The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 871: Shocking setting

Before Mo Xie could fly the information, his teammates rushed to his side in the footsteps, and at the same time received the system's information prompt.

Looking at the information content in front of them, watching this huge cave, everyone was stunned.

In the middle of the cave, a man-made small stream traversed. In the spacious cave, there are countless huge black circular buildings next to each other, and each circular building is like a chimney. The long tubes are like huge beer bottles.

And beside each giant beer bottle, there is a solid metal table.

"This is... an ancient workshop, there are so many blacksmith stoves!" Mo Xiaolang said in surprise.

At a glance, there are hundreds of blacksmith stoves like this in the wide cave. This is still part of what I have seen, and I am afraid there are more.

"My God, isn't this artificial stream specially designed for blacksmiths to use water?" Zhou Jianing exclaimed.

"Such a big workshop...what props is it used for?" Ouyang Jiaojiao asked.

"Everyone scatter to check, don't run too far." Mo Xie reminded, already striding forward.

Walking in the wide caves, he soon passed by blacksmith stoves. Looking at the settings here, the iron stove has been cold for many years, and the iron tables are even covered with rust.

Only the artificial creek that traverses the cave is still flowing slowly. The creek is only three or four meters wide, and the depth is less than Moxie's knee. It can be seen that it is only used to provide the water source needed by the craftsmen.

But the question is, what was this ancient workshop used for before, and who set it here secretly?

The teammates scattered to the caves, and Mo Xie continued to leap forward across the creek, walking among the densely-covered stoves, moving forward all the way to the opposite side.

The farther forward, exclamation and admiration sounded continuously in the team channel, because everyone was surprised to find that the number of blacksmith stoves in this huge cave had reached countless numbers, to say nothing, there were thousands!

"Oh my God, Xiao Mo, the scale of this workshop is really scary. It's enough to make aircraft carriers." Mo Xiaolang said with a sigh.

"It's really big, but we just saw an ordinary blacksmith stove, continue to see what else there is." Moxie said.

The discovery here has already made him feel very shocked. Such a large-scale workshop must not be so simple!

Continue to pass through the stoves, and the black curtain on the map is constantly sweeping away. With the efforts of all the teammates, a huge mountainside space is slowly revealed.

"It's too scary to see a pillar in such a large space." Lianna exclaimed.

"The whole mountain is made of metal, and there is no need to worry about it collapsing, no pillars are needed." Mo Xie explained with a smile.

Still, he deliberately looked around, hoping to find newer findings.

As he continued to move forward, the map position was approaching towards the center of the cave, and the other teammates finally arrived at the edge of the cave. They did not find a passage opening, and began to gather towards the center of the cave again.

When Moxie walked through the large stove area, a huge golden column suddenly appeared in the center of the cave in front of him!

This column is located in the center of the cave, shining with a faint metallic luster, connecting from the bottom of the ground to the top of the cave tens of meters high.

And the size of this column is even more amazing...

Because of this metal pillar, even if there are 500 players, they can't hold hands together!

And around the pillars, huge iron frames appeared constantly, making Mo Xie pleasantly surprised...

In addition to the stove, countless huge iron frames were once again found in the center, standing there like gantry cranes.

"Xiao Mo noticed that there are so many huge iron frames!" Mo Xiaolang also saw the situation in front of him, and he quickly understood in surprise.

"I have seen it, it can be positive now. The props made in this workshop must be very large, or else there is no need for such a large iron frame and so many stoves!" Mo Xie replied excitedly.

"Yes, those stoves are obviously used to make various accessories, and the iron frame is used for the final assembly. The system settings are too grand!" Mo Xiaolang nodded in surprise.

After a while, all the teammates gathered in the iron frame area in the center of the cave, looking at the countless huge iron frames around the metal pillars, as if one by one giant stood still and did not understand.

"Almost all the investigations of this cave have been completed. The periphery is the blacksmith's workshop, and the center is the iron frame assembly area." Mo Xiaolang said.

"But we still haven't figured out whose workshop it is and what they make here." Mo Xie said in a deep voice.

"Looking at the situation here, it seems that it has been abandoned for at least ten years, and there is no figure. How do we know what it is doing." Lianna said.

"I suspect that the settings in the belly of the mountain are more than just this workshop. We still have a stepped passageway that we haven't finished. Maybe the system hides the secret behind it." Zhou Jianing analyzed.

"Miss Zhou is right. If you want to figure out the situation here, you have to open all the maps." Mo Xie nodded.

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and look for it, so many brothers outside are waiting for us." Ouyang Jiaojiao smiled.

"Pay attention to the settings of the mechanism for a while, maybe there are still channels to the outside that are not open, it is best to let all the brothers come in and help find them." Mo Xiaolang reminded.

"Understood." All the teammates answered in unison.

They immediately turned around and returned to the entrance to the cave, because after they had explored the cave, they found that the entire huge cave had only one way in and out.

When everyone returned to the entrance of the cave, they continued to look down the stairs.

But going down this road, the distance is already very far away, until half an hour later, everyone almost followed the stairs to a position parallel to the ground, and the stairs finally came to an end.

On the stone wall at the end, the familiar ring mechanism appeared again.

Mo Xiaolang excitedly rushed forward to turn the mechanism, and as the roar sounded again, the heavy rock wall slowly pushed away, revealing a huge hole with dazzling light.

In front of the cave entrance, a large group of players were staring here in surprise, until they saw a group of bosses appearing, nearly two thousand players hurriedly walked to the left side of the mountain.

The location of the cave entrance was actually on a smooth rock wall at the foot of the mountain, and on the opposite side of the rock wall, there was a huge cave.

But if you don't open it from the inside, you won't see any abnormalities on the outside, even if you hit it with a hammer, you can't make any strange sounds, because the thickness of the iron door is so amazing that you can't find it.

The players rushed over excitedly, and curiously followed the bosses into the cave. As Mo Xiaolang turned the mechanism, the thick gate slowly closed, closing the space in the belly of the mountain again.

"Brothers, we will be looking around in groups for a while, and report any findings immediately, but don't touch any organs on your own terms to avoid danger."

Mo Xie warned in the legion team channel.

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