The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 864: Protoss Public Enemy

This time, the choice given by the Lord of Sunset was something that Mo Xie had a headache for.

The God Realm League has entered the right track and needs a good environment for rapid development. If you have a private relationship with the Gods at this time, there will be no trouble in the future.

However, Mo Xie knew very well in his heart that once he even gave up the current mission route, I am afraid that the Protoss would replace the human royal family, and it would happen soon.

Once the Protoss occupy the imperial throne, no one can predict what will happen to the players in the future.

Mo Xie used to analyze with Mo Xiaolang before, and now players in the two camps of Yaori and Holy Moon are still trying to improve their strength and complete the main task of the system, thus becoming the overlord of the camp and opening the zone between the two camps. War activities.

But something like this happened internally. Human race and Protoss fight for imperial power. Who should help to gain the upper hand?

According to Moxie’s mission, I am afraid that only by helping the human royal family to smash the protoss conspiracy to seize power can we get permission to start a zone war...

If you look at it this way, no matter what temptations or threats he faces now, he will never shake his original choice.

Once the Protoss rises and takes away the human throne, the players of the Sun Empire may face a great disaster!

The system has never been finished. As soon as the zone is opened, a big hole has been dug, just waiting for the players to jump down one by one...

Mo Xie frowned and thought, but this was just his own guess, what if he guessed wrong?

Looking at the two options in front of him, he is indeed a little embarrassed to make a choice now.

However, on the plot interface, beside Mo Xie's character, it seemed that three choices were answered by each other, which made him look bright.

Just refuse and agree. Why is there a third option to reply?

He quickly looked at the three options, each of which answered the three sentences requested by the city lord...

One: "My Lord City Lord, perhaps what you said is right, I am willing to accept your arrangement, I only hope that you can fulfill your promise."

Two: "My Lord City Lord, I'm very sorry, I believe that the facts have not been investigated, and the whereabouts of the holy princess is still unknown. I must find out the truth of the matter, and can only refuse your kindness."

Three: "My Lord, can I think about it before giving you an answer?"

Mo Xie was very pleased with the three dialogue options. Now he couldn't pay attention, he had to discuss it with his teammates, so the third option might be able to delay time.

He immediately chose the third option, and the mission story started again...

"Master City Lord, can I think about it again?" Mo Xie lowered his head and said.

"What is there to consider? Our Protoss values ​​you so much. This is your opportunity, young man." The Lord City Lord said.

"I still decided to think about it, and then I will give you an answer." Mo Xie said embarrassedly.

"Well, since you still have to think about it, let me give you some time. I hope you can tell me before 0:00 tomorrow that you have the latest choice." Lord City Lord nodded, waved his hands, and both rewards disappeared. The mission story is also closed immediately.

Except for the golden question mark above his head, everything returned to normal.

Mo Xie quickly turned around and walked off the platform, feeling very nervous.

You know, the choices he faces now are extremely important. Helping the Protoss can get various advantages, and the development of the God Realm Alliance is faster than it is now.

But what will happen in the future makes him feel uneasy again.

When he stepped off the platform, Mo Xie had already started a private chat.

"What's the matter, Xiao Mo, didn't you go on the mission? Did something happen?" Mo Xiaolang knew that at this moment Mo Xie sent a private chat, there must be a very important matter.

"I encountered a multiple-choice question..." Mo Xie immediately told him what had happened.

"I'm going, the Protoss is really a waste of money, so you have so many good things to make you change the task?" Mo Xiaolang's eyes lighted in surprise.

Of course, both of them are very clear that after each player reaches level 50, as long as the mission route is different, all of them will face this choice...

However, Mo Xie's mission was not comparable to that of many people. The Saint Princess camp mission and completion degree he triggered were far ahead, so he was tempted by the Protoss with such good conditions.

The system also adjusts the rewards according to the value of the players’ tasks. Not everyone can see such a good temptation condition...

"The reward is the second, the most troublesome is the public enemy of the Protoss. Whenever I think of teleporting to the imperial city, I may be calculated by the Protoss at any time, and I have a headache." Mo Xie said with lingering fear.

The last time he was wanted, he had a home and couldn't go back. Even the potion was brought by his teammates. It was really difficult.

"This is really troublesome, but the protoss wanted and the faction wanted are two different things. They can only chase you secretly, but can't attack you grandiosely in the main city." Mo Xiaolang explained.

"Who knows what will happen in the future, what if I run into a Protoss in the imperial city and he attacks me?" Mo Xie said silently.

"If this is the case, the situation will be complicated...Then what do you think?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"I just don't know what will happen if the protoss replaces the human royal family after the re-election mission? You guild presidents, didn't you have contacted the official before opening the server, they didn't say this?" Mo Xie asked.

"What I told us at the time was some small preferential conditions that allowed professional players to quickly get started with this game. They didn't mention such a big mission route." Mo Xiaolang shook his head.

"Then it's troublesome, I don't know what the situation is now..." Mo Xie touched his head, and he could only refuse the request of the city lord according to his own thoughts, but in this case, he might encounter a lot of trouble again...

"Aren't you in a hurry to respond to his request?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"I tried it just now. I must reply to the task before 0 o'clock tomorrow. The system still gives some time to think about it." Moxie said.

"Well, I'll go to my friends and ask, don't worry." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

After finishing the private chat, Mo Xie knew that he must have inquired about the situation, and now he only waited for news from him to be the basis for his choice.

But Mo Xie knew that Mo Xiaolang had been in the game circle for so many years, and he was also very righteous. He knew a lot of friends, maybe he could really inquire about some useful information.

Mo Xie called out his mount and rushed towards the city.

The location of the General's Mansion is still some distance away from the City Lord's Mansion, and the location of the General's Mansion is a place that Mo Xie rarely visits in Sunset City.

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