The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 816: On the right track

Mo Xie took a few teammates to check all the second phase of the base project. From the first floor of the combat studio, he kept carefully seeing the third floor. Everyone was very satisfied with the environment here.

Brand-new workshops and a variety of brand-new facilities, as well as ample space for events, offices and meeting rooms are all available.

After watching the studio, a group of people, led by Mo Xiaoyuan, happily went to the public building area.

The public building area of ​​the second phase of the project includes the garage, dining hall, dormitory, fitness room, recreation room and a five-story apartment building.

The garage is located behind the canteen. It is an open space where hundreds of small cars can be parked at the same time. After a simple renovation, the weeds and dust inside are gone. Instead, it is replaced by a parking lot with various horizontal lines.

The canteen is also very spacious, which can accommodate more than two hundred people for dining at the same time. The kitchen is spacious and all auxiliary facilities are in place, except that the boiler is still under commissioning.

The second phase of the project is more expensive than the first phase of the project, just above the auxiliary facilities such as the canteen and fitness room. Because a lot of equipment and electrical appliances have to be purchased, the cost this time is twice more than the last time.

Upstairs from the canteen are specially designed construction rooms and entertainment rooms, and even a bathhouse.

The construction house is located on the second floor and has a spacious space of more than 200 square meters. It has been renovated and equipped with many treadmills and various construction equipment.

The third floor is where the entertainment and baths are located. The so-called entertainment room is actually very simple, a large theater, and a chess and card room full of card tables.

The bathhouse is also very simple, with two or three large baths, some shower cubicles, and some small beds for lying and resting.

A group of people were surprised to see the bathroom in the canteen and were very satisfied with the environment here.

"This is too careful, I am afraid it will cost a lot of money." Zhou Jianing said in surprise.

"These are all auxiliary facilities. After all the players are stationed, I'm afraid it will not be enough." Mo Xiaoyuan replied with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, if the auxiliary facilities are set up a bit, everyone can take it with ease, and can work hard in the game with all their strength. Besides, as long as our business is up to the standard, the money will be small." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"Let's go, go and see the dormitory building again." Mo Xie was satisfied with the environment here, and turned to the stairs.

Walking out of the entertainment building, there is a large dormitory building next to it. After refurbishment, this building is no longer the dilapidated building seen last time. All the exterior walls are shining, the damaged windows and doors are all replaced, and the railings are also removed Replaced with a new one, the whole building looks like a newly built house.

Going up from one side of the stairs, everyone carefully looked at each floor. Each dormitory is equipped with four small beds. The whole building can accommodate hundreds of people.

And now, the first floor has been fully given to life players, and it has been officially used.

After seeing the dormitory building, Mo Xie led people to inspect the last building of the day, with the office attached to the apartment building.

This building has only five floors. The lower three floors are all office space, and the upper two floors are six three-bedroom apartments. This has been positioned as the office and living space of the core commander.

In other words, the office building here will soon be the headquarters of the God Realm League, and the six apartments above are also designated as the core residential areas.

Mo Xie plans to give Mo Xiaolang and Mo Xiaoyu to live in one of the apartments. The remaining five apartments include him and Mo Xiaoyuan, as well as Zhou Jianing’s handsome bodyguard, and the other two are given to three beauties. And Zhou Jianing assigned by themselves.

As for the extra apartments, they are reserved for players who will be promoted to core management in the future.

Coming to the entrance of the headquarters building, Mo Xie couldn't help being surprised when he looked at the newly renovated high-rise building.

Only the former factory area can have such a large space. This time, it can cost a small price to win the lease of this factory building. Everything depends on Zhou Jianing's influence.

From this point, he also understood that the real world is still the same, if you want to get things done, it doesn't matter if it doesn't matter.

So this time, when I heard that Zhou Jianing was going back to work, Mo Xie helped her out and let her stay as much as possible.

With Zhou Jianing's status, you can do many things you can't imagine in this place...

At the very least, she can make complicated things easier.

Mo Xie told everyone about the apartment allocation plan in the building, which immediately sparked cheers...

"Okay, now we finally have our own apartment, and Brother Wolf and his sister-in-law can also close the door and live their little days." Lianna said with a smile.

"Do I have a share too? Great. I would rather live here than live in such a big villa. It's so boring." Zhou Jianing said in surprise.

"Let's choose the apartment first..." The beauties rushed into the hall with a smile, and rushed straight up the stairs...

"Xiao Mo, now our foundation is ready. Next, we must step up development so that the studio can start to make a lot of profits." Mo Xiaolang couldn't help but become extremely excited as he looked at the new offices.

It took only such a short time to leave the Mo Family Guild, and he found that his current starting height was far greater than when he was in the Mo Family Guild!

And his dream is also being realized step by step...

He wants to build a super guild, he wants to lead the super guild to defeat all domestic alliances, he wants to rush out of the country, and lead the elite team to sweep players from all over the world...

This dream was something unimaginable before, but now, he has discovered that everything is possible!

"We don't have to go up, and we will go back after they get down in a while. If we are ready to move these two days, we can come over at any time." Mo Xie smiled.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Mo Xiaolang nodded excitedly.

The two lighted a cigarette and ran around the office area on the three-story building at will. They found that Uncle Liu was very careful and had already divided the office areas in advance, which looked a bit like the office environment of a large company.

However, the two knew in their hearts that the office building currently only represents the image of the God Realm League, and they are mainly developing in the virtual world, and the studio is where they often stay.

After a while, the footsteps and excitement of the beauties came. They also finished reading the apartment and were discussing how to decorate their new home.

"Okay, that's the end of today's visit. I will go back and finish the alliance's affairs in the past two days, and move in the day after finishing the packing here." Moxie said.

"Okay." The beauties nodded in excitement.

Everyone walked out of the office building gate and headed towards the base gate...

After passing through the never-night imperial city, Brother Zhao had already learned the news in the game. All the bosses came to check and accept the second phase of the project. He also hurriedly brought several core management members of the Life Corps offline to meet Moxie and others.

It is inevitable for the two parties to be polite.

Mo Xie was about to inquire about the current situation of the living studio, but this time he happened to meet, so he asked in detail...

Brother Zhao knew the situation of the Life Corps very well, and answered his questions one by one.

After asking, Mo Xie felt very satisfied.

Since the Life Corps moved to the base, after a short break, these life players who use games as their jobs are very clear that they must create benefits as soon as possible to satisfy the boss.

In addition, Moxie had already prepared sufficient mineral veins and sites for them, and these commanders contacted all the life players in the sky and the north, stepping up the work of training their skills.

The miners spend all their online time collecting ore, thereby quickly increasing the level of mining skills.

The manufacturing players use the most basic manufacturing map to continuously produce waste items to improve the manufacturing level and learn more advanced manufacturing maps.

After a few days, most of the players' mining levels were above the intermediate level, and many advanced miners appeared.

And the players in the manufacturing category have also elevated the manufacturing book to an advanced level.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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