The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 849: Good leveling career

The entire first floor of the underground palace was already very large in scale. Standing on the long walkway in the middle, Mo Xie couldn't see how far the two sides were and how long the front end was.

He walked along the central passage, and after spending more than ten minutes on his way, he finally saw the opposite stone wall.

On the ground in front of the stone wall, a hole appeared again.

When he came to the cave, Mo Xie hurried down, and after a while, he stood at the entrance of the second floor underground palace, and there was another open space in front of his eyes.

He already knew the setting of the underground palace, so he quickly moved on...

After walking through three underground palaces in a row, Mo Xie finally came to the entrance of the fourth floor underground palace, and saw Mo Xiaolang waiting there with a group of commanders.

"How about it? The situation here is okay." Mo Xiaolang asked with a smile.

"It is indeed a holy place for leveling, and there are so many. When our level is raised a little bit, we will kill every day." Mo Xie smiled.

"Yes, there are too many to count, but they are not big, just ordinary elite leaders." Zhou Jianing explained with a smile.

"No matter what it is, the explosion rate of the leveling loot here is estimated to be very high, as long as the production map is played, the life legion is enough." Lianna nodded.

"A Hong has already gone to build an affiliated territory according to your request. Let's start leveling." Ouyang Jiaojiao said.

"Go, go down and take a look." Mo Xie immediately walked down the steps.

The settings of each floor in the underground palace are exactly the same. On both sides of the promenade are countless rectangular stone halls separated by stone walls. In each stone hall, there are at least hundreds of monster refresh areas, densely packed with thousands of monsters. In the stone hall, players only need to block the door or climb on the stone wall to attack the monsters.

Most of the players of the Allied God Realm have already poured into the underground palace, guarding the entrance of every stone hall, waiting for the bosses to launch an attack command.

"Look, what else do you need to arrange?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"How many people have you arranged to practice in each stone hall?" Mo Xie asked.

"According to the terrain here, I arranged three groups of monsters for each stone hall, one of which blocks the door, and two of them stand on the stone walls on both sides. While ensuring safety, I can also quickly concentrate firepower. Destroy the monsters." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Then do it first according to yours, see the situation and then adjust." Mo Xie nodded.

"I only deployed half of the underground palace map. Because the other half is in it, I am not strong enough to kill them together, so I only consider leveling for the time being." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Okay, that's it." Mo Xie nodded and followed Mo Xiaolang's guidance to the commander's leveling team.

The commander only needs to split up with three carefully selected masters, stand there and mix experience together...

Arriving at the door of this stone hall, there are already crowded with a large number of elite players, and even the stone walls on both sides of the stone hall are already full of densely packed players.

In the stone hall, a huge black beetle monster looked at Mo Xie's eyes for a moment.

"You must be curious, why did I choose the four-story underground palace to level up? Although the monsters here are level 54, they are all desert beetle monsters that attack meleely. Although the skin is a little thicker, it is very safe for us. "Mo Xiaolang said.

"This is better, just start with your deployment." Mo Xie nodded in satisfaction.

"The order is passed down, the prepared division can start leveling, let's start here too." Mo Xiaolang waved his hand and gave the order.

"Understand." All the branch leaders nodded excitedly.

Under their orders, dozens of shield warriors deployed at the entrance of the stone hall immediately walked inside with their shields, and then lined up a shield wall inside the entrance, blocking the passage for the monsters to come out.

Immediately afterwards, the medical corps also entered the stone hall, standing behind these shield walls, ready to help them recover their blood at any time.

Most of the players standing on both sides of the stone wall are of the mage profession and are used for firepower output.

Of course, only the commander's leveling team can get this kind of treatment. For the general leveling team, if there are not enough wizards, let the archers, if there are not enough archers, the summoners will stand up and direct the baby in the monster group. Fight in, swinging his staff to launch a normal attack...

In short, players are now using all the firepower that can be used, just to quickly kill monsters to gain experience points.

"Let's stand inside and let the passageway out." Mo Xiaolang led them into the stone hall.

At this time, the shield wall began to move forward slowly, occupying more space.

The countless black beetles not far away have sensed the arrival of the enemy. They turned their bodies together, their eight long legs swayed quickly, and a pair of sickle-like tongs on their mouths rushed towards the players.

"Firepower output, leveling begins!" Mo Xiaolang roared.


Countless players on both sides of the stone wall waved their staffs, and the dense magic tilted down from the air on both sides, and suddenly fell into the dense monster group, causing a creaking sound.

The entire large stone hall has become extremely lively now. The black beetle that originally found the enemy at the door rushing towards the shield wall, suddenly encountered an attack and rushed to both sides, the black beetles rushing in three directions. The group looks exceptionally spectacular.

Clang clang!

As large swaths of black beetles rushed in, a dense metal crash sounded outside the shield wall. The shells of these black beetles turned out to be as hard as metal!

However, although their defense is very strong, their attack power is obviously insufficient, and they cannot cause much trouble to the shield wall.

The shield warriors insisted on the impact of the beetle, bursting out a string of bright red damage values ​​above their heads, but the beetles attacked their shields, and the system forced a certain percentage of damage back to the owner. This pain is not What kind of.

The mages standing on the stone walls on both sides have been fully fired, and the magic continues to hit the dense beetle swarms, bursts of flames burst into the sky, large patches of green toxins spread to the surroundings, and various magic skills complement each other...

Anyway, in the entire stone hall, since the start of the battle, only damage figures have been seen fluttering in the sky, like a large battlefield.

Mo Xie stood at the gate, and when he was idle, he waved his short ruler and issued a black smoke ball, sending out continuous attacks on the monster.

In any case, it is better to stand and wait for experience than to join the attack sequence, and you will get more experience points.

On the fourth floor of the entire elite underground palace, half of the caverns are filled with black and heavy players of the God Realm League.

More than 80% of the professional combat players in the entire alliance gathered here, excitedly launching a fierce offensive towards the monster group.

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