The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 822: How to crack quicksand


Everyone didn't react, they saw a flash of black light, and the poison sac in Mo Xie's hand flew directly to the God Realm Dragon Soul aside!

After the poison sac hit his chest, it burst open instantly.

Black ink splashed on him, turning his whole body black, and at the same time a poisonous status icon appeared on his head, and the 50-point damage number jumped continuously...

"Boss, you are..." The God Realm Dragon Soul looked at Mo Xie inexplicably, not knowing what he meant.

"I'll try the effect of the poison sac, don't be angry." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Wow, this poison sac can attack even one's own people?" The **** of death said in surprise.

"No, the whole body of the dragon soul has turned black. This poison sac is really strange." The God Realm said in surprise.

"Except for less damage, this poison sac is still good, you can use it for pranks." God Realm Wutian smiled.

"This thing is so disgusting, why can't it be sticky?" God Realm Dragon Soul reached out his hand and grabbed a layer of vinyl on his chest. This thing turned out to be stuck to his body, and it couldn't be pulled. Drop.

"Don't get it on your face, it will disappear in 24 hours." Mo Xie understood the role of the poison sac, and couldn't help but reminded with a smile.

"No way, such a long time?" Everyone's eyes lit up and everyone was surprised.

"I also get a poison sac to see who is not pleasing to the eye and throw it on his face, making him unable to see people for a day." God Realm said with a frantic smile.

"You don't know, to deal with quicksand, I'm afraid it can only be found with a poison sac." Mo Xie already knew the meaning of the system setting, so he reminded with a smile.

"Boss, how does the poison sac deal with quicksand?" God Realm Wutian asked doubtfully.

"According to my guess, as long as a quicksand trap is found in the future, and the poison sac is immediately thrown in, it is equivalent to marking the quicksand trap. In the future, no matter where it appears, the time of the day will be displayed in black. In this way, players can Prevent the emergence of danger in advance." Mo Xie thought.

"Ah... that's it!" A group of players suddenly realized.

"But we need enough poison sacs, so we can only waste time here." Mo Xie said helplessly as he looked at the large swarms of poisonous scorpions wandering in the distance.

After the previous confrontation, the players already knew how powerful these poisonous scorpions were, and it was indeed too difficult to deal with them.

I just killed more than a hundred poisonous scorpions experimentally. If you want to level up here, you have to attract at least thousands of monsters at the same time to ensure the efficiency of the large troops' experience acquisition.

If it's just a small-scale attracting strangers, then leveling here, it would be more comfortable to return to a low-level map.

"Knowing the boss, we will try to collect as many poison sacs as possible, and then set off." God Realm Dragon Soul nodded.

"I'll take a break off the assembly line first, and come here later in the afternoon. You hurry up and collect the props here in batches." Mo Xie nodded, watching that the time had passed 12 o'clock, immediately called up the control panel, and hurried off the line to eat.

Fortunately, a way to crack the quicksand has been found, and then only enough poison sacs need to be collected, and this dangerous map will lose its threat to the players.

With a flash of white light, Mo Xie's vision gradually faded, and it was completely dark in the next second.

Waiting for the helmet to rise slowly, Mo Xie rubbed his eyes and stood up from the control chair. The teammates around him had already been offline.

He hurried down the stairs to the restaurant on the first floor. Everyone sat at the table, waiting for him.

"I said Xiao Mo will go offline on time." Lianna smiled and handed him the dishes.

"If you don't go offline, I'm going to call you." Ouyang Jiaojiao smiled.

"Something was delayed just now, but now we have found a way to crack the quicksand desert, and we can all enter this dangerous map in the future..." Mo Xie informed all his teammates of the harvest.

"Damn, the system is so insidious, and there are such settings..." Mo Xiaoyuan blinked and said in surprise.

"This will be the case for advanced maps in the future, let's overcome it slowly." Mo Xie motioned for everyone to start.

"Xiaowei, I heard that you are going to move to the office building, when will you leave?" Dad Mo asked.

"Just a few days later, you and your mother will stay here, and we will come back often." Mo Xie replied.

"You have to be on time when you move out to eat," Momma told.

"Know that, so many of us have to eat, don’t worry, you can call me anytime if you have anything in the villa. Anyway, it’s not far away. If you want to go there to play, I will ask you to come and pick you up. OK." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Yes, you are welcome to visit the base to check work at any time." Lianna nodded and said.

"Well, your career is important. We have nothing to say. The villa environment is good. We usually have nothing to grow flowers and wander around. We can also go back to our hometown to find neighbors in the neighborhood to play cards. You don't have to worry about us and concentrate on doing a good job." Mo Dad nodded with satisfaction.

During this period of time, the two elders have watched their children become more and more mature, and the game business seems to be getting more and more prosperous, so they gradually feel relieved and don’t have to worry about their children’s future...

A group of people chatted with the old man and enjoyed lunch. Time passed quickly.

When the table was cleaned, the teammates returned to their homes to take a break and prepare for the afternoon work.

Mo Xie stood alone on the balcony on the third floor, quickly finished a cigarette, waited until some of the food in his stomach was digested, and immediately went to the game world...

He has more important things to do...


The beam of light descended on the slowly yellow sand, and Mo Xie returned to the desert map again. Not far away, a large number of players were still leading the poisonous scorpions to siege, but only half of the number remained, and the other half was offline. I went for a meal rotation.

And the number of poisonous scorpions they attracted was twice as much as the first time, and they were struggling to fight these powerful monsters.

Mo Xie took a look, and immediately took out the City Return Scroll, and after using it, he chose to return to Sunset City, his figure turned into white light and disappeared again.

This time, he will set off from Sunset City, head to the southern forest, and look for the space of the beast again...

Returning to the main city, once again teleported to the vicinity of the city gate. After mobilizing the mount, Mo Xie began a long journey, rushing out of the city gate and rushing into the field map, all the way to the forest map...

After an hour of non-stop running around, Mo Xie finally came to this familiar forest map, looking for the ancient tree hiding the passageway.

After running for more than ten minutes in the forest, he returned to the dense grass under the tree, jumped off his mount and walked into the grass, and found the pitch-black hole in the dark.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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