The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 813: World business competition

From the mouth of Uncle Guang, Mo Xie finally understood the current situation, and proposed the development plan of the virtual business empire. In fact, it is not the unique idea of ​​a few uncles. Many large foreign groups have begun preparations to build a virtual business empire!

"Xiaomo, the step-by-step investment plan we have formulated is to allow you to develop faster. Whenever your alliance reaches a certain stage and the investment link is triggered, our funds will be prepared for you immediately. Because I'm afraid of spending money and wasting time, this is the biggest waste!" God said to have light reminded.

"I understand. If Uncle Guang said earlier, I won't have this concern." Mo Xie nodded.

"Hurry up and let your financial supervisor contact us. We will send you the funds at this stage. Remember, you must quickly rush to the junior army and start the next round of investment. Don’t If you are afraid of debts, you don't need to save money for us." God said to you, said.

"Okay, I'll say hello to Finance." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"I hope you will develop quickly. We have been staring at you. We are satisfied with everything you are doing now, and we will continue to keep it up." God said to have a smile and hung up the phone.

Understanding what the uncles were thinking, Mo Xie put away the phone, thinking about the situation that Uncle Guang just said.

According to the current situation, the major consortiums in the world have already focused on the unfinished piece of cake. They have invested heavily in the game world to fund those strong professional leagues, so that they can quickly build a strong in the virtual world. The purpose of the site is to occupy a favorable position in the future virtual world.

Once the unfinished cross-regional boundaries are opened and all regions are connected, it will be a huge social platform that has never been seen in human history. With the unfinished attraction to people, some commercial development is under way, maybe The largest business empire in human history will be born!

You know, no matter how powerful a commercial group is, it is impossible to achieve a worldwide monopoly. They all have their own powerful opponents.

Moreover, the law does not allow the existence of monopoly, but in the virtual world, all real laws are temporarily unable to interfere. When such a law is introduced, the virtual business empire has no idea how much profit it has made!

The uncles have seen this and started to plan ahead and use the method of funding themselves to obtain a powerful player group in the virtual world to help realize the vision of a virtual business empire.

To put it bluntly, the uncles are also gambling, betting on whether Moxie and the God Realm Alliance can develop to a corresponding scale. If they can't reach it, their investment is like wasted.

If it succeeds, even if the initial investment is large, it will only be a drop in the future profits!

After fully understanding the situation, Mo Xie immediately picked up his mobile phone, dialed Mo Xiaolang, told him the situation just now, and asked him to tell Mo Xiaoyu, and contact Uncle Guang and their lawyers early tomorrow morning to seek new investment. funds.

"I see, she is asleep, I will tell her tomorrow morning." Mo Xiaolang smiled.

The two ended the conversation, Mo Xie turned off the light and lay on the bed, thinking about things in his heart, and fell asleep unknowingly...

Now the alliance is developing rapidly, and the territory has been expanded to mid-level towns. It will take some time before you want to move forward.

As for himself, most of the tasks on his body have been completed. Most of the other important tasks need to go to the imperial city to find clues. The only task that can be completed within the scope of the sunset city is the task of rescuing the Fire Phoenix and Divine Beast.

This task is divided into two parts, one part is to enter the space of the fire and phoenix beast, trigger a rescue mission, and then help the beast find a safe place to live.

The other part is the need for Mo Xie to go to the vicinity of the imperial city and go to a valley to find the girl of the beast, another Phoenix beast named Fire Phoenix Goddess, hoping to get her help, get a drop of Phoenix Holy Blood to help the Fire Phoenix beast recover Injury.

Now that the first half of this task has not been completed, Mo Xie needs to help the Fire Phoenix Divine Beast find a safe place to shelter.

Although God Realm Town had already been established, there were a large number of them, and the entire City Lord's Mansion was crowded. Coupled with the busy task, Mo Xie almost forgot this task.

But just now, before lying there to fall asleep, he thought carefully about the long list of accepted tasks in the taskbar, only then did he recall the beast's request.

After going to the base tomorrow to see, go back to the Mythical Beast Space, visit the injured Fire Phoenix Mythical Beast, and give him two places to choose from...

Without worry, I slept very sweetly this time, and it was not until the sky was bright that Mo Xie was awakened by the voice of a woman outside the door.

"Xiao Mo, it's almost 7 o'clock, get up and eat and set off." Lianna's excited voice sounded outside the door.

"I know, get down now." Mo Xie quickly got up, rubbing his sleepy eyes and putting on clothes.

After he finished washing, he walked out of the room and came to the first floor. Only then did he find that all his teammates, including Zhou Jianing, were all there, and his excited eyes lit up, looking at Mo Xie who entered the restaurant.

"Xiao Mo, I have contacted the lawyers of the uncles. After a while, I will express the documents and they will transfer the investment amount." Mo Xiaoyu said.

"Okay, my sister-in-law is in charge of financial matters. You can always find me if you have any circumstances." Mo Xie smiled and nodded.

Several beauties helped in the kitchen, and soon put a hearty breakfast on the table. A group of people picked up the dishes and enjoyed it...

After breakfast, the three men smoked cigarettes and walked out the door, standing in the villa garden, waiting for the beauties to go upstairs to dress up, ready to set off.

After smoking, Mo Xiaoyuan opened the garage and drove the car out of the door.

On the opposite side, the handsome bodyguard of the big star also drove out from the gate.

Within a few minutes, I heard excitement cheers, and beautifully dressed beauties walked out of the gate and boarded two cars one after another.

Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang shook their heads and signaled that Mo Xiaoyuan could drive off.

The vehicle started, and two small cars drove quickly towards the end of the boulevard...

Drive all the way out of the gate of the villa area and the residential area, enter the lively urban environment, and continue to move towards the suburbs.

In less than an hour, the two cars had arrived in the familiar abandoned industrial park and quickly approached the location of the base.

Although large areas here are abandoned industrial parks, as time goes by, it has gradually become lively.

Many workshops have been leased out again and turned into large warehouse areas for storing commodities.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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