The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 828: Quicksand is a monster?

Exclamations kept ringing in the desert. Although they were psychologically prepared, the three legions have encountered constant danger since they embarked on the journey of exploring the desert.

On both sides and in front of the team, the guard players were surprised to find that the groups of mounts that were preventing the emergence of quicksand were constantly being swallowed by the desert. They quickly reminded them loudly and kept throwing out the poison sacs they prepared in their hands.

Pieces of yellow sand were dyed black and flowed back and forth across the long desert. Everyone watching was nervous.

As more and more quicksands are marked, you can see a piece of flat yellow sand, with countless black areas like swarms of fish, running back and forth in the desert!

"Damn, so much quicksand!" Lianna was too scared to stay in front.

"Next to our team, there are always four or five pieces of quicksand closely following. How can this be quicksand, it looks like a monster!" Ouyang Jiaojiao said.

According to the continuous news from the three legions, Mo Xie was also in deep thought...

Just like the beauties exclaimed, now even he is beginning to doubt that the existence of these quicksands is not that simple, they have a certain degree of intelligence, and they may be the existence of special monsters!

"Everyone, be careful, don't let the quicksand come near. No matter how threatened they are, we will continue to move forward and we will definitely find a way to deal with them." Mo Xie comforted, ordering the legions to continue to follow the designated route and continue toward the large unexplored desert area. Row.

As the players continued to move forward cautiously, on Moxie's small map, the area that was originally covered by a large black screen was gradually being swept away one by one, and the endless khaki desert area could not see any abnormal settings.

And those quicksand traps, as Moxie predicted, although they can always harass the player team, but the time for each attack is very limited. After swallowing some mounts, they must leave far away, and after a while, run again. Followed the legion, and then swooped up again.

"Mo Da, we have already calculated that the duration of the quicksand attack is only 5 seconds!" The Dragon Soul of the God Realm has long received Mo Xie's order to keep him focused on the news of the quicksand attack and figure out some specific rules of the quicksand trap.

"It's really 5 seconds... Then how long is their attack cooling time?" Mo Xie asked excitedly.

"Every time they attack, they will stay in the distance for a period of time, about five minutes or so. This is estimated to be the cooling time of the quicksand attack." The Dragon Soul of the God Realm has a strong data analysis ability, which makes up for the defects of the Moxie number barrier. .

"The attack state is 5 seconds, the attack cools down for 5 minutes, and the attack range is about 15 meters..." Mo Xie pondered the characteristics of these quicksands.

"It's not right, it's huge, their attack range is 20 meters in diameter. Anyone in this area will be swallowed by them." God Realm Dragon Soul added.

"Understood, tell my brothers this data, and be careful of their attack range." Moxie said.

"Understand." The God Realm Dragon Soul nodded, sharing the data obtained during this period of time with all the players of the God Realm League.

At this time, everyone knew the characteristics of quicksand's attack. As soon as they saw those familiar dark shadows rushing from a distance, they carefully avoided their attack location and range. Only the sand on the ground was flying, but no more Few players are caught in it...

And the role of the poison sac is very obvious. These quicksands will be dyed black whenever they appear. Gradually, the quicksands that appear around the players are directly marked as black, and new quicksands that do not appear.

"Boss, there are a total of 27 quicksands around us." The Dragon Soul of the God Realm observed the situation outside the legion and reported with a smile.

"How is the situation with Brother Wolf and Sister Hong? Do you know the numbers of Quicksand?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"I found more than 30 quicksands here." Mo Xiaolang replied silently.

"There are also more than 20 on my side. The old people circled around us, and the annoyance is so annoying. You quickly find a way to deal with them." Li Hong said anxiously.

"Don't worry, we can already confirm that these quicksands are not natural phenomena, and there are monsters hidden in the desert that we haven't figured out yet!" Moxie said.

"What... these quicksands are formed by monsters?" Lianna exclaimed.

"My goodness, if these quicksands were monsters, how big would they be!" Ouyang Jiaojiao said in surprise.

"Couldn't it be the sand monsters in the movie, there is no such thing as eyes with countless tentacles..." Zhou Jianing's voice was already shaking with fright.

"No matter what monster it is, as long as you figure out its weaknesses, I will immediately find a way to deal with them." Mo Xie nodded, and his brain turned quickly.

If it is the sand monster that Zhou Jianing just guessed, then these monsters are not searching for enemies with their eyesight, but tracking them based on the voices of players on the desert ground...

In any case, Mo Xie had already thought of a plan to deal with them, but he didn't know if he could succeed...

But now the army he leads, surrounded by quicksand ambush, has stopped for a long time and has not moved on.

The situation of the other two legions is similar. If you no longer want to solve the danger of quicksand, I am afraid that the three legions will be spent here today!

Moreover, this is an endless desert plain area, which is only the beginning stage of the entire map. If you want to explore the entire quicksand desert, there are more terrains waiting to be opened.

There is no time to wait.

"Dragon Soul, you bring two branch brothers, try my method and see if you can find these hidden things in the desert. If it is a monster, it will be much easier to deal with." Mo Xie whispered.

"Boss, do you have a solution?" God Realm Dragon Soul asked in surprise.

"I had an intuition just now. If these quicksands are caused by monsters, then they have not surfaced. How did they sense our existence? That must be by sensing the surrounding vibrations, so you take your brother to do it this way... …" Mo Xie immediately told his new assistants about the plan he thought of...

"Okay, I'll do it right away." The Dragon Soul of the God Realm was so excited, he immediately issued an order, and took thousands of brothers from the elite legion through the crowd quickly, heading to the area where the quicksand gathered the most on one side. Seventeen or eight quicksands circling back and forth...

Thousands of elite players followed the Dragon Soul quickly through the entire legion team to the end on the right. They just emerged from the crowd. In the large yellow sand in front, the shadows hovered back and forth on the sand. The players could only Thousands of people line up to release their mounts every minute, which is barely blocking the rapidsand attack.

And this tactic of using the life of the mount to delay time, as Mo Xie said, is definitely not going to last long, and the weakness of the quicksand must be found as soon as possible.

"Brothers listen to me, prepare shovel and wood..." The Dragon Soul of the God Realm had learned of the new test method from Mo Xie, and immediately ordered.

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