The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 811: Settled base

The various tasks of the God Realm League are organized and busy under the arrangement of a group of commanders, and their strength is constantly increasing rapidly over time.

And in these leisurely days, Mo Xie certainly did not forget the development speed of the arrogant alliance.

Although the two sides have reached an agreement on peaceful development and not making trouble with each other, there is no stipulation that we cannot inquire about news there.

Moreover, Mo Xie knew in his heart that those eyeliners hidden in the God Realm Alliance would definitely report all the actions of the God Realm Alliance during this time to Luo Feng.

But he is not a vegetarian. Mo Xiaolang has some buddies hidden in the arrogant alliance, and Brother Hao will send news from time to time to inform Mo Xie about the arrogant alliance.

As early as a few days ago, the Arrogant Alliance had completed their alliance territory, called Invincible City.

From the name of the territory, we can see how much Luo Feng hopes that the arrogant alliance can develop rapidly and become an invincible alliance...

Mo Xie also knew the location of Invincible City very well, but he never expected that Luo Feng did not build Invincible City near the Dragon Mountain Range or the Ghost Mountain Range, but at the top position south of the Dragon Mountain Range. .

Mo Xie had never been to the terrain before, but knew that he had to walk through the map of the General Tomb to reach the location of Invincible City.

From the information learned from Brother Hao and some eyeliners, Invincible City is located in a location called Chaoyang Canyon. The terrain is also very sinister. There are only two passages in the middle of the Grand Canyon, which is a large expanse. The canyon plain, densely covered with rivers and forests, is an environment rich in resources.

Similarly, in such an open map, there are many monster refresh areas.

Since learning about the situation of the opponent's territory, Mo Xie has always felt very curious. Luo Feng will never choose a place as the address of the alliance territory at will. This Chaoyang Canyon must have a greater effect!

I just don't know whether it is because of the advantages of the terrain or because of the abundant resources that the arrogant alliance generals are built there.

Mo Xie asked Brother Hao to continue to inquire about the situation, and at the same time explained that Mo Xiaolang had also figured out this situation as soon as possible, but for several days, there was still no more detailed information.

Gradually, he didn't have the opportunity to ask about Chaoyang Canyon. He just leveled up with the team and never ran around. He just wanted to quickly rise to level 50 and open the teleportation channel to the imperial city to find the holy princess. whereabouts……

Unknowingly, another few days passed, Mo Xie's experience bar was filled again, and at the same time a crisp voice sounded, a gorgeous beam of light fell from the sky, shrouding his body in light.

There is no doubt that the proficient upgrade effect appeared, and Mo Xie finally reached level 47.

The current upgrade speed is getting slower and slower, from 46 to 47, he spent a full 4 days.

At this rate, it will take at least half a month to reach level 50.

But anyway, now he is only 3 levels away from level 50, and he has gradually seen hope.

It was not early, Mo Xie brought up the control panel after upgrading, and after greeting several teammates, he directly chose to go offline...

Standing up from the control chair, he took out a cigarette, he walked out of the studio and walked towards the first floor.

Behind him, the voices of the teammates going offline continued. After a while, the restaurant on the first floor was full of guys waiting for dinner, and Zhou Jianing also came to eat on time.

"Xiao Mo, I have already thought about what you told me last time, and I greeted the company, and they also agreed with your suggestion." Zhou Jianing said with a smile.

"What is it, my advice to you?" Mo Xie blinked, not remembering what he had said.

"What you said last time, let me focus my future work in the virtual world as much as possible. I just made suggestions to the company based on your ideas. I didn't expect them to study for a period of time and think this is really feasible. Yeah." Zhou Jianing said excitedly.

"Oh, it's this, then what do you think of your company?" Mo Xie reacted.

When this suggestion was made, Zhou Jianing has gradually integrated into the management team of the studio. If the superstar is allowed to leave the game and go to work, it will be equivalent to leaving him with a competent assistant, so he is trying to keep Zhou Jianing. .

Unexpectedly, the advice given by chance was actually adopted...

"After a careful study of our company, we did find that, as you said, my current business has reached a bottleneck in China and neighboring countries. Unless I encounter a better work, I can go to the next level. Otherwise, I will stand still and continue It’s a mess. But better works can be met but not sought, so after research, the company found that the virtual world you mentioned does have a lot of room for development." Zhou Jianing said.

"Then they won't let you go back to work?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"Yes, they have already turned down some of my recent ordinary business shows, and are planning a big case." Zhou Jianing said excitedly.

"In other words, Miss Zhou doesn't have to leave the game for the time being." Lianna was surprised.

"It's great, with Miss Zhou here, we can all relax a lot, if you really want to leave, we can't bear it." Ouyang Jiaojiao was even more happy.

"This is really good news. Ms. Zhou can tell you the company. As long as you don't let you go back to work so quickly and you need our help, please don't hesitate to speak." Mo Xiaolang also said excitedly.

"Thank you, but the company plan hasn't come out yet, and I don't know the specifics. Now I am waiting for the company's notification." Zhou Jianing smiled.

"Then what exactly does your company mean, and will you continue to be continued?" Li Hong asked.

"The company's meaning is to let me continue to play first and try my best to improve the level to facilitate their subsequent plans." Zhou Jianing replied.

"I understand roughly. According to my suggestion, your company also thinks that the number of people in the virtual world will be more concentrated, and want to use this big platform to expand Miss Zhou's influence and create a star effect in the virtual world..." Mo Xie's eyes lit up, seemingly Guessed their thoughts.

"It doesn't matter, just let me play for a while, or I will be exhausted." Zhou Jianing smiled with his tongue out.

For Zhou Jianing, the money she made has been exhausted in this life, and now she is encountering an unfinished appearance that makes her reluctant to leave this gorgeous virtual world.

"Don't worry, Miss Zhou, since your company is aware of this, they will definitely try their best to develop the largest resources in the virtual world. Anyway, they will try their best. If you succeed, you don't have to worry about being urged in the future. Going to work."

Mo Xie smiled and comforted.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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