The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 833: Petrified Serpent

Looking at the hundreds of shield warriors who came forward to attract strangers, they couldn't avoid even the monsters' attacks, and they seemed to be frozen. The speed of retreat collectively stagnated, and the blood volume above their heads suddenly increased. Down...


The giant snakes also chased up, opening their mouths one by one, facing the hooded soldiers...

In the horrified eyes of the players, hundreds of shield fighters were instantly swallowed by one or two hundred giant rattlesnakes!

Numerous damage figures kept popping out of the giant snake’s mouth. After successively encountering magical damage and toxin attacks, the shield warriors had not much health. When they were swallowed by the giant snake, their health was finally cleared and the screams continued. It sounded, and the white light group floated slowly in the air!

"I'll take it. The magic skills have poison status and petrification characteristics, and then they can swallow players!" The God Realm Dragon Soul exclaimed.

"Don't be so scared, it's actually just two types of attacks. Launch an attack and rescue the remaining brothers!" Mo Xie commanded loudly.

He could see clearly that the venom attack of these giant snakes was more damage than that of the poisonous scorpion, but it had an extra petrification function, which made the players unable to move for three seconds while being poisoned.

As for this raw swallowing skill, it's just like a monster's normal attack, but the system makes the effect too scary. To put it bluntly, it's not that powerful.

Under his instructions, the players immediately recovered from their shock, and the shield wall quickly moved forward to resist the impact of the giant snake. At the same time, the shield opened, allowing the remaining shield soldiers who had just been released from the petrified state to enter a safe zone.


There was a continuous sound of sour screams in the ears, and a large group of strange snakes hovered, holding their heads up and spewing black water jets into the shield wall.

The shield warriors held their shields to resist the attack. As the water column tilted on their shields, all the shield warriors who encountered the attack had their shields turned black first, and then spread all over their arms along their arms. Everyone was petrified.

Mo Xie can see clearly now that the bold purple names on the heads of these giant snakes have actually told the players to be careful of these guys who can cause petrification...

Petrified Serpent Elite Monster 52

It is a pity that players are all attracted by the huge size of these giant snakes and their vocal tails, and they completely forget the meaning of their names.

"The shield wall resisted, and the summoned beasts and melee professions surrounded and attacked. Let's kill these giant snakes first to see what they can burst." Mo Xie immediately ordered.

"Understand." The players recovered from their shock one after another, and stepped forward to surround the giant snakes separately according to the previous attack method.

Immediately afterwards, the long-range legions also lined up their attack formations, respectively locked on the front row of giant snakes, and the firepower output instantly turned on...

Arrows and magic roared across the sky, rushing towards the heads of giant snakes surrounded by players and summoned beasts.

Although these giant snakes are all 52-level elite monsters, their attack type determines that they cannot withstand such a density of firepower coverage, especially the physical attacks of arrows and warrior assassins are the most powerful and can be easily taken away. They have a lot of health.

And their attack, apart from spitting out black water jets, was to open their mouths and swallow the players in one bite...

If their devouring skills cannot kill a player's health, within three seconds, they will open their mouths and return the player to the original place, as if nothing had happened.

Among the crowd on the ground, only the guy who just got out of Shekou, trembling all over...

Knowing the attack mode of the giant snake, all players gradually eliminated their fear and began to attack with all their strength.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, they are elite monsters, they have more attack modes than ordinary monsters, and now they are swallowing and toxin attack." The God Realm Dragon Soul comforted the brothers and rushed to the front to direct the battle.

Mo Xie stood behind, he deliberately handed over on-site command to these middle managers, so that more and more high-level commanders could be trained.

Now this God Realm Dragon Soul is a qualified commander that he slowly selected after the establishment of the God Realm League.

After all, the family business of the God Realm League is getting bigger and bigger. It is impossible to have to deal with everything by yourself and a group of teammates. In the future, more new commanders must be promoted, and it is best to be a talented person.

The more such talents, the less pressure on Mo Xie...

He stood there, and now he did not speak as much as possible, did not participate in combat command, and delegated authority to these middle-level managers to direct themselves.

Watching the players cooperate tacitly to deal with the giant snake, he has become more and more large-scale guilds, this is what makes him most gratified.

You must know that the true rise of the God Realm League was only after defeating the orcs to siege the city last time, and it was not long before now.

The recruitment speed is extremely fast. Mo Xiaolang and the beauties are busy leading new players to learn team cooperation every day. At present, the effect is very obvious.

Now the players of the God Realm League need only actual combat cooperation. Only after experiencing more battles will they continue to grind their shape and their combat strength will become stronger and stronger...

Mo Xie was very fortunate that this choice, taking all players from the alliance into the desert map, happened to allow all the brothers to practice countless times in actual combat.

"Xiao Mo, we have already begun to deal with the Desert King Ants. These monsters are of the warrior type, with high physical attacks and defenses, and low magic defenses. Our shield fighters can barely stop them." News from Mo Xiaolang also came immediately. .

"Understood, our side is not easy to deal with, then first set the leveling location as yours. After we explore the map, we will gather at the level 53 monster refresh area." Mo Xie nodded.

"Understood, see how the Red Beauty and others are going." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

Now the situation of the two legions is probably clear. The giant basilisk on Moxie is reluctant to level up with the team, while the monster level over there is higher, but the type is very suitable for long-term monster farming and leveling.

The only thing that hasn't heard from is that there are more than 30,000 members of the Third Army led by Li Hong and a few beautiful women.

I don’t know what kind of monster refresh area they are about to encounter...

While watching the players struggle to kill monsters, while waiting for news, time passed quickly without knowing it.

Accompanied by the cheers of the players, the first giant snake was finally emptied of its blood bar by a concentrated fire attack. The huge body crashed to the end, and a black halo rose into the sky.

"What's the discovery?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"Boss, still equipped with props and a poison sac." The God Realm Dragon Soul immediately sent a screenshot of the poison sac he found.

Looking at the screenshots of the props, Mo Xie understood that the poison sac exploded by the giant snake was exactly the same prop as the poison sac of the scorpion.

Whether it is a poisonous snake or a poisonous scorpion, the system is set on the desert map, and the monsters burst out poison sacs after killing the players.

Only this kind of poison sac can mark the threat of quicksand and prevent players from suffering too much loss.

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