The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 814: Combat studio completed

Fortunately, the location of the base, located in the innermost part of this industrial area, has not been affected, and it still looks so quiet.

The two vehicles crossed a road, went straight along a trench, and once again came to the door of the familiar base.

As the gate of the base slowly opened, what appeared in the sight of everyone in the car was a colorful garden scene...

When I visited last time, there were only empty flower beds and a few big trees in the factory.

And now the flowerbed is full of lush flowers and plants.

Even places where there were no flower beds, such as under the corners of some buildings, are now being built with a large number of flower beds.

At first glance, the gate looks like a flower exhibition, which is particularly beautiful.

"What a beautiful garden, is this also made by Thunder Security?" Ouyang Jiaojiao asked in surprise.

"Yes, they are also busy arranging rooms and moving equipment during this time. They helped us build these gardens when they were free." Mo Xiaoyuan smiled.

When the vehicle started, two vehicles drove in front of each other compactly and entered the gate.

As the two cars parked in the security center parking lot on the left side of the door, the big men in uniforms immediately raised their hands to salute, making everyone wonder how to respond.

A few big men in suits walked out of the security center, headed by Manager Wang, who was in charge of security.

"Mr. Mo, you are finally here, our security measures are in place, and the contract has officially begun to be fulfilled." Manager Wang said respectfully.

"Well, very good, and thank you for helping us to green the base." Mo Xie smiled and nodded.

"Mr. Mo is out of sight. Those of us will stay here for a long time. This is our temporary home. It's normal to dress nicely." Manager Wang laughed.

"Then we won't interrupt your work. Today is just to see the progress of the renovation. Maybe we will move all over in two days." Mo Xie said with satisfaction.

"Mr. Mo, after you move over, we will start to set up the information of the personnel. Everyone's information will be entered into the chip, and your fingerprints and pupils must also be archived to facilitate our security protection. Manager Wang said.

"What you need to do at that time, it's all up to you, as long as you ensure safety." Mo Xie nodded, and led a group of partners to the base...

The long row of buildings on the right hand side, in addition to the renovated security center in the first phase, the canteen and dormitory in the second phase, and even the apartment building where the core members live, the exterior walls are all painted, and it looks like a new building The things are exactly the same, and more exquisite and luxurious than before.

And there are still many workers who are doing final installation work in these buildings, and some curtains and indoor facilities are also in rapid preparation.

"Yes, all the logistics facilities have been completed so soon, we can move in at any time." Lianna said with a smile.

"This is already the second phase of the project, the workers are already skilled, the materials and all aspects are also prepared early, of course the decoration will be fast." Mo Xiaolang explained with a smile.

Looking at the row of logistic buildings on his right, now quickly entering the stage of use, Mo Xie was also extremely satisfied.

If the logistics facilities are renovated so quickly, the speed of the studio should be even faster.

He led a group of people to move forward. The first row of workshops were the living studios that were already in use. Now the gates of gold coins, and the tall windows, you can see the neat environment inside.

But it was already online time, so the base seemed very quiet, and no other players were seen.

When the group of people walked through the living studio, a few beauties looked curiously through the windows and found that apart from a few aunts hired to clean up, there were indeed no players moving around.

"It's so quiet, don't Brother Zhao know we are coming?" Li Hong asked suspiciously.

"In order not to disturb them, I didn't notify them." Mo Xie smiled lightly.

"No wonder..." Li Hong turned around and followed the three beauties to move forward...

Turning to the first factory building, you can see the wide basketball court between the two factory buildings. But now the basketball court has been redesigned as an indoor court, and half of it has been divided out as a fitness area, with all kinds of fitness equipment...

"This is..." Mo Xie couldn't help but be extremely curious as he looked at the indoor court constructed temporarily with boards, with so many equipment.

"These are all the fitness equipment brought by Brother Zhao's people. It is convenient to exercise while playing games. Uncle Liu helped them build this gym at a low cost." Mo Xiaoyuan explained.

"That's okay, like we lie down and play games every day, we really need to exercise." Mo Xie nodded, and the group walked around the gym, not far in front, the destination finally appeared...

The second huge factory building was revealed, and it was no longer the dilapidated appearance seen for the first time, but was transformed into a brand new large building.

I saw that the original red brick walls were all covered with new terracotta stone bricks, and the huge glass windows were also double-glazed, and they were wiped to be extremely bright.

The weeds on the roof of the building are now brightened as new.

The entire factory gate was replaced with a brand new electronic lock, and a plaque hung on the top of the gate with three large characters...Sunset City!

According to their last request, this new studio was indeed named after Sunset City.

"Hurry up and take a look at our new studio." Zhou Jianing excitedly took three beauties and rushed towards the door of the factory...

Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang walked behind, looking at the road under their feet. They were all paved with new stone bricks, giving them a simple and luxurious feeling.

"Yes, the actual effect exceeded our expectations. I have the urge to move over today." Mo Xiaolang looked around and couldn't help laughing.

"Don't worry, according to my plan, I am planning to move over after level 50, and the candidates for entering the base are still uncertain. There are only a few of us in such a large studio, which is too wasteful." Moxie said. .

"What's wasted? Let's come over first and identify the candidates to be stationed in the studio one by one. We will absorb all the middle and senior management to facilitate unified command. If our alliance is truly professional, this is something that must be done well." Mo Xiaolang replied.

"That's okay, you can arrange this matter." Mo Xie thought about it, and agreed with him.

The conversation with Uncle Guang last night made them all think clearly, and the God Realm Alliance must be stabilized as soon as possible in order to gain a favorable position in the competition.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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