The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 868: Mysterious cliff

When Mo Xie walked out of the City Lord's Mansion with the three of them, he saw Mo Xiaolang and his team were already waiting outside, including several beautiful women in the core team, unexpectedly rushing over.

Except for Li Hong who is still building an affiliated territory, and Mo Xiaoyuan is worrying about moving, all the members of the team are here.

"Aren't you leveling, why are you following here?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"Although leveling is fast, staying in the underground palace every day is also depressed. If you want to explore the map, let's relax together." Lianna said with a smile.

"I took someone to check the place last time. I couldn't find the mechanism to open the cave entrance. The entire cliff is like a metal plate. This time I will see if I can find the result." Ouyang Jiaojiao said .

"Yes, just take advantage of you to explore the map and take a look at the situation there. I have ran the entire Cuiping Mountain, but the secret of Juhufeng has not been solved." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"Well, let's go and have a look together." Moxie let a large force protect the three, and walked mightily to the left of the city.

A large group of troops passed through the city, walked up the hillside from the city gate, and began this journey of exploration.

Half an hour later, a team of more than two thousand people had already walked through the cliff-top forest, through the **** to the mountain-top plain, walking in a green wilderness, feeling the beautiful scenery of the virtual world.

Along the way, laughing and walking across the large grassland, just before the hillside at the end, Mo Xiaolang signaled that he had received a private chat from a friend, which seemed to be related to Moxie's mission.

As the large army walked up the hillside, Mo Xiaolang finally ended the private conversation.

"What, what did your friend say?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"Don't worry." Mo Xiaolang didn't answer his words, but sent a private chat soon.

Looking at the private chat application that popped up in front of him, Mo Xie immediately understood that it must be that important secrets cannot be known to anyone to act like this.

He hurriedly connected to the private chat, wanting to know what kind of setting is inside...

"The situation is really complicated. The rise of the Protoss will be a huge trap. Once the Protoss takes over the dominance of the Humans, they will immediately start a battle of factions. By then, the whole area will be in a melee, because it is not the players who take the initiative to open it. All the rules of the battle of the gods are the final say." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Then going on like this, isn't it a waste of players' leveling time?" Moxie said.

"Yeah, that's how the system is planned. No matter which region, if the Protoss rises, it means that players will fall into the battle of camps ahead of time, and the time to improve their strength will be shortened. The biggest problem is that even if the battle of camps The results are separated very early, but the entire area will still be controlled by the Protoss. Players only have the authority to challenge the Protoss once a month." Mo Xiaolang said.

"This is what your friend revealed? It's okay to challenge once a month. With so many players, it should be possible to overthrow the rule of the Protoss at one time, and then take over the management of the region. By then, the players will still have the final say. "Mo Xie analyzed.

"It's not as simple as you think. Once the Protoss unites their camps, it's equivalent to getting all the temples and holy artifacts of the two camps. Then they can form a shrine. A large number of Protoss soldiers appear every day. The players are still right. There is nothing they can do." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Ah, how could this be?" Mo Xie was completely stunned.

According to the news heard by Mo Xiaolangtan, this means that even if the players start the battle of the faction, but in the end they help the Protoss to increase their strength, it is still the battle between the players and the area, and there is still a long time to go!

In this case, the player's mission to unify the region will be delayed for a long time, which is bad news.

"It's actually very simple. The rise of the Protoss is tantamount to raising the difficulty of the task in the game area by a level. If the players fail to control the management power by themselves, they can only wait for the rapid development of other areas, and the right to fight is first controlled by the opponent. "Mo Xiaolang said helplessly.

"I understand, which means that I have to continue fighting with the Protoss, and I must never be with them." Mo Xie nodded.

"Yeah, only you know and I know about this news. Don't tell anyone, otherwise my friend's job will not be preserved, he will even get a lawsuit if he fails!" Mo Xiaolang said cautiously.

"I know this..." Mo Xie nodded, feeling speechless in his heart.

Now that the system has set up such a background plot, it is up to the players in that area to be fooled.

And there is no doubt that many regions will be fooled, so this secret is very important and directly related to the unfinished battle pattern in the future!

If someone knows that this news is leaked, the consequences will be very serious...

Although he was very curious about the official status and position of the ferromagnetic brother Mo Xiaolang, Mo Xie still resisted asking.

Those who can know this kind of news must be senior management...

"I know what you think. My brother is so inconvenient to say it, so don't ask. If it weren't for his desperate back then, I had arranged a position for him in the guild so that he could have a bite to eat temporarily. I can't get mixed up today, so this time I'm thanking me." Mo Xiaolang said.

"I understand that this matter will never be known to a third person." Mo Xie nodded, knowing the serious consequences of this matter in his heart.

A large group of troops climbed up the hillside, and a familiar row of peaks appeared in front of them. Under the huge ridge was an empty flat ground. A large group of players immediately rushed up and looked at the foot of the mountain.

Mo Xie looked up at the mid-air of the ridge. The location he found at the time was now empty.

"Come here, Xiao Mo, listen." Ouyang Jiaojiao led a team of players standing under the mountain, facing a flat cliff.

There is no grass growing on the cliff, and the black rock is also abnormally smooth, with no cracks in sight.

Mo Xie walked to her and saw her holding the staff, gently tapping on the cliff...


There was a crisp metal sound, and Mo Xie's eyes widened in surprise.

"I told you last time that this cliff is like a whole piece of metal, very peculiar." Ouyang Jiaojiao said with a smile.

Standing under the cliff, Mo Xie also tapped curiously with a short stick. The tinkling metal tapping sounded pleasantly. Without much force, this mountain wall could make a melodious sound.

"This must be a metal vein, but I don't know what the name is." Lianna said.

All players have begun to use attributes to view the mountain wall, but only a blank system interface popped out.

In other words, the item description is blocked by the system, and the metal mine must be found to figure out what its name is.

"Look around, look for a cave. Your Royal Highness, help me climb the cliff to see. I remember there is a small hole."

Mo Xie raised his head to point to Banshan Cliff. When he led away last time, he vaguely found the huge body attached to the stone wall, which seemed to cover a black shadow.

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