The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 815: The third stage project

With an excited smile on his face, Uncle Liu quickly walked up to Mo Xie.

"Uncle Liu, you have worked hard during this time." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Mo, don't be so polite, you are taking care of your old uncle's job. I thank you for being too late. I only hope you can be satisfied with the decoration." Liu Shu said quickly.

"How is the situation here now, how many days will the second phase of siege be completed?" Mo Xie asked.

"You have also seen that the main project has been completed, now it is some finishing work, as well as some decoration matters, which can be completed in one or two days." Liu Shu said.

"Great, do I need to delay it for two days before it can be used?" Mo Xie looked at the brand new decoration, worried about harm to the human body.

But he has understood the current situation, the progress of the development of the God Realm League will affect the final commercial competition, and that is a day and cannot be wasted...

"You don't need to delay two days. The materials here are all enveloping types. There is no harm in ventilating for a day and night, so feel free to move over." Liu Shu understood his meaning and replied immediately.

"That's fine, we will be ready to move in when we go back today." Mo Xie was excited.

"By the way, Xiaomo, if you are satisfied with the second phase, can the third phase start immediately?" Uncle Liu asked expectantly.

"Of course, the third phase of the project must also be entrusted to you." Mo Xie smiled.

"Okay, I want to finalize this matter today. It just happens that I can save a lot of labor and materials, but I don't know, what do you want to transform into the third phase of the siege?" Uncle Liu asked with bright eyes. .

According to Moxie's initial setting, the life studio and the combat studio are the most important links. The core issues related to the normal operation of the professional league must be resolved in advance.

But Mo Xie didn’t get all the renovation plans for the last factory area. Originally, a place was reserved for supplementation. But now it seems that the Life Legion and the Combat Legion have been accommodated. What about the last factory building and several buildings? He didn't even think about the transformation.

"What is the third phase of the project..." Mo Xie stood there, thinking in his heart.

"Xiao Mo, your design only has the first two phases, how do you plan to do it later?" Mo Xiaolang asked curiously.

"Actually, I have never thought about how to transform the remaining factory area, but a phone call from Uncle Guang last night made me seem to understand something... Uncle Liu, the third phase of the project helped me transform the last plant into a multifunctional The office space, each room is three times larger than the current working area, and it must be able to meet the online requirements as well as the requirements of commercial office." Mo Xie said thinking.

"Commercial office building? Why are we doing this?" Mo Xiaolang asked in surprise.

"Have you forgotten, what is the ultimate goal of the uncles' investment?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"Commercial development... Do you want to start preparing for commercial operations now? But our task is just games." Mo Xiaolang was still puzzled.

"The game is just our mission, but if we don't prepare, do you want to watch our results be picked for others?" Mo Xie asked.

"You mean, once we meet the requirements of the uncles, you also want to share some of the commercial value from it?" Mo Xiaolang said with wide eyes, suddenly realized.

"That's the case, so I have to build the commercial area in advance to see what those uncles want to do. We can just follow along, and change it to a commercial building, which can also give us more space to avoid overcrowding at that time." Mo Xie Smiled.

"Your idea is good, I agree." Mo Xiaolang said with a smile.

"Then how to transform the remaining three buildings?" Liu Shu asked.

The remaining three buildings, originally residential buildings for family members in the factory, are seven-story buildings with one stair and two households, which are the most difficult sites to renovate.

"Don't be so troublesome. Renovate those three buildings according to the original layout and keep them as our residential buildings." Mo Xie smiled.

"I'm going. There are more than 40 three-bedroom apartments. Although each apartment is not big, we can't live in it." Mo Xiaolang said in surprise.

"Of course you can live. Don't you and your sister-in-law want to live in a two-person world? Besides, our management can't not get married. Those who have a family can't move to the base. Now that they have a house, they can take it with them. Family members are here." Mo Xie smiled.

"You still think more thoughtful than me. As long as they have a house, they can live in the base with their families. Now our command team can finally gather together!" Mo Xiaolang was surprised.

"That's it. The three buildings are all refurbished in the original state. There are many infrastructures such as natural gas heating. They will serve as the family building of our base." Mo Xie said thinking.

Nowadays, more and more professional players have homes and rooms, especially the core management. Because they are unwilling to leave the family, they generally refuse the guild’s centralized residence requirements. If they are close to the studio, they will run to work. , Work at home altogether far away.

In this case, it is actually very detrimental to the command team, and some news cannot be notified at any time.

So Mo Xie decided to spend a sum of money to repair the residential building and use it as a family building for the studio.

If necessary, he also plans to rent a house in the city and ask someone to take care of the children of the studio members so that everyone can go all out to maximize value in the unfinished business.

Because he understands very well that only by helping his subordinates solve their worries, can they give full play to their abilities and allow the God Realm League to move forward at the fastest speed...

Mo Xiaolang immediately understood Mo Xie's thoughts, and couldn't help admiring his courage and methods in his heart, so he approved of his plan.

"Okay, now that Xiao Mo has decided, we will start the reconstruction of the third phase of the project immediately." Liu Shu said excitedly.

"Uncle Liu, busy yourself, let's take a look." Mo Xie smiled and waved goodbye, and began to check the entire situation of the fighting studio.

The construction of Sunset City is more exquisite than the never-night imperial city. Perhaps because the workers have experience and Uncle Liu is more familiar with materials, the second phase of the project is better than the first phase in terms of quality and effectiveness. The project is more satisfying.

At this time, the beauties had already rushed to the third floor excitedly and were checking their future office space.

Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang also came to the third floor, looking at the luxurious office area on the far left, which is where they will work from now on.

It is said that two control chairs can be connected in parallel with each other.

Even if the chat system cannot be used in the game, they can also talk directly through external connections, eliminating the trouble of making phone calls...

Looking at the brand-new workspace, the smile on everyone's face shows that they are very satisfied with it.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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