The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 831: Complete treasure map of the underground palace

Notifying the news to the brothers of the whole alliance, Mo Xie put the broken picture into the package and donated the unnecessary equipment to the alliance warehouse.

Now he has understood that the existence of the quicksand mirage not only guards the desert, it also hides the treasure map.

But what is the Golden Sands Palace makes Mo Xie even more curious...

In three places in the desert, the three groups of players are working together to deal with the mirages. Although they can't continue to move forward, the players' interest in killing these is still very high.

Half an hour passed quickly, and bursts of cheer and laughter sounded from time to time in the Alliance Channel, and the players continued to wipe out one by one.

Moxie’s mailbox is even more lively. Anyone who kills the player who gets the broken picture will immediately send a copy of the broken picture to his mailbox...

Mo Xie was not in a hurry to check, he waited with peace of mind. After all the mirages were killed, how many broken pictures could be found, and could he collect a treasure map of Jiufen.

And he was also guessing in his heart, is the number of mirages in the entire desert map set by the system to a fixed number, can it continue to refresh after being killed?

In other words, the mirage is, after all, it cannot be refreshed as quickly as ordinary monsters. After being killed, there must be a long cooling and refreshing period, and its number is also limited, not everywhere.

In this case, after the three legions have killed all the existing mirages, and then explore the desert map, there will be no quicksand blocking them. At least for a long time, they can move forward safely without worrying about the quicksand appearing again.

Time passed quickly, and while Mo Xie was waiting peacefully, good news came one after another...

"Boss, all monsters have been killed, there should be no fish that slipped through the net." The excited voice of the Dragon Soul of the God Realm sounded, and the periphery of the players' team finally calmed down.

"Very well, check the surrounding situation carefully, the large forces continue to advance." Mo Xie nodded and ordered.

Under his order, the players continued to use their mounts to open the way in front, and the large forces set off again in a mighty force...

It didn't take long before the commanders of the other two legions also sent a message, telling Mo Xie that all the mirages on their side had also been cleared, and all the treasure map fragments were sent to his mailbox.

While Mo Xie asked them to continue on their way, he curiously asked the number of mirages killed by the other two legions.

As a result, the sum of the numbers killed in the three directions unexpectedly reached 100.

A total of 100 mirages were killed. Is this number coincidence or inevitable?

Mo Xie is not sensitive to numbers, but likes to use his brains to study the system settings. He guessed that in the entire quicksand desert, there would be only 100 mirages. Now they have been attracted by all three legions and have all been killed. Up.

In other words, before all the mirages are refreshed next time, the people of the God Realm League should not encounter quicksand again in the desert.

But this is just a guess, and it will take time to prove...

According to the set exploration route, the three legions all began to move forward, and the shady scenes of the desert maps were constantly swept away...

After walking for more than ten minutes in a flat desert wasteland, the next monster spawning area finally appeared again. Large black monsters in the middle of the desert gathered at the end of the players' sight.

But after walking such a long distance, no quicksand appeared.

At this moment, Mo Xie confirmed his guess even more. The mirage was annihilated by the group just now, and for a while, players don't have to worry about the threat of quicksand.

He opened the mailbox and began to check the long list of newly arrived emails, which were all fragments of the treasure map sent to him after the players killed the mirage...

But just opened the mailbox interface and looked at 98 new mail messages, Mo Xie was stunned.

For 100 mirages, except for the broken picture that I got, according to the number, 99 emails are correct. How can there be 98?

Did someone kill the mirage but didn't turn in the drawing?

Or is there a mirage that did not reveal a treasure map?

He is not sensitive to numbers, but he can't calculate a simple question wrong...

But having said that, there are now 98 mails, plus the broken picture in the package, he just got 99 broken pictures, if Jiufen is unified, it will be exactly 9 complete treasure maps...

It turned out that the system was set up in this way. Only by killing a batch of mirages, you can just collect nine complete treasure maps.

Mo Xie took out all the mails, and started to sort out the fragments of the treasure map while following the big troops.

In fact, you don't need to bother too much. Just after these broken pictures enter the package from the mailbox, they are immediately divided into nine broken pictures by the system.

Remnant map of the Sands Underground Palace...Remnant map...Remnant map...

Mo Xie took one copy of each of the nine kinds of broken pictures and put them all on his hands to make a piece...


Right in front of his eyes, a progress bar quickly jumped out, filled up and disappeared again, and the Jiufen incomplete picture in his hand flashed instantly and turned into a complete sheepskin scroll.

Treasure Map of the Sands Underground: System props. Open the scroll to open the secret map route to find the entrance of the Sands Underground.

Note: The Sands Underground Palace is extremely dangerous. Please do not enter if the strength is lower than 55. It is the best choice to go in a team.

Looking at this scroll of sheepskin scrolls, Mo Xie was pleasantly surprised. Although quicksand brought a lot of trouble, it was an unexpected gain to be able to get this drawing.

"Look, this is a complete treasure map." Mo Xie immediately informed all the core members of the news.

"The treasure map of the Sands Underground Palace, where is it?" Lianna asked curiously.

"Yeah, I don't know what this underground palace is for, and the system is said to be very dangerous. We are afraid that we will not be able to go now." Zhou Jianing said.

"The system is very clear. Please don't enter if you are below level 55. The monsters in this underground palace are probably above level 55!" Mo Xiaolang said.

"Now we are very struggling to deal with monsters above level 50, even at level 55," Li Hong said.

"Or, let's figure out what's going on in the Golden Sands Palace first, and then wait until level 52 or 53 to check it out?" Ouyang Jiaojiao suggested.

"I have the same idea. First explore the desert map, find a suitable place to level, and then step up to improve the strength, and then go there to see if there is a chance." Mo Xie nodded, thinking already in his mind.

Since this Golden Sands Underground Palace is so treacherous, maybe those who must know about it.

Ask the general anode or others, maybe you can know some exact news...

After finishing the conversation with his teammates, Mo Xie looked forward, slowly facing the yellow sand, a large black spot appeared again.

As the large forces continued to move forward, the monster refresh area in the second desert got closer and closer, and the monsters like black dots gradually revealed their true shapes.

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