The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 851: Upgrade treasure

Regarding the off-hand equipment, it is an interesting new equipment system to be continued.

Off-hand equipment is rare at present, probably because of the player's level, generally good off-hand equipment, only the elite monsters can burst.

Each type of off-hand equipment can make a huge change to the player's character appearance. Equipping with different off-hand items can make your image different from other players of the same profession.

Therefore, no matter what the attributes of an off-hand equipment, as long as it can make itself unique, it can attract players to spend a lot of money on acquisition.

Just like the elite monsters in the Tiejing Mountain Grottoes, the low-level off-hand equipment exploded, even the most basic whiteboard or green quality, will be sold out by players in the shops in the main city.

Now that I just entered the underground palace and killed the first batch of elite monsters, fortunately, a production map of various off-hand props appeared. The quality was excellent and outstanding, which made the commanders excited.

Although the played off-hand equipment is good for sale, but because the quantity is limited, and the price of this low-level off-hand equipment is too high, the players will be scolded, so although it makes money, there is no astronomical figure.

Now it’s good. Once you have the map, you can mass produce off-hand props. This is a lucrative business!

"How many kinds of maps for the production of deputy props?" Zhou Jianing asked excitedly.

"Let me take a look." Mo Xie quickly gathered all the production maps that the players had thrown into the warehouse, and then carefully selected them with his teammates...

At this time, the leveling players have killed all the remaining monsters, and the number of experience points is still emerging, and pieces of loot are repaid to the alliance warehouse.

The stone hall, which was crowded with monsters, was now empty, and the next batch of monsters only waited five minutes to spawn.

Taking advantage of this time, Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang quickly selected, and finally checked all the production maps. The situation was very pleasant.

"There are a total of 139 books for the production of deputy props, of which 124 are green and 15 are blue. According to the type, there are too many repetitions. In fact, there are only four methods for making deputy props." The warehouse interface is full of book-like props.

Of course, this is only the number of maps for making the off-hand props, and there are dozens of other types of maps. It can be seen that the elite monsters here are mainly exploded fighter equipment and off-hand props maps.

"Four kinds of off-hand props, one for each of the blue mask and the green mask, and the other two are green props maps, one is for making hats and the other is for making armbands..." Mo Xiaolang introduced carefully.

"That's the three kinds of deputy props: mask, hat, feather and armband?" Ouyang Jiaojiao asked.

"Yes." Mo Xiaolang nodded and smiled.

"The mask is pretty good. I guess many people buy it. The armbands don't look very special, but what is the hat?" Lianna asked curiously.

"It's the decorations on the top of the head. Warriors have helmets, wizards have long crowns, and assassins have crowns. These hats are a feather displayed on it." Mo Xie guessed.

"This is also not bad, as long as it is something that can make a huge change in the appearance of the character, it will be easy to sell." Lianna laughed.

"Sister Na, now you know a lot about the market in this area." Mo Xie smiled.

"My shops are selling these props, which helped me make a lot of money, of course I know it." Lianna laughed.

"Well, these maps are handed over to Brother Zhao, so that they will start mass production when the players are close to level 50. The good attributes will give priority to the brothers in our alliance. Each person can deduct 100 points to exchange for a premium item, and other attributes. Everything that no one wants is sold in the store, and an item is 600 gold coins." Mo Xie said immediately.

"600 gold coins, aren't you stealing money?" Ouyang Jiaojiao exclaimed.

"I love to buy or not, anyway, only our family can make it now." Mo Xie smiled faintly.

These deputy items were scarce, but now they are level 50 high-end equipment, each with 600 gold coins, which is quite small.

Contacting Brother Zhao, who was busy building an affiliate base with Sister Hong, suddenly made him overjoyed...

Brother Zhao is now also worrying about how to quickly start production and return the huge sum of money invested by the boss as soon as possible. He did not expect such a big good thing to follow...

After a while, all the maps in the entire alliance warehouse were taken away by the commander of the Life Legion, and the level 50 equipment that the players didn't want was also completely emptied, and they were all taken by the Life Legion to decompose materials.

Looking at the suddenly empty warehouse interface, Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang smiled at each other. This is the efficiency that a regular guild should have.

Now everything is slowly entering the track, and the overall situation has been rolled out, just waiting for the God Realm League to officially start...

Once this huge machine is launched, no one can stop the rapid rise of the God Realm League!

In less than a few minutes, other leveling teams killed all the monsters one by one, and another batch of new loot rushed into the alliance warehouse, and the commander of the life professional army hurriedly moved it...

"The monster is refreshed!"

A reminder sounded from the leader of the alliance team, the light flickered in the stone hall, and the black desert beetle monster appeared again...

The players started to attack excitedly, and the whole underground palace was full of lively scenes...

Until late at night, I no longer know how many batches of monsters have been killed. The loot has already piled up the entire alliance warehouse. Even the life and occupation side complained that the warehouse was full and could not accommodate more resources.

Looking at his own experience bar, it has been more than 23 o'clock in the middle of the night from eating dinner until now, and Mo Xie's experience bar has skyrocketed to 89, and he will rise to 48 again!

The beauties are upgrading faster, they have already reached level 47, and they are chasing Moxie faster and faster...

Players in the entire leveling legion of the God Realm League exclaimed that the leveling speed here is so fast that they will not go anywhere in the future and will stay here every day.

However, Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang had new ideas.

Seeing that the online time is about to end, the upgrade speed in one night is really scary.

After some discussions, it was decided that starting from tomorrow, only half of all Alliance Legions would be trained here.

The other half is responsible for the alliance tasks and help the alliance continue to increase its scale.

Although the Arrogant Alliance and the God Realm Alliance have divided their boundaries, they can develop with peace of mind.

But the two commanders knew in their hearts that this just shifted the competition to the underground...

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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