The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 843: Magical mine spirit

The Dragon Soul of the God Realm was ordered to adjust the deployment. In the desert wasteland ahead, a large swath of white light rose up, and countless players disappeared into the white light.

They have returned to the territory, and then rushed to the right legion to support, looking for the entrance to the ore and desert treasures.

"I'm going by too, you'll go back with me first." Mo Xie took out the scroll and said.

"Okay." The two beauties nodded.


The beam of light flashed, and the three figures disappeared.

After returning to the territory, Mo Xie immediately mobilized his mount, and the three of them rode on a ride and continued to rush towards the outside of the city...

After such a long time, the players of the three legions in the desert never encountered the threat of quicksand again. This also shows that Mo Xie’s guess is correct. The mirage, as a systematic plot, has successfully completed its mission, and never again Won't show up.

Rushing into the desert map, Mo Xie kept moving forward to the right.

At this time, he also received a message from the Mo Xiaolang Middle Route Army. According to the method of closing their eyes and rushing, they also rushed out of the edge of the desert, and a large area of ​​Mirror Lake appeared in front of him...

Before Mo Xiaolang and the others were near the shore of the lake, Mo Xie told him all of the situation, so that he did not need to continue to explore, and now they could all return to the territory and head to the right legion to explore with all their strength.

You know, the desert terrain is very huge, although it is only one of the routes, but because of the existence of those mines, the entire exploration route will be stretched countless times. The more manpower, the faster all the mines can be explored.

Now half of the left-wing legion's manpower has been allocated, and the other half of the manpower has returned to the territory after the lost brothers return, speeding up their journey far behind Mo Xie.

All the way through the large yellow sand, bypassing the dangerous monster refresh area, according to the screenshot of the map sent by Li Hong, Mo Xie is moving forward at full speed...

After walking through the vast yellow sand, climbing up and down the sand dunes, standing on the ridge of a sand mountain, in front of the eyes of Mo Xie and two beautiful women, a large and magnificent map of sand mountains finally appeared.

And the black spots of countless players are looking around on this vast sand mountain map to determine the location of the sand mountain that hides the veins.

With so many sandy mountains, only one percent of them have mineral veins. It is a very troublesome task to distinguish each one.

But no matter how much trouble you have to do, the players have no other way. They can only check the sand hills one by one. If they find that there is a hole in this sand hill, they will send people to explore one by one, and it is definitely a leveling. The map is still a mine with hidden veins...

"Let's go down and take a look." Mo Xie saw the current situation clearly at a glance. It is indeed a very cumbersome task to find more than a dozen mineral veins in such a huge group of hills.

With such a large terrain, even if there are 100,000 horses, it takes at least a few days to identify the mine as soon as possible.

He couldn't wait for such a long time.

The three of them quickly slid down from the sand **** and continued forward...

Passing around the sand dunes, Mo Xie got in touch with the commanders. Several beauties and a team of people were waiting for him in front.

Ten minutes later, Mo Xie rushed between the two hills, and a large number of players gathered in an empty area in front of him.

"Mo, here." Lianna waved excitedly.

"Why did you bring the princess and dragon girl?" Ouyang Jiaojiao asked suspiciously.

"They will come out and have a look, what's the situation now?" Mo Xie asked.

"Don't mention it. From the treasure map, we determined that the place where the veins are hidden is here, but who knows that such a large piece of terrain here is all sand dunes, it is too troublesome to find them one by one." Zhou Jianing said silently.

"Xiao Mo, I have divided the team into hundreds of sub-groups and divided the search range according to the terrain. It should be faster." Li Hong said.

"This is right, but the manpower is still not enough. I have asked Brother Zhao to lead the mining division of the life team. They have heard that they are more experienced in finding mineral veins." Moxie said.

"In fact, how can it be so troublesome, I have a way to ensure that I can find the locations of all the veins before dark." Princess Zixin suddenly said.

When she spoke, Mo Xie was immediately surprised, but the others were inexplicable, with a look of disbelief...

Such a large hilly terrain is almost the size of the entire low-level map, and 100,000 players dare not say that they can find all of them within two days. This fairy princess has a really big tone.

"Your Royal Highness, what good idea do you have?" Mo Xie asked excitedly.

"Master En Gong has forgotten. You borrowed all of our Elf Clan partners to mine. You haven't come back yet. If you let the mine spirits come here, finding mineral veins will not be easy." Princess Zixin reminded.

"Yes, mine spirit! How did I forget them!" Mo Xie's surprised eyes lighted, and it suddenly dawned on him.

The number of these mine spirits is not large, only about a hundred. It was the first time I went to the Dragon Mountain Range and discovered the underground city of the mining area. These mine spirits were also enslaved by the Protoss to help collect ores.

After he rescued Princess Zixin and the imprisoned elves, the miners followed to take refuge in the Ghost Mountains.

This time to welcome the princess and the queen to meet, the mine spirits were spotted by Brother Zhao as soon as they appeared. Or maybe Mo Xie asked the elf queen and the princess to intercede, and finally borrowed all the mine spirits to help mine veins, so as to provide more for the manufacturing army. Ore practice.

Now when Princess Zixin reminded, Mo Xie instantly understood that the greatest ability of the mine spirits was not mining, but the ability to discover mineral veins.

It is said that as long as there are mineral veins hidden in the map where the mine spirits are located, they can find these veins in the first place, and then hide inside to build their homes.

Moreover, these mine spirits use ore as food, and their level is not the same as that of the player. As the mining proficiency increases, the level increases, but according to the quality of the ore they eat, they gradually improve their various strengths.

According to some official introductions, mine spirits and some peculiar auxiliary elves have unique and interesting settings, including some brief introductions about mine spirit upgrades.

Don't underestimate these little miners who only mine. They mine for survival. Once they find high-level mineral veins, they take root and continue to mine and upgrade. One day they will become a fierce monster when they step out of the mine. Thousands of troops and horses are not regarded by it.

As for what kind of behemoth the miner will become in the future, the system did not give a detailed introduction, but said that the type of ore eaten by the miner will affect its future changes.

But these are not what Mo Xie cares about right now. He hurriedly chatted with Brother Zhao privately and asked their people to bring all the mine spirits and report to the desert...

"It's really so powerful, can the Mining Spirit tell where there is ore at a glance?" Lianna asked in disbelief.

"Mineral spirit does not distinguish minerals by eyes, it uses its nose, and it can smell the ore." Princess Zixin replied with a smile.

"No, you can still use your nose to smell the ore?"

Ouyang Jiaojiao couldn't believe it.

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