The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 865: Stubborn general

Because he took the mission route of General Anode, there was nothing to do in the General Mansion of Sunset City, and during the time he was wanted, when he saw the figure of the soldier in the golden armor, Mo Xie was already scared like a frightened bird, where would he dare to go and guard him heavily. Mansion of the General?

Until now, this general mansion has never given him any task. He was level 50, and General Yang Hui finally thought of himself...

All the way through a large area of ​​the city, passing countless streets and squares, a group of tall buildings were left behind, unknowingly, Mo Xie has come to the west side of Sunset City, where the Guarding General's Mansion is located.

Standing at the gate of the General's Mansion, looking at the majestic mansion gate, and the hundreds of soldiers neatly lined up on both sides of the golden armor, just looking at this formation was scary enough.

Under the golden plaque of the General's Mansion, people come and go in the wide gate. Players who are on the ordinary mission route will receive many missions here.

Mo Xie jumped off his mount, put away the pet and strode towards the door, feeling great pressure between the two rows of golden armored soldiers.

No way, the height of every soldier in the golden armor is more than 2 meters. His short body is sandwiched by a group of giants. It feels really uncomfortable.

Quickly rushed into the gate, and oncoming a large expansive training square, two rows of buildings were rehearsed vertically on both sides, and at each gate stood a heavy armored officer, managing different types of systems. Features.

On the square, a large group of golden soldiers stood there quietly. Although it was just the background of the game, the densely packed and neat square array looked full of power.

Mo Xie bypassed the large group of soldiers from the side of the square and hurried towards the inner courtyard.

There were already high steps in front, and along the steps all the way up, another small square appeared, surrounded by five people standing in rows of guard soldiers.

In the middle of the square, a majestic General Yanghui, wearing heavy gold armor and a red cloak, held his sword hilt in his hand, standing there like a javelin, surrounded by a large number of players.

Mo Xie hurried into the crowd and looked at General Yang Hui's bronzed face, with a mighty expression on his face. He didn't look like a traitor or a villain.

Click on his sturdy body, light and shadow flashed, and the dialogue plot immediately switched.

"Don't be sad, you have finally come to this general." General Yang Hui's mighty figure stood opposite, and a pressure of pressure kept coming.

"General, what do you want to tell me?" Mo Xie asked politely.

"I heard that the old man and some soldiers were taken in by you, and the elves were also rescued from the protoss by you, but what happened?" General Yang Hui asked lightly.

"I don't know where the general heard about this?" Mo Xie neither admitted nor denied, he wanted to see what the general purpose was.

"No need to hide, I specially sent someone to stare at the Protoss guys. When the Orc Legion attacked your territory, this general had already sent scouts to explore near the battlefield. Originally, he would send troops to rescue him when you couldn't hold it. The general's ability impressed this general. As for the anode brother and the elves, my scouts have already seen them." General Yang Hui said with a smile.

"Impossible! At that time, I had people guarding the battlefield, and your scout would never approach quietly." Mo Xie said in surprise.

"That's what you think you are. You think the defenses are impenetrable, but in the eyes of this general, it is easy to get close." General Yang Hui smiled slightly.

"How did you do it?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"Aren’t you very smart? Guess for yourself. If you can guess, this general will talk to you frankly. If you can’t guess, then this general can only execute it as an order, otherwise This general immediately mobilized the army and razed your territory to the ground!" General Yang Hui shouted coldly.

"You don't need to threaten me, I know what method you take to be able to approach my territory silently in the tight battlefield environment." Mo Xie's mind flashed, and the surrounding environment of God Realm Town suddenly appeared. In his brain, he immediately understood what was happening...

"Oh, are you going to talk about it?" General Yang Hui asked with interest.

"It's actually very simple. In the Cuiping Mountains, there are mountain passages that you sent to dig everywhere, leading to the cliffs behind my territory. May I guess if I am right?" Mo Xie said with blinking eyes.

"Sure enough, the hero came out of youth. Since the Battle of Sunset City, the old man feels fooled. Over the years, he has been preparing and guarding, lest the Protoss start a conspiracy again. Therefore, in some important environments around Sunset City, this general has already sent soldiers. After setting up, the Cuiping Mountain behind your territory happened to be a secret fortress set up by this general to monitor the movement of the Protoss in this direction. As a result, I didn't see the Protoss, but saw the orc spy spooky looking at you. Territory." General Yang Hui laughed.

"Master General, what happened back then, do you think you were fooled?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"That's true. At that time, this general was promoted to one of the two great generals in Sunset City by virtue of his military exploits. He never relied on any faction and was only loyal to His Majesty the Emperor. Therefore, this general only recognized the emperor's seal and imperial edict, and ignored the others. Unexpectedly, the Protoss actually controlled the eldest prince and issued secret orders to this general, asking me to monitor the actions of the old man. If there is any betrayal of the royal family, I will immediately send troops to arrest them." General Yang said.

"So you sent troops to surround the generals of the anode, so that it caused a catastrophe?" Mo Xie asked.

"Little guy, this general is polite to you, you don't have to take it easy, how can you blame this general alone? As for the catastrophe, why is it that this general still regards the human race as the king?" General Yang Hui Asked coldly.

"This..." Mo Xie couldn't even think of a rebuttal.

What the general said was true. Although he was ordered to suppress the generals of the anode, he was ordered by the emperor and did not loyal to the gods. He is still in the position of the prince.

"This general said that I only follow the emperor's dispatch, regardless of their disputes in the imperial house. Moreover, it is very reasonable for the emperor to be inherited by the prince. How can a woman ascend to the throne?" General Yang said.

"What you said is somewhat reasonable, but the eldest prince is controlled by the Protoss, don't you know?" Mo Xie asked.

"The Protoss has always existed, and generations of human emperors have trusted the Protoss and entrusted them with important tasks. Who knows who is controlled by whom? This general only fights, and these conspiracies have never been ignored." General Yang said, shaking his head.

"Since you have your own ideas, why are you looking for me for what?" Mo Xie asked puzzled.

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