The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 832: Horrible Serpent


The moment they saw the monsters ahead, in front of the entire legion team, there were bursts of exclamations among the players. It seemed that the players were all shocked by the monsters they saw...

"A lot of rattlesnakes!" a player shouted nervously.

"Isn't it a rattlesnake? It's not a strange thing in the desert. What's so surprising." A player behind said disapprovingly.

"What do you know, look at this rattlesnake..." The players in front were obviously not convinced, and they took a screenshot directly...


At this time, all players in the league were shocked by the monsters on the screenshot and exclaimed...

I saw a, no, a group of huge black giant snakes in the yellow desert, hovering there with their heads high, spitting out a long snake letter, a gray scaled body, as terrifying as a giant python!

The size of any gray rattlesnake, but the raised body is two or three meters high, this is the most frightening place.

"My God, such a big rattlesnake?"

"This is a snake, it's a boa constrictor."

"You're right, this kind of size can swallow us alone in one bite, so how do you hit them in a while?"

There was a lot of discussion on the Alliance Channel, and the players were frightened by the monster's body.

Mo Xie was also very surprised. After entering the level 50 elite map, the settings he experienced and the monsters he saw were completely different from the previous maps...

Is it possible that elite monsters over level 50 are set to such a large size, just like a poisonous scorpion?

When I first saw the poisonous scorpion, the players were still relatively new. Now the second type of monster, the level 52 rattlesnake is so big, it is already a bit unacceptable.

Perhaps from now on, the monster settings in the map have been completely different from the low-level maps...

"Xiao Mo, we have found the monster refresh area at 53. Did you find anything there?" Mo Xiaolang's voice sounded.

The three legions were divided into left, middle and right directions to explore separately. Mo Xie was the left legion, Mo Xiaolang was the middle legion, and Li Hong was the right legion.

The three major legions bypassed the scorpion spawn area and proceeded in three directions respectively. Relatively speaking, the middle legion should be the fastest to move forward, but the threat of quicksand affects the speed, so there is news now. Came.

"We have also found new monsters to refresh, but we still don't want to level up with our large forces, look at it." Mo Xie shook his head and sent out the screenshot.

"I'll go, it's not small, but it's a poisonous monster. It's really not suitable for leveling. The level 53 monster we found is a bit higher, but it doesn't look as terrifying as you." Mo Xiaolang laughed, the same. Send a screenshot of a newly discovered monster...

Against the background of the yellow sand, a large black and bright strange monster immediately entered Mo Xie's eyes...

His eyes were dumbfounded. He didn't expect the level 53 monster to be a group of giant black ants!

These black giant ants are shrouded in black luminous hard armor, with six long legs, and two large scimitar-like iron tongs on both sides of the mouth!

The screenshot sent by Mo Xiaolang is relatively close, and you can see the fuzzy names on the heads of these giant ants...

Desert King Ant Elite Monster 52

"You try to deal with these king ant monsters. If you can fight easily, you can tell us immediately." Moxie said.

"Understood, we will immediately start the team offensive." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"Sister Hong, haven't you found it yet?" Mo Xie asked.

"Not yet, I will tell you as soon as I find it again." Li Hong replied.

"Then let's try the power of these giant snakes first to see what the situation is." Mo Xie smiled.

Following the large forces, they continued to walk through the spacious desert and approached the dense monster refresh area in front. The players were surprised to see that huge rattlesnakes gathered there like small forests, waiting for the players to die...

As the large forces slowly approached the edge of the monster refresh area, they wanted to see the names of these giant snakes, but they also entered the monsters' guard area at the same time...


Almost for an instant, strange sounds were heard neatly in the desert, and they were continuously heard from the monster spawning area.

"Look, those giant snakes are wagging their tails, and the sound is coming from there!" a player shouted in horror.

Everyone understood that the rattlesnake was wagging its tail, warning the enemy not to approach anymore...

The huge giant snakes have very big tails. When they shook like this, almost the entire desert was filled with grit, like the bell of death ringing...

"Damn, boss, I feel bad." God Realm said with a little fear.

"They are too big, we can't deal with it." God Realm Wutian also followed a little helplessly.

"It's okay, we just try their power, if we can't deal with it, we will leave, it's no big deal." Mo Xie said comfortingly.

The sound of Didi Di continued to sound, and the giant snakes raised their heads high, their blood-red eyes staring at the large group of players...

"The shield warrior prepares, the front row of shield wall protects!" Mo Xie ordered.

"Accomplished." The shield war commander conveyed the instructions, and all the shield soldiers from several subgroups rushed out from the crowd. Amid the clanging of the shields, everyone quickly fought in a row, juxtaposing the shields in their hands. , Forming a high shield wall with two layers of shields.

No way, the giant snake is too big and can only use a double-layer shield wall, otherwise they can't stop their attack at all.

"The attack sequence is in place, just like the last time you dealt with the poisonous scorpion. Don't attack rashly until you know how the snake attacks." Mo Xie said loudly.

"Obviously." The legion team immediately began to take action. According to the requirements, various professional players stood in designated positions, waiting for the shield soldiers to open the monster...

Seeing all the legion phalanxes lined up, Mo Xie nodded, and the God Realm Dragon Soul immediately issued instructions.

The shield wall opened, and a group of hundreds of shield warriors rushed out, quickly approaching the edge of the monster spawning area, and began to send taunting skills to the nearest swarm of giant snakes.


Hundreds of yellow light groups flew towards the giant snake group, hitting the bodies of these monsters one after another, and an icon of hatred appeared on their heads.

And when these shield warriors started to use their taunting skills, they actually rushed into the attack range of the giant snake, and saw countless giant snakes shaking their tongues suddenly, and a black water column gushing out from their big mouth!


When Mo Xie watched these giant snakes launch an offensive, he understood that this is another poison like a poisonous scorpion attacking a monster, and it is also a magical long-range attack method...

But what he didn't expect was that the venom attack of the poisonous snake was much more powerful than that of the poisonous scorpion.

The shield warriors who hadn't waited for their skills to retreat one after another, and countless black water jets fell rapidly in mid-air, hitting hundreds of shield warriors behind them, and immediately wrapped them in black venom.

Their retreating figures suddenly stopped moving, their steps were still in the air, but they could not fall.

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