The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 853: Learning domineering talent


A white beam of light descended from the sky, and Mo Xie appeared in the leveling underground palace that had not left for a few days.

It was still early at this time, and the large army was only part of it. All online players gathered in the safe area in the middle to chat, waiting for the brothers to come back.

Seeing that Mo Xie was online, some middle-level commanders immediately surrounded him with a smile and inquired about entering the studio.

"Boss, I heard that the studio is brand new. A lot of money has been spent on decorating it, just like a villa area?" God Realm asked wildly expectantly.

"Don't expect too much, the better you hear, you will be disappointed when you arrive at the scene." Mo Xie smiled lightly.

"No, that's not what Wolf Da and the others said." God Realm Wutian asked, touching his head.

"I haven't asked you yet, how did you get a one-year holiday? Is your instructor really setting up a research project for the gods?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"This is true. We were going to be arranged for an internship. It turned out that our instructor is also a game master. He is studying the information of this virtual game every day. He has to go back online every day after get off work. So the three of us deliberately Talking about some situations in the God Realm, the instructor was really concerned and often chatted with us, so he became a brother.” The God Realm explained with a mad smile.

"We often mention things about the God Realm League, and the instructor seems to be very interested in you, and said that he would have the opportunity to meet you." God Realm Wutian said.

"Oh, it turns out that you are betraying the alliance's information, in exchange for the favor of the mentor, you guys..." Mo Xie said silently.

"No matter what, he gave us a holiday anyway. Although there is only half a semester of internship time, plus the holiday, this is a full year for us to concentrate on following you." The God Realm said with complacency.

"One year is fast and fast, but your mentor is strange..." Mo Xie said curiously.

"Don't mention it, our mentor is an expert who studies the future development of virtual technology. It is said that in the early stage of preparation for the Eternal God Realm project, our mentor was invited to participate in the data modeling work." God Realm Wutian said proudly .

"So amazing, what university are you studying and what major do you study?" Mo Xie was surprised. Up to his current position, the three private masters who were personally selected by him to join the guild, he still doesn't know what major college students are studying... …

He only knew that these three guys were all college students, and they seemed to be ordinary colleges such as Pheasant University. The school didn't care about their conditions.

But now it seems that the mentors of these three guys are not simple, and their school must not be simple either...

"Jinghua University, all three of us are first-year graduate students. Last time...didn't you ask us last time." God Realm replied madly.

"What... First-year graduate student of Jinghua University!" Mo Xie was stunned...

Jinghua University is a top-ranking institution in China and a world-class school. His parents dreamed that he could enter this university so that he could brag about it for a lifetime.

Mo Xie vaguely remembered that when he teamed up for the first time, he seemed to have asked these three guys, but he didn't remember how to answer it...

Nima, a first-year graduate student, he thought he was a freshman in college. No wonder these three guys are so free and have so much time to play games every day.

"Then what's your profession?" Mo Xie continued to ask.

"In the future, virtual technology reality applications and engineering module management, if you can't remember, just call the virtual module professional." God Realm Wutian laughed.

"What is a virtual module..." Mo Xie is even more inexplicable. Anyway, he is already admiring these three guys. He didn't expect that his subordinates would also have three elite scholars.

But there was some suspicion in his heart. These three guys seem to be joking and joking, but they are very serious in doing things, especially their abilities. They are able to command 500 people in the sub-group with ease, and then they are promoted to the general commander. Later, it can also be quickly competent.

Therefore, Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang both included these three people as candidates for core management.

But now it seems that Mo Xie can't help but doubt the identity of the three...

They seem to play games as a hobby, and there must be some special purpose.

"The virtual module is related to the small modules that affect all of the player's feelings after connecting the brain nerves and entering the virtual environment, including various virtual neurons and sensory... This is too complicated, I told you more about you If you don't understand, you just need to know that we are learning virtual technology." The God Realm madly yanked a lot of details, and found that Mo Xie opened his mouth wide and looked confused, and couldn't help but say speechlessly.

"Well, since you have a holiday, then you can settle in the base and work hard. The salary is all right?" Mo Xie asked.

"No problem." The three replied excitedly.

But this conversation caused Mo Xie to have a lot of doubts about the purpose of these three people.

Graduate students from prestigious schools entered the game guild to become professional players. It seems that they are not particularly concerned about salary and treatment, which makes Mo Xie very surprised.

But he didn't show it directly, he wanted to observe what exactly these three guys wanted to do.

However, he absolutely does not doubt the attitude of these three people towards the God Realm League, they are definitely not spies from other guilds, as for what they want to do, they will always understand in the future.

"By the way, boss, our instructor has already said that we want to see you. If he comes by then, you have to give us a bit of face and see him." God Realm Wutian said with a smile.

"No problem, your tutor is here. I will definitely treat him as my teacher and treat him with the highest rules." Mo Xie smiled.

"That's great, the old man always thought we were lying to him this time, and let him see if it was true."

All the excited eyes of the three people shined...

At this time, there were more and more players in the underground palace, and the heads of each branch began to issue orders to gather online personnel and prepare to deploy a leveling team...

The three also separately summoned their subordinates to prepare for today's leveling operation.

Mo Xiaolang and the beauties also hurried to Mo Xie's side, and stood there waiting to start killing monsters.

"Brother Wolf, please check for me. Does Jinghua University have a graduate program that studies virtual modules?" Mo Xie asked.

"Good point, why are you looking for this?" Mo Xiaolang asked suspiciously.

"You can just check it out." Mo Xie smiled.

"I will help you ask."

Mo Xiaolang nodded, still seemingly confused, but he opened the external communication interface and called some of his classmates.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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