The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 850: Getting rich again

Players who have entered to be continued know that the explosion rate of this game is very low, but as their understanding of the game gradually deepens, they gradually understand the system settings.

The factors that affect the explosion rate of loot are divided into three types in this virtual world:

The first is that the quality of the monster determines the explosion rate, and the configuration of the monster is divided into four categories: ordinary counterattack monsters, active attack monsters, and elite monsters.

According to the division of these four qualities, the burst rate increases from small to large.

Ordinary counter-attack monsters have the lowest burst rate, but this monster only exists within the novice village. As long as players leave the novice village, they basically see active attack monsters, and the explosion rate of this monster increases relatively. A little bit.

Going up is the elite monsters. The strength of the elite monsters is very powerful, almost three times the attributes of normal monsters. It is very difficult to kill, so the burst rate has reached about 30.

In other words, kill three elite monsters, almost all of the loot appeared, even if only a few copper coins burst, it can be regarded as a loot explosion rate.

Needless to say, the explosion rate is almost 100%. I haven't heard that you can't get anything if you kill it, unless it's robbing others.

The second way to affect the explosion rate is the level gap between monsters and players. According to the system's cryptic explanation, the greater the level gap between players and monsters, the higher the probability of exploding loot.

The third way to affect the explosion rate is the hidden settings of the attacking skills of the players when fighting monsters. This is a high-tech job, and there are few players that can be mastered.

Killing monsters by attacking skills to increase the burst rate, Mo Xie once had a trace of sentiment, but his attack method was determined. If he wants to master this attack technique, he has to constantly use the Devourer Soul skill. Occupy the monster body to fight and master various attack modes.

The current leveling state of the God Realm League already occupies two conditions for increasing the explosive rate, one is the monster's quality, and the other is the level difference.

With countless magical skills continuously covering the dense monster group, the life bars of these black beetles are continuously declining, even if they have strong defenses, facing such a density of attack firepower, death is only a matter of time.

"Attention everyone, the first batch of monsters are going to die. I'll see how the assigned experience points are." Lianna's eyes beamed in excitement.

"Yes, let's see how efficient the leveling here is." Ouyang Jiaojiao nodded.


Another burst of magical skills poured down, and the blood bars of a large beetle slowly approached the state of blood skin, and the large group of them died at the sight.

What everyone cares about is how much experience points they will allocate and how much loot can be exploded...

You know, in this team leveling, Mo Xiaolang deliberately set three divisions into a leveling team's monster spawning mode in order to improve the leveling efficiency as much as possible, and the three divisions are actually 1,500. More than a hundred players, and in the stone hall they dealt with, the number of monsters far exceeded two thousand.

The number of players is small, and the number of monsters is large. Logically speaking, the experience points allocated by each player will be very impressive, especially for the players with firepower output, more experience points are allocated than the fighters and doctors that make up the shield wall. .

Mo Xie is not worried about this. Elite monsters are more powerful than ordinary monsters. He only cares about these beetles and what kind of props they can explode...

For him, now he does not expect the beetle monster to be able to explode the best equipment and weapons, what he needs is a large number of life manufacturing maps, all professions!

Seeing that the amount of blood on the top of the monsters' heads was only a little bloodshot, everyone finally opened their eyes after ten minutes of persistence...



With another wave of magical skills pouring into the monster group, countless black lights shone for a while, and the screams of squeaks resounded throughout the cave!

The leveling team that Mo Xie was in was the first team among all teams to kill the monster because of the strongest firepower output.

As the black halo continued to rise, a long green experience point burst out from the top of each player's head, and everyone's experience bar jumped up a bit, even Moxie's experience bar rushed from 56 to 56 62……

Ten minutes, six percentage points, this efficiency is too scary!

"Not bad, I got 8 upgrade experience points." Lianna exclaimed in surprise.

"I'm 11, great, the upgrade here is really fast!" Ouyang Jiaojiao was extremely excited.

The two beauties have a lower level than Moxie, so they get more experience points, and they are all long-range attack professions, and they have been participating in firepower output during the process of spawning, and the experience points they got are more impressive.

"Boss, a lot of props have been exploded, what should I do?" asked a sub-group leader who was directing the battle on the stone wall.

"You pick them up first, and hand them all to the Alliance Warehouse, which will be used by the Life Professional Legion on their own." Mo Xiaolang responded immediately.

Mo Xie has opened the alliance management interface and stared at the situation in the warehouse...

In less than a minute, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the inventory in the alliance warehouse was growing rapidly, and all kinds of 50+ fighter blue-green armors and weapons, as well as many maps, all poured into the warehouse!

After the players picked up the spoils, they had already been handed over to the alliance warehouse. As for the exploded copper coins, they had already been automatically distributed to all team players when the monster died.

Just like Mo Xie guessed, the black beetles are melee attack defensive monsters. The props they exploded are mainly heavy armor, and some warrior weapons and shields appear.

It’s just the items exploded by the elite monsters. Under normal circumstances, they are excellent and outstanding quality equipment. There is very little chance that there will be excellent quality loot. So for the current players, these equipment are all garbage, but the life army can Take it to decompose the starting point of the material.

Killing nearly two thousand monsters at a time, and bursting out various life and occupation manufacturing maps, the number has reached more than 60, this is what makes Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang excited.

"Not bad, so many maps..." Mo Xiaolang also looked at the warehouse interface and said happily.

"I am categorizing the maps to see if there are any valuable manufacturing maps." Mo Xie said with a smile.

He classified these more than 60 manufacturing atlases in detail according to the classification of life and occupation, and finally checked their specific content one by one...

"Look, Brother Wolf, there is a blue atlas, which is actually an atlas for making level 50 deputy props!" Mo Xie said in surprise.

"There is also a map for the production of the deputy props? What part is it?" Mo Xiaolang's eyes were taken aback, then his eyes lighted.

He knows exactly what the off-hand props mean to players. Regardless of the attributes of the off-hand props, as long as the off-hand props look good, they can be quickly sold at high prices in the market.

Players all like the appearance of pulling the wind, and the existence of an off-hand equipment can distinguish his image from other players.

This is where the deputy props are valuable. If the additional attributes can be better, it is the best of the best...

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