The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 827: Wasteland Map

This time also several mounts were swept away by the quicksand that suddenly appeared. Fortunately, God Realm Wutian reacted quickly and threw a poison sac with a wave of his hand.

It fell into the quicksand immediately, dyeing this piece of quicksand into a pitch black color, and will not automatically return to its original state until 24 hours later.

Seeing this piece of quicksand sucking away a few mounts, it actually slipped away quickly in front of the players. After wandering around in the desert in the distance, it actually returned to the side of the player team, seemingly wanting to launch a surprise attack.

"I'm going, is this a monster or something that I brought it to play like this?" a player said silently.

"Everyone, be careful, don't relax your vigilance just because there is a quicksand, all around the team are cautious." Mo Xie has understood the settings of the system. Although these quicksands are set as natural phenomena, the system has given it a certain amount of intelligence. As long as the players are nearby, these quicksands will not go far...

The team was cautiously guarding the surroundings, and quickly approached the large unit that was training...

After ten minutes of fast marching, in the large desert ahead, a crowd of black and heavy people reappeared. A large force surrounded hundreds of sand scorpions and launched an attack. The scene was very lively.

It's just that the poisonous attacks of these poisonous scorpions are really headaches, and the magical damage is not what players can resist now, so the number of attracting monsters is not many each time, and the efficiency is terrible when leveling up.

If it wasn't for collecting poison sacs, players would never waste time here.

"The boss is here, how many poison sacs are needed, we really can't stand it here." God Realm said madly and silently.

"Yes, killing monsters here is too slow." God Realm Wutian nodded.

"After playing for another two hours and collecting a thousand poison sacs, we will begin to explore a new map and find the next leveling venue." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Great, let the people from the Dragon Soul come quickly, and we will also worship the beasts." God Realm Wutian said excitedly.

Mo Xie held his staff, stood in the crowd, and joined the firepower output of attacking the poisonous scorpions. Looking at the ugly black poisonous scorpions, the blood volume on his head continued to drop.

In less than half an hour, in the direction of the map import, the Dragon Soul of the God Realm had already returned to the map with a part of the players who had returned to the city to enshrine, replaced the army led by the three gangsters, and continued to deal with the poisonous scorpions.

With the death of the poisonous scorpions, the number of poison sacs increased. Mo Xie knew that these poison sacs were enough to explore the entire desert map.

Now just wait for them to come back, gather the whole team, and then continue to explore forward.

"Great, we are preparing the poison sac to find out where the quicksand traps are. In case the further you go, the more quicksands there will be. Just knowing their locations is not enough. We have to find a way to completely destroy the quicksand." Dragon Soul asked questions.

"I've thought about this issue a long time ago, but now we can't figure out what the quicksand trap is. The scorpion set by the system only gives us poison sacs. If you want to know the real situation of the quicksand, then Exploring forward, there will definitely be some clues." Mo Xie explained lightly.

"Understood, it means that the plot set by the system requires us to fully understand it from other places in this desert or from another monster." God Realm Dragon Soul's eyes lit up.

"That's what it means. There must be a way to crack the system settings, and this method is around and not very far. Don't panic when you encounter trouble in the future. If you panic, you will easily get confused. I can't find a way to solve the problem." Mo Xie reminded.

During this period of time, as long as he was with the large forces of the God Realm League, he would always stay with a group of middle-level commanders, chat with them, and start to cultivate the judgment ability of these commanders.

In the future, there will be more and more people in the God Realm League, and Mo Xie urgently needs a large number of helpers who can stand alone to help him manage the huge alliance.

Time passed quickly, and the alliance command channel also began to lively.

"Xiao Mo, are you still reclaiming wasteland on the desert map?" Lianna started to ask after finishing her work.

"It's still in the desert, and the wasteland will be officially opened soon. Do you want to come together?" Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, I want to come too." Zhou Jianing quickly signed up.

"I'll come too." Ouyang Jiaojiao also nodded excitedly.

Hearing that the desert map will be developed soon, all commanders are full of curiosity about the terrain of this quicksand desert, and even Mo Xiaolang said to come over immediately...

The entire core team management, except for Mo Xiaoyu and Mo Xiaoyuan who are busy with financial affairs and base relocation, almost all are heading for the desert map.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Sister Hong took four beauties and followed Mo Xiaolang to the large army. At the same time, they also brought a large group of ordinary legion players. The whole desert was suppressed by the gods. Armies...

"Our scale is getting bigger and bigger. This time it's an overall action. Don't be ashamed of Xiao Mo." Ouyang Jiaojiao said with a smile.

"Don't worry, let's first divide the specific situation here and the exploration direction of each legion in detail." Mo Xie led a group of commanders around the city, using a scepter to draw traces on the sand, and each commander How many people led by the official, where to go, and how to deal with quicksand traps, were all allocated in detail.

"I see, our three troops go forward together, and in the afternoon we will explore most of the maps of the quicksand desert." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"Be careful of the quicksand, the poison sacs can only mark their locations, but you can't decipher them." Mo Xie warned, and asked the God Realm Dragon Soul to divide the poison sacs into three parts and hand them over to the commanders of the three units for distribution.

"What if we are surrounded by quicksand traps?" Li Hong asked with some worry. She and the three beauties are about to lead one-third of the army to explore the desert map on the left.

"If you encounter this situation, there is nothing you can do. I have observed that although the quicksand traps are terrifying and have a large attack range, each attack does not seem to exist for long. It seems that these quicksands are also restricted by the system. The length of time, so once surrounded by them, it must be for the loss of some brothers, but as long as the quicksand retreats, you quickly break through, and don't stay in one place all the time." Mo Xie warned.

"Understood, these **** quicksands, we must find a way to deal with them." Lianna said.

"Then get ready to start now." Mo Xie waved his hand, and the commanders were divided into three groups. He, Mo Xiaolang, and Li Hong each led a team, and according to the designated direction, immediately led the mighty three large forces. , Go forward separately...

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