The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 821: Scorpion ferocious

Moxie asked a team of players to draw out their mounts and take him along, and move on towards the monster refresh area in front.

Although he thought that there are three ways to break quicksand traps, but the most reliable one is to kill monsters to obtain props.

As for the sand dunes and the surrounding ground, the possibility is very slim, but they cannot stop searching.

Under the leadership of more than a dozen players, a group of people hurriedly marched towards the center of the desert. In just a few minutes, their group encountered the threat of quicksand several times. The mounts leading the way were plunged into the desert one by one. People trembled in their hearts.

Fortunately, Moxie asked them to recruit only a group of mounts to explore the way at a time, and then recruit them immediately after death. They explored all the way, stop and go, and finally moved forward for two or three kilometers, and came to a large area of ​​black monsters densely covered. The edge of the area.

I saw that in the flat desert ahead, ugly sand scorpions covered in black armor and two or three meters tall were wandering in groups.

Their bodies are covered with black armor, a pair of huge iron tongs shining with a faint black light, there are two sharp guillotine knives on their mouths, their tails are raised high, and a cloud of black venom is condensed on the poisonous needles. Fall to the ground.

Looking at their ugly shapes and small red eyes, Mo Xie felt his scalp numb.

Especially seeing the purple names on the heads of these desert poisonous scorpions, these guys are already elite monsters over level 50!

Yellow Sand Scorpion Elite Ordinary Monster

Level: 51

The attack has a poisonous state for 5 seconds, and it loses 50 HP per second. The state cannot be superimposed, and there is no resistance time

Note: The poisonous monsters unique to the desert, once surrounded by them, the consequences will be disastrous.

Moxie deliberately took the players closer to the edge of the monster refresh area, and checked the attributes of a poisonous scorpion from a distance. Upon seeing it, he felt even more headache.

Due to the level difference, he couldn't see the specific blood volume of these monsters, as well as the attack and defense attributes, but only the information that could be seen was enough to make people speechless.

Each of their attacks is accompanied by a poisonous state, and the state time is up to 5 seconds, and it will lose 50 points of blood per second!

In other words, once players are hit by their attacks, the high amount of magic damage from level 51 elite monsters is inherently difficult to bear, and they have to face their poisonous state...

An attack plus toxic damage is likely to knock out about half of the player's health. If two monsters lock the attack, then even if the player is not killed immediately, the health bar will only have a little blood!

Mo Xie hadn't planned to pester these unprovoking monsters, but now he was forced to do nothing.

He was determined to pay attention, as long as he could find a way to crack the quicksand, he would stay away from these poisonous scorpions, and never level up here.

At this time, a large group of dark shadows in the distance kept approaching, and the large group finally spawned towards the monsters in batches to gather. They also experienced at least two or three quicksand attacks along the way. Everyone's face was full of fear, Once quicksand will appear at your feet.

But up to the present position, no one has won the lottery, and it is time to pass safely.

After all, this is just entering the quicksand desert map. The further forward, the more likely the quicksand traps will appear!

So the key now is to find a way to solve the quicksand traps, at least to be able to predict where the quicksand traps will appear, or else the number of casualties will be too big...

As the large forces arrived in batches and gathered at the periphery of the monster spawning area, the players looked at these hideous giant poisonous scorpions, and their eyes widened.

Some players have already explored this map and have seen the power of these poisonous scorpions, so they will inform the rookie companions who have never been here in the team about their attack methods and movement speed.

"What... they move fast?"

"I'll go, the tail hook spews venom to attack, I thought it was an attack with those pair of iron tongs."

"The two guillotine knives on their mouths also look very powerful."

The players whispered, all attracted by the 51-level elite monsters that appeared in front of them.

This is the first time players have entered the advanced field map. Faced with monsters above level 50, everyone wants to see how powerful they are.

"Pay attention to the attack formation, adjust quickly, and start to attract monsters in five minutes." Mo Xie stood there, already issuing a combat readiness command.

The players immediately calmed down. In accordance with the team's monster hunting tactics, the shield fighters stepped forward and stood their shields on the sand to form a semicircular defensive formation.

The berserkers gathered on both sides, and the archers and wizards stepped forward, leaning against the shield warriors.

The army of summoners raised their staff together, gathered the summoned beasts on the side of the berserkers, ready to take over the shield wall defense, to ensure the safety of the large forces, once the battle situation is stable, the summoned beasts will also come forward to participate in the attack.

The medical corps was scattered among the crowd, restoring blood volume for players who lost blood at any time...

Various formations have been lined up. On the huge desert plain, a huge half-moon-shaped queue is standing quietly, waiting for the official start of the strange.

"Great, I checked a lot of sand dunes, but nothing was found. The surrounding sand was also checked like a carpet, and no peculiar settings were found." The voice of the God Realm Dragon Soul came.

"Then there is no need to check. The answer is definitely on the monsters. Come over and help clean up the monsters." Mo Xie's eyes lit up. Since neither of these two clues were found, the system can hide the auxiliary items. Killing monsters broke out.

"Understood." The God Realm Dragon Soul replied, calling those players to gather to the large army.

"Prepare to attract strangers, be careful of the shield wall and be safe. If you can't hold it, withdraw immediately, and the summoner will protect it carefully." Mo Xie ordered loudly.

"Yes." All the branch leaders answered in unison, immediately relaying the order.

The front row of shield walls opened one after another, and a group of shield fighters swarmed out and quickly approached the area where the monsters gathered...

As soon as they rushed to the range of 5 meters from the monsters, these shield warriors were brandishing long swords and warhammers, and yellow halos flew towards the poisonous scorpions that were still wandering back and forth. They immediately jumped out of their heads attracting hatred. Status icon.


Suddenly numb sounds sounded, and the eyes of a large group of black poisonous scorpions were shining, and the enemies who dared to alarm them were immediately locked on. The eight long slender feet moved quickly and rushed toward the shield soldiers.

"Introducing less for the first time, and withdraw!" Mo Xie looked at the situation from a distance, and saw that hundreds of monsters were attracted by hatred, so he immediately ordered.

"Understand." The shield warrior stopped rushing forward, turning around to lead these monsters back quickly.

The shield wall opened again, the crowd rushed into it frantically, clanging metal sounds sounded, and the shields were tightly closed to block the rushing monsters outside.

Puff puff!

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