The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 809: Peace of mind development

After a moment of silence, Mo Xie couldn't believe that Luo Feng would actually ask for peace talks...

But he didn't know that when God Realm Town was caught in a war not long ago, Luo Feng had sent someone to quickly check all his information, even his family's information.

And the reason why Luo Feng took the initiative to call was because of Mo Xie's situation, this legendary figure who smashed the business and the underground also felt a little unbelievable.

A little guy who doesn't look amazing, and whose previous resumes are all failures, has become so popular in this game.

Even Luo Feng wanted to see how far this young man who was purely self-made can go in the unfinished business...

After a phone call, Mo Xie's explanation also made Luo Feng firm his mind. Since the resources are not conflicting, then give the other party a chance to have a look.

The verbal promise made means that the two major alliances finally no longer calculate each other, and can develop their strength with peace of mind...

Mo Xie hurriedly informed all the high-level players of the Alliance of this news, which immediately caused everyone's surprise.

"They really decided to live with us peacefully?" Lianna asked incredulously.

"This is too fast, Luo Feng actually took the initiative to call you..." Ouyang Jiaojiao touched her head, also unable to believe the result.

"That said, they won't bother us in the future, nor will they target me?" Li Hong asked excitedly.

"It's probably like this. Since they have promised, they shouldn't bother you again. Sister Hong, don't worry." Mo Xie comforted.

"It seems that our opponent is more powerful than we thought. This Luo Feng is indeed a hero, can afford to let go, and has a long-term vision. Although it is not our enemy now, it can be later..." Mo Xiaolang somewhat Said worriedly.

"Regardless of what will happen to him in the future, we only need to do the present things well and be fully prepared and no one is afraid." Mo Xiaoyuan said excitedly.

"This is very good news. Now that we have the territory, we need a safe environment for rapid development." Mo Xiaoyu nodded and smiled.

"With the east and west of the main city as the boundary, it would be equivalent to giving us half of the map, just so that all the resources we have discovered belong to us. This is really amazing." Zhou Jianing said.

"A peaceful leap has been confirmed. Everyone distributes this news, so that our people always pay attention to site restrictions and don't cross the border development without authorization." Mo Xie reminded.

"Understood, we will arrange this, but in the last few days we should be more careful, and we will say after confirming the other party's intention." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"It's getting late. Let's go offline for dinner. We will start hiring in the afternoon. What we have deployed in the past will be restored as soon as possible. We need more people to complete the alliance tasks and expand our territory as soon as possible." Mo Xie waved and said.

"Yes." A group of teammates and high-level commanders answered one after another, distributing orders.

Mo Xie also called up the control panel, and finally took a look at the crowd of countless players in the city. After today's World War I, the reputation of the God Realm League has resonated throughout the sunset city, and future development can be much easier and faster...


The light flashed, and he and a group of teammates immediately went offline to solve the lunch problem first.

Two days have passed since the call with Luo Feng.

During this time, Mo Xiaolang has been paying attention to the situation on the Arrogant Alliance, and he was surprised to find that the people of the Arrogant Alliance are no longer randomly distributed on the field map, but all concentrated on the southern map of the main city to trap the Dragon Mountain. As the center, it develops in several surrounding maps.

This also proved that Luo Feng kept his promise and gave the vast map of the west to the control of the God Realm League.

Although this was only a verbal agreement between the leaders of the two alliances, within the entire Sunset City, there were no forces that could contend with the God Realm Alliance and the Arrogant Alliance, and those small alliances and guilds could not pose a threat at all.

After getting the exact situation, Mo Xiaolang also relieved his heart, and began to busy with the development and growth of the God Realm League.

There are a huge number of players who come here to join the God Realm League. Several core commanders are busy every day. They have to select the conditions for new members, and they have to form each newly added group, and take them to familiarize themselves with the rules of the alliance. The number advantage is transformed into alliance experience.

According to Mo Xie's request, Mo Xiaoyuan took a little time every day to drive to the outskirts of the city to supervise the renovation of the base.

Mo Xiaoyu has become the busiest person in the entire core team. Every day there is a large amount of gold coin income in the treasury. She needs to be allocated and managed, and the expenditure items also need formal financial statements. She really has more and more time to go online. Few, often driving in and out of the community, to the nearby bank for financial affairs.

Fortunately, Sister Hong has no worries now, and slowly entered the role of commander, taking on all of Mo Xiaoyu's previous work, not only to manage the tactical training of the medical army, but also to help recruit and select grassroots management players.

As the commander-in-chief and the initiator of various tasks, Mo Xie not only has to design the development direction of the alliance, but also is responsible for the various restoration and daily management of the territory.

Therefore, he usually follows the elite corps in the alliance and goes to the map to level up and mix experience, and at the same time think about the next step at any time...

After two busy days, the results are very rich.

No one can believe that in just two days, the number of members of the God Realm League has skyrocketed from more than 20,000 when the territory was established to more than 50,000, and they are still joining the alliance continuously.

Of course, due to the size of the territory and the size of the alliance, many new players cannot have the qualifications of territory residents and alliance members. They are temporarily arranged to the outer legions and train with the large units.

The elite army was originally only a few thousand people in size. After two consecutive battles and the selection of Mo Xiaolang and others, some outstanding players were dropped into the elite team, and the original number was doubled. Now the elite The legion has reached a size of nearly 12,000.

Of course, there must be spies from the arrogant alliance, but the two sides have reached a peace agreement. Since there is no fight, even if a few spies enter the elite army, it doesn't matter for the time being.

After all, all decisions are made by the core team, and the mission of the elite legion is only to implement the plan, and Mo Xie does not have much worry about this.

After two days of preparation, the number of newly recruited players in the God Realm League has risen sharply.

And under the distribution of the commanders, dozens of sub-groups of 500 people were formed.

In accordance with the combat occupation, professional team training began.

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