The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 845: Level restricted entrance

At the center of the ridge in front of them, the two of them actually found a large square platform, which immediately made Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang excited.

Because the square platform in front of you can be seen at a glance that it was built by man, if it were formed naturally, it would definitely not have such a square appearance.

"That's it, let's look aside the yellow sand." Mo Xie said excitedly.

The platform in front of them was also filled with thick yellow sand, and the two immediately bent down, took out the shovel and started to get busy...

At this time, Mo Xiaoyuan also brought some brothers to the desert map. Hearing the conversation between the two, he knew that they had found the location of the entrance, and he quickly directed his brothers to help on the mountain.

The two of them were busy clearing out the yellow sand. Sure enough, they found that there was a flat stone brick ground under the yellow sand, which strengthened their thoughts.

On the hillside, more and more players from the God Realm League climbed to the top of the mountain, and all rushed to help clear the yellow sand after receiving the news.

The entire platform was suddenly crowded with more and more helpful players, and the speed of cleaning the yellow sand was also accelerating...

In less than 20 minutes, with the yellow sand flying on the top of the mountain, the platform had been cleaned up, and a flat ground paved with bluestone bricks finally appeared in front of Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang.

The players consciously withdrew from the platform position and let the two bosses delve into the secrets here.

On the platform, although it had been cleaned up, the two of them did not find any holes.

"There is also a mechanism for opening the entrance here. We are one of us, and every stone brick must be checked carefully." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Don't be so troublesome, come with me." Mo Xie smiled lightly and strode towards the center of the platform.

According to common sense, most of the general entrance locations are set in the central area, so the middle of this mountain top platform is almost where the entrance is.

Moreover, the location of this platform is very special. It is located at the right end of the entire desert plain, and it is the highest sand mountain among all the mountains in the desert.

The platform is set at the highest mountain and the most central location, which means that this place must be a place to worship the sky.

At the center of the platform, no altar was found, which made Mo Xie immediately guess that there must be other settings for the center.

He took Mo Xiaolang to the center point, looked at the flat stone brick ground here, then bent down, took the shovel in his hand, and gently knocked on the ground...

Ding Ding!

The crisp voice sounded continuously, and Mo Xie shook his head seemingly helpless.

Ding Ding... Clang!

Suddenly, his shovel hit a stone brick, making a distinctive dull sound.

"Here..." Mo Xiaolang looked very carefully, and quickly pointed to a bluestone brick.

Mo Xie also knocked the stone brick with the shovel again, making a clanging sound.

He immediately stretched out his hand and touched the bluestone, and found that his hand was a little loose, which made his face suddenly smile.

"Found it, it must be here." Mo Xie smiled.

A bluestone brick is about 50 cm long and wide, and it looks like a square. He immediately cleaned the yellow sand around the cracks with his hands, and then reached into the cracks with a shovel, just gently prying, with a clang. Bluestone bricks came in hand...

The stone brick was pried open, revealing a square space inside. The two of them looked up and found that there was an iron ring under the stone brick.

"I'm here or you?" Mo Xie smiled and looked at Mo Xiaolang.

"It's better for you, if you turn on the mechanism and shoot a rain of arrows, I don't want to become a hedgehog." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"How can there be so many dangerous things, you don't want me to come." Mo Xie smiled and stretched out his hand to grab the hoop, and tried to pull hard...

Mo Xiaolang quickly backed up two steps, only to find that nothing happened...

"It's not pulled, it seems to be rotating." Mo Xie chuckled, holding the hoop and trying to twist it clockwise.


A muffled sound suddenly sounded from the ground, and the entire stone platform seemed to be shaking violently, frightening the players to retreat quickly.

Under the surprised gaze of Mo Xiaolang and Mo Xie, the stone platform was indeed shaking suddenly, and the muffled thunder-like sound continued to be heard from the ground...

Suddenly, with a bang, the ground in front of them was bulging upward, and a small high platform slowly protruded upwards from the ground breaking through the stone bricks...

"I said why there is no altar. It was hidden underground." Mo Xie smiled faintly, watching the small platform in front of him continue to rise, finally forming a real altar.

After protruding nearly two meters above the ground, a small square platform appeared in the center.

What surprised everyone was that as the small platform rose, a thick black door appeared in front of them...

"Found it, this must be the entrance to the underground palace!" Mo Xiaolang said excitedly.

"Why are there still locks?" Mo Xie saw clearly that the iron gate that appeared after the small altar was raised in front of him was actually tightly closed, and there was a keyhole on it.

"What is the situation, do you need a key to enter the underground palace?" Mo Xiaolang was also stunned.

"Look at the settings." Mo Xie strode to the door, looking at the dark gate, a black keyhole was in front of him.

He tried to push the door, and found that the door was very strong, and it didn't move even when pushed.


The door didn't move at all, but in front of his eyes, a system prompt popped out inexplicably...

Ding...System: Sorry, players should not be sad. The system detects that you have not reached level 50 and cannot open the plot of the key to the underground palace temporarily. Please come and receive the trigger plot clues after meeting the level requirements!

What's up?

Looking at the content on the system information, Mo Xie was completely stunned.

Unexpectedly, I worked hard to find the entrance of the treasure. I was just the last step. I didn't expect that the key to the underground palace was needed to open the passage, and it would take level 50 to start the quest plot.

"What's wrong, what's wrong?" Mo Xiaolang and Mo Xie have been partnering for so long. Looking at the expression on his face, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

"You push the door and watch it yourself, it's also speechless." Mo Xie said with a sigh.

"I'll give it a try." Mo Xiaolang stepped forward in confusion, reaching out his hand to push the door.


In front of his eyes, a system message also automatically popped up.

"I'll go, and the level requirement of 50 is required. This is cheating, if we have to say that we will not go all the way to the end." Mo Xiaolang said angrily.

"Forget it, now that I have found the passageway, I don't care about these levels, it's a big deal first to level up and then take a look."

Mo Xie shrugged, and understood in his heart that their current location was on a level 50 elite map.

It is understandable that the tasks triggered in the 50-level map do have level requirements.

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