The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 812: Fight for the same cake

Everyone was pleasantly surprised. Since the last visit to the base, all the teammates have been obsessed with the environment there, and they have been moving to hurry up and enjoy the most formal studio environment.

Now finally wait for this day...

"Why, is our combat army work area finished?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

“It’s almost finished. After all, there is the first phase of the project. Uncle Liu and the workers don’t need to spend too much thought. The materials have already been ordered. The renovation is very simple. Our Sunset City is ready. Now there is only a little thing left in the cafeteria and dormitory area, that is, two or three days." Mo Xiaoyuanhui reported.

"Okay, as long as the working environment is completed, we can move over at any time." Mo Xie smiled.

"It's just a pity that such a good villa is empty again." Lianna sighed.

"No, there are two elderly people living here. They finally don't have to help us prepare food every day." Mo Xiaoyu said.

"Yeah, such a good environment makes it great to provide care for the two elderly people. We have to move to work." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"Don't worry, the villa is our home, and the base is our workplace. If you want to rest, you can come back anytime." Mo Xie smiled.

"Xiao Mo, the third phase of investment by several uncles and aunts should also arrive, and we have completed the intermediate alliance construction plan." Mo Xiaoyu reminded.

"Do we have enough funds in the vault now?" Mo Xie asked.

"Currently, the development is smooth. There are a large number of players in God Realm Town every day. From the perspective of various incomes, we can temporarily guarantee the normal operation of the alliance and a small part of the profit. But from the long-term development point of view, we recruit people every day The speed is very fast, and the profit part will not take long to be occupied by the staff salaries and various expenses. It still needs investment to maintain." Mo Xiaoyu replied.

"Is there any other faster way that we can maintain our balance of payments without relying on external investment?" Mo Xie asked.

Financial issues have always been a concern for him, because he has never run such a large stall before, and if something goes wrong, it would be a disaster!

"If we want to maintain a balance of income and expenditure as soon as possible, we can only rely on the development of the Life Corps at present. If they can't bring benefits as soon as possible, we can't rely on the income from the territory at all." Mo Xiaoyu shook his head.

"Yes, Xiao Mo, after all, the territory is too small now, and the profits received can't support such a large army expenditure." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"I see, isn't I going to the base tomorrow? I will talk to Brother Zhao and the others. From my personal opinion, try not to rely too much on external investment. We will return the investment money sooner or later. Accumulating so much investment amount now will be a heavy burden in the future." Mo Xie said in a deep voice.

"What you said is correct, we know what to do." Mo Xiaolang nodded in agreement.

"So from now on, when the number of people in the alliance expands to 100,000, it will slow down the recruitment speed, but it is not not to not recruit people, but to select elite players to join." Moxie said.

"Understood." All teammates replied in unison.

"Also, after coming back from the base tomorrow, I plan to immediately take the elite legion to the Death Desert map to level up, to brush those 50-level elite monsters, and speed up the upgrade." Mo Xie said thinking.

"Since you have decided, you can try it out. If the upgrade efficiency is faster, it is okay to enter the level 50 map development in advance." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

Everyone discussed the major issues of the alliance, grabbing the tableware and enjoying lunch, time passed quickly...

They were busy in the afternoon, until they went to bed at night, everyone was ready to go to the base the next day.

And when Mo Xie had just finished washing and jumped to bed and was about to rest, the melodious ringtone came from the phone, and the caller happened to be the investor behind the God Realm League. God said there should be light...

"Uncle Guang, I just mentioned you today. I didn't expect you to call in the evening." Mo Xie answered the phone and said with a smile.

"Xiao Mo, we have been watching your situation, and we have been waiting for you to call us for the past two days." God said to have light and smiled.

"I understand that the investment conditions have been met, are you waiting for me to ask for money?" Mo Xie joked.

"Yeah, I'm not actively asking for money. It means that you are more successful in business now, so we won't worry about it." God said to have light and nodded.

"We have discussed, in order to reduce the pressure of investment, so we are trying to solve the problem of balance of payments, and plan to say hello to you tomorrow after seeing the situation." Mo Xie said the truth.

"You have thought about this too much. The step-by-step investment plans we have formulated are all carefully considered plans. What you are concerned about now is not to balance income and expenditure as soon as possible, but to use the power of investment to develop and grow as quickly as possible. The investment is too large. Worry, it should be our consideration." God said that there must be light to remind.

"I understand, the uncles are still waiting for us to quickly meet your step-by-step requirements and achieve the final commercial goal as soon as possible, but I am timid and I have never experienced such a big plan before..." Mo Xie smiled.

"You have your considerations, but we have our plans. If the investment is lost, those of us are the most unlucky. You don't have to worry about anything. So I called you so late and only had one request. The investment is in accordance with the regulations. As long as your development meets the requirements of the plan, our money is in place immediately, and then you sprint to the next investment trigger target as quickly as possible, just like you are constantly rushing to the end. We only need efficiency and don’t look at other things.” God said we must have Guang said solemnly.

"Uncle Guang, did you find out something that made you so anxious?" Mo Xie's eyes were taken aback. I didn't expect that the investor would be so anxious and want to promote the rapid development of the God Realm Alliance at any cost. There must be something else here. the reason.

"Mo, let me tell you the truth. Our old classmates are not low in the global business community. We can grasp some situations for the first time. There are not many investors who are investing in some alliances. , And their plan is almost the same as ours, so you can’t slow down the pace of development just because you want to balance expenditures. At that time, some funded alliances will completely surpass you!” God said to have light Warned.

Of the circumstances he said, Mo Xie certainly knew that behind large guilds such as the Arrogant Alliance, the World Alliance, the Brotherhood, and so on, there were strong investors that could rely on.

But it’s not like Uncle Guang, who looks so nervous...

"Xiao Mo, what I'm talking about is not these domestic alliances. They don't realize how strong competition they will face in the future! So you have to listen to us old guys. Once you start, you can only sprint to the end. Never rest!"

God said that there must be a light and serious reminder.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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