The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 852: Ready to move

In the near future, the two will have a big battle sooner or later!

"I just asked some friends, and now their territory has been quietly expanded, and various mineral veins are also stepping up to collect them. In two days, they will upgrade their alliance and their territory will catch up with ours."

After Mo Xiaolang chatted with a few people privately, his face was a bit solemn and said.

"This is what we expected. They are not short of money, and they have been fully prepared. If it were not for our emergence, I am afraid that our site and development speed will be slower than them."

Mo Xie nodded.

"Yeah, they are really terrifying, plus that Feng Ge's overall layout has been set up, and we only wait for the step-by-step development. This is far more than a lot." Mo Xiaolang said.

"So, during this period of time, we can't compete with them for the speed of development, and sooner or later we can't match it. Our foundation is too weak and we must make up for this," Moxie said.

"I know what you mean, starting tomorrow, we will practice every morning and evening, and we will consolidate our foundation in the afternoon." Mo Xiaolang said thoughtfully.

"Okay, the offline rests." Mo Xie nodded in satisfaction and waved.

Under the command of the boss, the last batch of monsters had just been killed.

The players hurried back to the safety zone and chose to leave the game one by one.

According to Mo Xiaolang's deployment, starting tomorrow, the entire God Realm League will be divided into two parts, splitting tasks and leveling, to ensure the balanced development of the entire alliance...

Time passed quickly, and when everything was in peace, the Allied Forces of the Divine Realm, under the separate leadership of the commanders, began to expand their manpower, upgrade the level of their members, and enhance their alliance experience.

As well as the collection of resources of the Life Corps, and the construction of affiliated territories.

As for the base, Mo Xiaoyuan has to go there once a day to arrange various layouts of the base, and prepare to welcome the arrival of commanders and commanders of the combat corps.

Once the base starts the admission procedure, it means that the entire alliance is about to become professional.

And during this time, Mo Xiaoyu was also busy with studio applications and various financial tasks. She had already prepared hundreds of professional contracts. Only when the commanders came over, they would officially sign employment contracts.

In the past, she used her to make the report alone for the salary payment. When the time is up, she can directly transfer the bank account.

But once the studio is officially established, it must be run in accordance with normal rules, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble.

After several days of busy work, Mo Xiaoyuan had all finished his work, only waiting for Mo Xie to nod and move.

Mo Xiaolang has also counted out the list of the upcoming studios in the combat legion. What is surprising is that the trio of **** is also listed among them.

This made Mo Xie also feel very incredible. You must know that these three guys are still college students at school. How could they also be added to the studio's list? Are they not studying?

Finally, I asked the three people to understand that these three guys are not ordinary smart, and they have a good relationship with their mentors. They actually set up a research and demonstration group for the gods, and they also brought the mentors in...

After the special approval of the instructor, the three of them can actually take a year off to study unfinished topics...

There are crazy tutors and crazy students, and Mo Xie is also surprised.

But now that they have signed up and have good abilities, joining the studio is something Mo Xie hopes to see.

It's just that when he has a chance, he must ask carefully, which tutor is so boring?

For a few days, Mo Xie had been staying in the underground palace to train with the large forces. Others did not go out in rotation. Anyway, he just followed the mixed experience and handled the affairs of the alliance by the way.

Now Moxie's experience value has finally risen to 59 at level 49 in a few days, and he is expected to cross the level 50 mark this evening.

It's a pity that there is no detailed player ranking list in the unfinished continuation, and it is still unknown who is the first.

Although Mo Xie is not very cold about the rankings, he is still very curious about the level of players now...

I just got up, and after washing up, I went to the restaurant on the first floor. My teammates were already sitting there waiting for dinner.

"Xiao Mo, you can move today." Mo Xiaoyuan reminded with a smile.

"Really, that's okay, we can clean up and move over at any time." Lianna said in surprise.

"I don't have much to pack, as long as I put the clothes in the suitcase and I can go." Li Hong smiled.

"What about me, I want to go there too." Zhou Jianing raised his hand excitedly.

"It depends on Xiao Mo's arrangement. When he said to move, we will go there." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"Yes, now the list of entering the studio has been prepared, and all the notices have been notified. Except for a small number of commanders who are temporarily inconvenient due to family reasons, most of them can come over in these two days." Mo Xiao Yu said.

"We are not in a hurry for the move. I have to be upgraded to level 50 today, and there are still many tasks to clean up. The same is true for moving in two days. First inform the people on the list that they can move in." Mo Xie replied thinking.

"I know, then we will immediately notify the commanders to rush over in batches without affecting the things in the game." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"Then the day after tomorrow, our core team will officially move over." Mo Xie smiled.

"Okay, I will move the day after tomorrow!" The beautiful women cheered in surprise.

"Please haven't said anything about me, can I go there together?" Zhou Jianing asked weakly.

Only when she is not a formal employee of the God Realm League, and the so-called honorary vice president is just a verbal joke, no one seems to take it seriously, which makes her anxious.

"Miss Zhou is willing to go there, it must be our honor, we welcome you." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Yeah, anyway, Miss Zhou is our honorary guild president. She wants to live in the studio for two days, of course there is no problem." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Okay, then I will pack up and salute, and I will go with you the day after tomorrow, and Xiaodong will also go there." Zhou Jianing said excitedly.

"However, Miss Zhou, we have to explain in advance that you are a big star after all. Once someone knows where you live, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome for us..." Mo Xiaolang reminded.

"I know that I will not tell anyone the address there, and I will definitely not cause you trouble." Zhou Jianing promised quickly.

She also knows that her reputation is often harassed by paparazzi. It is common to be followed. Once she is known where she lives, she might even be interrupted by the normal work of the studio.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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