The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 810: Strength soaring

Both Mo Xiaolang and Mo Xiaoyuan came from professional guilds. They are very familiar with this kind of training, and they have already trained several beautiful commanders. Now each core commander can independently train new players.

Mo Xie didn't have to worry about anything, he just followed the elite army to the nearby leveling location, followed the large group to kill monsters and leveled, and considered clues for the next task.

The strength of the entire God Realm League is rising rapidly every day, and the level of the elite legion is also rapidly increasing as the monsters are spawned quickly every day.

Since talking with Luo Feng on the phone, the Arrogant Alliance has indeed kept its promise. Not only did it move away from the map where God Realm Town is located, but it also kept its promise to use the east-west centerline of the main city as the boundary, and never cross the border to make trouble.

In this way, the players of the God Realm Alliance no longer have to worry about guarding against the enemy, peace of mind recruitment training, and monster upgrades.

The league’s veteran army of players is divided into two parts. Half of the people practiced in the morning, and the other half rushed to complete the alliance mission. In the afternoon, they adjusted each other, and the level-level players performed the tasks, and the level-level players completed the tasks and then upgraded.

Mo Xie doesn’t need to rotate, she just stays there every day to mix experience, watching the brothers next to him make constant adjustments in the morning and afternoon...

As the days passed, the number of members of the God Realm League skyrocketed, and on the fifth day after the orc siege was over, they had risen to nearly 80,000 people!

Of course, this is because Mo Xiaolang deliberately limited the recruitment threshold, otherwise this number would be far behind the number of players who came to join the God Realm Alliance...

The current Mo Xiaolang will apply for joining the God Realm League to directly upgrade the level of professional combat players to level 40, and there are strict requirements for the ability to understand the game and the ability to obey orders.

The recruiting conditions for life professional players directly limit the skill proficiency to the standard of senior craftsmen, and intermediate craftsmen must be temporarily filed for consideration.

For all new players who join the God Realm League, the life occupation will be taken away by Brother Zhao for training, looking for more manufacturing masters from it, and expanding the manufacturing capabilities of the Life Legion.

The combat legion players are divided according to their occupations, each looking for the division where the professional commander is assigned, and following the large forces to carry out team cooperation training.

For professional leagues, these newly joined casual players have a common problem, that is, no matter how strong they are, they like to fight alone and lack a basic sense of cooperation.

However, the most important thing for professional guilds is team cooperation. Only when the team is well trained can the players' combat effectiveness be maximized.

For example, one thousand ordinary players play against five hundred guild players. When the level and equipment of both sides are exactly the same, 500 skilled guild players can quickly and easily defeat a thousand ordinary players, even the number of opponents. Double it again, it may not be able to save the defeat.

This is the biggest gap between teamwork and alone.

Just like the strongest martial arts master, if he encounters a well-trained army, he will not escape the fate of failure...

The new members are intensively conducting team training, and the old players are divided into two parts to carry out the alliance missions uninterruptedly, and finally the God Realm League is once again upgraded to a level, from the primary alliance to the intermediate alliance scale!

After being promoted to a middle-level alliance, there are many more basic functions in the alliance, and the alliance territory can also be upgraded to a middle-level town.

This means that God Realm Town can finally be upgraded again...

However, there is not much to do in the process of upgrading the territories of the primary towns to the territories of the intermediate towns. What Mo Xie has to do is to prepare the gold coins and some materials. Just click the upgrade button and deduct the materials and gold coins to upgrade. The process starts automatically...

The promotion to a middle-level town only expanded the territory of God Realm Town outwards, and there was more room for construction in the city, and no new buildings could continue to be built.

As early as this morning, the upgrades of the God Realm League and God Realm Town were completed one after another. After spending a fortune of gold coins and materials that hurt him, Mo Xiaoyuan and Li Hong were busy rebuilding the newly-appearing urban open space. Various auxiliary buildings.

However, after upgrading to the Intermediate League, and then wanting to upgrade to the Senior League, the contribution value of the league has been increased several times at once. If you want to continue to upgrade, I am afraid it will take at least half a month this time.

But Mo Xie is not in a hurry. The alliance's development is on the right track of high-speed advancement. What they have to do now is to quickly increase the strength of the combat army and wait for the development of the life army to keep up. In this case, a regular The professional league is on the right track.

Regardless of whether it is the combat legion or the life legion, both are important. While expanding the territory, the combat legion must help the life legion develop more resources and veins.

After obtaining sufficient resources, the Life Corps must quickly produce various powerful props. On the one hand, it supplements the equipment needed by the Combat Corps, and on the other hand, it earns more funds from the outside to ensure the healthy growth of the entire alliance.

Mo Xie stayed in the leveling map, enjoying the steady stream of experience points, while constantly getting news from all aspects and dealing with various problems that emerged in an endless stream.

Now that the Intermediate Alliance has been promoted, someone is responsible for the construction. What he needs to do is to wait patiently and wait for the good news from the base.

In two or three days, the second phase of the base project will also be completed, and the Sunset City factory area that can be used by professional combat players can be put into use immediately.

He just wants to quickly upgrade his level experience and reach the level 50 standard one day earlier.

Because according to the requirements of the system, if the intermediate alliance is to be promoted to the advanced alliance, the leader of the alliance must reach the level of 50.

If a high-level alliance wants to be upgraded to a junior legion, there are no special restrictions on the level of the leader of the alliance, but it is said that whenever a tribe upgrades an alliance, or an alliance upgrades a corps, or even a future corps upgrades a vassal state, it needs to follow the system requirements. , Get a special mission props.

The most important thing now is to upgrade the level first.

When choosing the address of the territory, Mo Xiaolang and Mo Xie deliberately selected the Cuiping Mountain map, which is to fancy the countless leveling treasures around this map, especially the desert map in front, which is refreshed by level 50 elite monsters. Area.

It's just that the level difference is too big now, they have to level up in the 40th map first, but fortunately, there are dense numbers of monsters, the refresh area is connected one by one, and the terrain is open, which is most suitable for large groups to spawn monsters.

Just like now, half of the elite army of the God Realm Alliance gathered in the plain at the foot of the mountain where the giant rock bat king was discovered. Numerous players surrounded the monster spawn area in the center, surrounded by dozens of large and small circles. Continuously launch a intensive offensive towards the monster.

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