The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 867: Looking for the old part

The beam of light flashed, and Mo Xie had returned to God Realm Town. The entire territory was crowded with people. Countless players crowded the entire city. The streets and alleys were all crowds running back and forth.

As there are high-level leveling maps everywhere outside God Realm Town, the huge attraction makes many players willing to come here to level up and clean monsters, and do business by the way.

In the commercial area, countless player shops are open from morning to night, and every system shop is also open for business. In Mo Xie's eyes, these are just a steady stream of gold coins.

The alliance territory that was built with huge sums of money at the beginning has finally begun to bring a lot of benefits.

In addition, in the past few days, the life force of the God Realm League has been fully fired, and a large number of novel shops have poured into the market, which has triggered countless players to snap up. The gold coins in the city’s vaults continue to rise every second. Mo Xiaoyu, who was in charge of finance, finally took a sigh of relief, and the financial pressure was reduced by at least half.

The good news is that in addition to the daily cost of a gold coin for the mining affiliated base, Moxie, the prodigal commander, finally has no other expenditure requirements, so that the alliance treasury can slowly accumulate.

But all commanders understand that the gold coins accumulated now are just preparing for more crazy investment in the future...

Looking at the prosperous scene in the territory, Mo Xie was very satisfied, and quickly walked straight along the crowded street. After a while, he entered the square in the center of the city and rushed into the city lord mansion.

All the way to the backyard, there are all curious players and a large number of alliance members who come to worship.

Mo Xie evaded the pursuit of ordinary players and rushed into the city main building. After closing the gate, he saw a large group of figures standing quietly in the hall.

He hurriedly walked into the hall and came to General Anode, ready to tell him the good news.

When Mo Xie started the dialogue and told him everything he knew after meeting General Yanghui, he saw General Anode already standing there in a daze, his big eyes turned red in an instant, and his burly body shivered slightly... …

"My soldiers, they are still alive... Yang Hui, this guy, has kept it from me for so many years!" General Yang choked with excitement.

"Master generals don’t need to be excited. I have already understood everything that happened back then. Both of you generals are good. None of you succumbed to the threat of the Protoss. It’s just that the two of you have different ideas. Is there an urgent need to negotiate with each other? It's such a big misunderstanding." Mo Xie comforted.

"Unexpectedly, Yang Hui thought this way. He was so confused. Back then, if we forcibly supported the holy princess to ascend the throne, occupy the imperial city and all the main cities, and with the help of the Elf Legion, why worry that the Protoss is strong..." The general said helplessly.

"You two have different opinions, but they are all past. The most important thing now is to recall your old ministry. General Yang Hui is still waiting for your letter." Moxie said.

"Well, let's find my soldiers now, where are they?" General anode asked excitedly.

"Wait a minute, I haven't paid attention to that map yet." Mo Xie smiled and opened the package and took out the map of the mission to hide soldiers. He was also very curious about where General Yang Hui hid the soldiers...

But don't think about it, Mo Xie knew in his heart that this place must be very hidden, so he could avoid the eyes of the gods.

As he took out the map from his hand and used it directly, a light screen flashed in front of him, and a map interface appeared in front of his eyes. The map plane drawn with lines on it all made it difficult for him to recognize that this was the map. environment of……

On the map interface, there are curves, as if mountains are vertical and horizontal, and some places are marked with some text prompts.

Mo Xie hurriedly looked at these words, and when she saw it, she suddenly realized...

Because the label text of one of the mountain peaks on the map, there is a familiar name with three characters...

Giant peak!

The so-called Jumbo Peak, isn’t it the place where the Giant Rock Bat King refreshed...

Mo Xie hurriedly checked the scene near the giant peak, and found the plain and mountains, the most conspicuous is the semi-circular mountain terrain.

This semi-circular mountain terrain has two protruding ridges on both sides, a large open space in the middle, and a small river that flows across the front of the mountain...

Cuiping Mountains!

Unexpectedly, it was actually the map where he was, and the semi-circular mountain range happened to be the location of God Realm Town.

General Yanghui had already hidden the soldiers in this map. By chance, his territory also happened to be here. What a coincidence!

But having said that, Cuiping Mountain was already a level 40 map, which just met the conditions of the mission, which was not a special coincidence.

That's good, you don't need to run around, you can complete this task at Cuiping Mountain.

He hurriedly searched on the map. The location of the Tibetan soldiers made by General Yang Hui, and soon he saw a small red circle near the giant peak, with a red exclamation mark on it!

Looking at the other map areas, there seemed to be no marks. Mo Xie was sure that the location of the Tibetan soldiers was indeed near the giant peak.

But more than half a month has passed since the last battle. That one has already been refreshed, but Moxie sent people to see the giant peak. The commander level randomly refreshed everywhere on the map. This time it did not appear on the spot. I don’t know. Where is it hidden by the system.

Because the rock bat king is too strong, players can't beat it now, so they didn't continue to look for it.

It just so happens that this time I can bring the General Anode back to the old ministry, by the way, explore the secrets of Juhufeng, and then see where I went...

"Master General, I know the location of the Tibetan soldiers, come with me." Mo Xie closed the map and said with a smile.

"I want to go too." Qing Binger and Princess Zixin strongly demanded almost in unison.

"Let's go, let's go together." The anode general looked very good, and he smiled and nodded directly to help Mo Xie agree to their request.

The four people immediately turned and walked towards the gate, and Mo Xie immediately contacted Mo Xiaolang while walking forward.

"Xiao Mo, don't worry, I'm still inquiring about the official news." Mo Xiaolang thought he was anxious to figure out the mission story of the Protoss and Humans.

"Brother Wolf, hurry back to the city. This time I want to explore the map for a mission. Let's take a look at the situation of Cuiping Mountain..."

Mo Xie knew that Mo Xiaolang was very familiar with the terrain of Cuiping Mountain, and he had to rely on his help to find the location of the Tibetan soldiers, so he immediately told him about the mission in detail.

"Good thing, I didn't expect the system to have such a setting. Isn't it a bad idea for General Anode?"

Mo Xiaolang asked with a smile.

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