded by the east and the west, and the arrogant alliance and the gods alliance are half each." Luo Feng said loudly.

"Thanks to Uncle Luo for taking care of me, Xiao Mo has written down this favor." Mo Xie nodded excitedly.

"Okay, you guys are good. If the God Realm League can't go down someday, I will keep you the position of vice president at any time. Remember, the lunatic I want to challenge is the players from all over the world, not just a trivial one. A large area." Luo Feng smiled proudly.

"Uncle Luo, rest assured that our God Realm League will not be unable to get mixed up. If one day, the right to start a zone war falls in the hands of your arrogant alliance, I will definitely take the God Realm League players to assist Uncle Luo and get out of the zone. , Show the foreign players a little bit of color. However, if this right falls in the hands of our God Realm League, what does Uncle Luo think?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"The young man has a good ambition, and his tone is too big... But if you really do this, I will also assist you with the arrogant alliance, and I will never regret it when I follow the order." Luo Feng laughed.

"This is what you said personally, and we are determined!" Mo Xie nodded and smiled.

"Without a word, it's hard to chase a horse. I've been a lunatic for so many years. The most important thing is letter. From today, you can develop with peace of mind. Before the end of the camp war, the arrogant alliance will never trouble you. Please follow the agreement. , Don’t count us secretly."

Luo Feng nodded.

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