The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 844: Magical Sands Mountain

Seeing that none of his teammates could put forward an effective proposal, Mo Xie also knew that this matter was impatient and must be studied slowly.

But it was not too early, so he simply asked all players to go offline and rest temporarily, and after dinner, he came to explore the location of the entrance to the underground palace.

Fortunately, the Divine Realm League has been upgraded to a mid-level alliance. The online time of all members has been strongly supplemented. Everyone has 2 more hours of game time every day. This is a huge advantage. They have enough time to slow down. Explore slowly.

"Let’s go offline first. Maybe you can just turn your mind a little bit and figure out a way sooner." Mo Xie waved his hand to give an order, and brought up the control panel, and directly chose to leave the game...


The white beam of light kept shining around the sand mountain, and players left the virtual world one after another, filling their stomachs for now.

Standing up from the control chair, the surrounding teammates also started to get up. Mo Xie took out a cigarette and handed it to Mo Xiaolang next to him. The two of them walked to the stairs with their cigarettes in their mouths.

"This matter is really strange. Why doesn't the system give us the direction of the entrance to the underground palace?" Mo Xiaolang was still thinking about it.

"Don't think about it, come to think again after eating, thinking about it now, it will only make the brain tired, maybe there is a way to rest." Mo Xie smiled.

"It's better for your kid to think broadly, okay, eat first before talking." Mo Xiaolang shook his head, temporarily throwing this matter out of his mind.

The beauties quickly caught up behind them, and went downstairs first to help the elderly prepare dinner.

After a while, everyone was sitting in the dining room, and the star and her bodyguard also rushed over to dine on time.

At Moxie's request, everyone did not mention this treasure, and started moving with peace of mind...

To quickly resolve the dinner problem, Mo Xie waited for Mo Xiaolang to put down his chopsticks, then pulled him out of the gate and came to the front garden of the villa.

Looking at the golden beach and the beautiful lake in the distance, the two of them smoked a cigarette and looked into the distance, at the same time lost in thought.

"Xiao Mo, is this possible? The system sets the location of the treasure and it is not difficult to find, so it is not marked out?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"I thought about this, but the actual situation is that the area of ​​the sandy mountain is too large, and the distance to the foot of the mountain is too long. Even looking for pieces of the ground is very troublesome, and it is not a simple setting." Moxie said.

"Then do you have any ideas?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"In fact, in the game, I have some doubts, but there seems to be something that I didn't think of, so I don't think about it for the time being, and I will think about it after the rest. Now I can tell you what my doubts are... Mo Xie frowned and said.

"You kid, I've found out long ago!" Mo Xiaolang looked at him in surprise.

"In fact, it is not difficult. The treasure information given to us by the system is underground palace treasure, but why is the whole mountain empty? I found a place but there is no entrance. Just like what you said, the entrance location must be easy to find, but it must Find the right place." Moxie said.

"Have you already determined something? Just say it if you think about it." Mo Xiaolang's eyes lit up and he seemed to have guessed something.

"Since it is the underground palace, the exit must be above the underground palace. Since there is still a lot of underground palace space in the mountain, the entrance is most likely hidden at the top of the mountain, not at the foot of the mountain." Moxie said.

"This is possible, but what if you can't find it on the top of the mountain?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"Just now you said that since the system did not mark the location of the treasure entrance, it can only mean that this place is easier to find, and the foot of the mountain is surrounded by mountains. This is an extremely difficult location to find, so the entrance cannot be in the mountain. Under the feet." Mo Xie analyzed.

"Is it impossible on the hillside?" Mo Xiaolang asked thoughtfully.

"It's even more impossible. The area of ​​the hillside is scary. If we don't give us the coordinates, even hundreds of thousands of people may not be able to find the entire mountain." Mo Xie shook his head.

"Okay, since you have paid attention, what are we waiting for? Go online and look for it." Mo Xiaolang said excitedly.

"Let's go, the two of us will take a look first. They have to take a bath and change clothes, and they also need to exercise. We don't wait for them." Mo Xie said with a smile.

The two immediately walked back to the villa, called Mo Xiaoyuan who was watching TV, and the three walked towards the stairs together.

"The two bosses, the deployment of the base is already fast, please make preparations." Mo Xiaoyuan said with a smile.

"I see, let's finish the more important things first, and then consider the move of the base." Mo Xie nodded.

One day later, Mo Xiaoyuan stayed there to supervise the cleaning and sanitation work. The entire studio and office rest area have now been cleaned almost. The next few days will be the purchase of equipment and the confirmation of staff to settle in.

But for Moxie, the most important thing now is to figure out the situation in the underground palace and see what more important role it has for the development of the alliance.

He wants to quickly start the rapid development stage of the entire God Realm League after entering the base, and will not give any competitors a chance to approach.

Because Mo Xie knew very well that the financial strength of the God Realm League was too weak, and the strength of the combat legion was even more worrying. Therefore, it was necessary to accelerate development in areas where it had advantages to ensure that the strength of the entire alliance was always in the forefront.

The three quickly returned to the attic and lay directly on the control chairs to start the landing game.


Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang appeared on the sand **** almost at the same time, and there was a crowd of people at the foot of the mountain, there were countless white lights flickering, and players were constantly logging into the game.

"Let's go, according to your method, find the best position first." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Go to the top of the mountain." Mo Xie nodded, and the two climbed to the top of the high sandy mountain together...

The sandy mountain, which is more than one thousand meters high, is already the highest terrain Moxie has seen in the desert. It is very difficult to climb up.

Because the sand here is fluid, it is a big pit when you step on it. If you don’t pay attention to it, it will slide down the hillside along with the quicksand and fall directly to the foot of the mountain.

The two of them climbed carefully, like two small black spots on the magnificent golden sandy mountain, constantly approaching the summit slowly...

This sand hill, there is still shady on the map that has not been opened, so everyone does not know its name, but as the two guys continue to climb, the last piece of shady disappears continuously, and the small map shows two big characters... ...Sands!

There is another mountain character hidden in the darkness on the other side of the mountain range, but with these two characters, Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang are convinced that this is undoubtedly the place they are looking for.

As time passed, the beauties went online one after another. The two climbed for almost half an hour before they finally climbed to the top of Jinsha Mountain...

The top of the mountain is actually not wide, a narrow strip of three to four meters, and a steep sand **** on the other side.

Mo Xie led Mo Xiaolang as far as possible to the center of the ridge, looking for a suspicious entrance.

Soon, the two of them were surprised to find that their two light spots had just walked to the location of the sand of Jinsha Mountain at the location shown on the small map.

And there is a square and wide platform at the foot, and the terrain seems a bit strange.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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