The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 872: Buddha statue

Nearly two thousand players swarmed into the cave hall at the bottom of the cave. They just dispersed and did not explore for a long time, and the surprise discovery immediately appeared in front of a large group of players.

They had just rushed into the hall and dashed forward tens of meters, and they saw the darkness spread, and strange scenes like small hills continued to appear. These small hills, about three meters high, exude a golden color. A small mountain bag is made up of countless golden stones.

"Xiao Mo, have you seen it, there are so many hills in this cave, what is this?" Lianna asked in surprise.

"I saw it, wait for me to come forward and check it out." Mo Xie also saw the countless golden stone piles in the wide cave in the distance.

He quickly rushed forward with all his brothers, and soon came to the densely packed mountain area, with a small golden hill standing in front of him.

However, in order to pay attention to safety, the players in the large unit followed Mo Xie's instructions, looking at the golden stone pile from a distance, not dare to approach easily.

Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang strode forward from two directions, and finally came to the nearest stone pile...

Looking at the fixed point of the golden stone pile and the line of pale golden names, Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang opened their eyes in surprise almost at the same time.

The pale gold font indicates that this stone pile is some kind of high-quality ore, at least it has reached top quality!

Futu Jinshi Mine!

Light gold font, five large characters, after reading the name clearly, the hearts of Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang have already jumped...

In the game world, the most attractive to players is nothing more than the best equipment and weapons.

But for the commanders of large guilds, the best equipment and weapons can only make one person stronger. If they want to make the entire guild stronger, precious resources are what they value most.

And I found this large golden stone pile in front of me. It was a kind of precious ore with the highest quality and material type that was still to be continued!

The pale gold name reflects its scarcity and is also a type of mineral material that is extremely difficult to collect.

"What is the Buddha Gold Stone Mine?" Mo Xiaolang curiously tried to check the system attributes of the ore pile, but because of insufficient skill proficiency, he jumped out of a whiteboard interface.

Mo Xie also tried to investigate the properties of the mine pile, and also saw a white board...

"None of us can see the introduction of the ore, I am afraid that we can only find out if we ask the master craftsman to come." Mo Xie replied.

"Then quickly let the Dragon Girl go and invite." Mo Xiaolang said excitedly.

"After all the conditions here are ascertained, I will invite Master Master Craftsman to come and have a look." Mo Xie said thoughtfully.

The discovery of so many golden ore piles is already a very pleasant surprise, but Mo Xie knew in his heart that this metal mountain range is definitely not that simple.

On the upper floor, you have seen a large number of blacksmith stoves for refining ores and making props, as well as a tall hanging platform for assembling accessories. There are precious and mysterious ores found here. The name is unheard of. Then there must be others in this mysterious cave. Settings.

"Brothers, be careful of the situation here, start searching, and if you find anything unknown, don't approach it first. Be careful." Mo Xie immediately ordered in the team channel.


The team of players continued to move forward, slowly sweeping away the shady of the entire cave map step by step, and on the small map in front of their eyes, at least hundreds of golden origins were densely covered!

All of these are the collection points of the Buddha Gold and Stone Mine. This is actually a large resource mining area, and it is also a top precious resource collection area!

With the discovery of these minerals, Mo Xiaolang and his teammates have been extremely pleasantly surprised, feeling that this trip has not come in vain.

However, all commanders know that the existence of these ores is a pile of mines reserved for future use by the system. With players' current mining level, at least they have to wait until level 60 or higher before they can use it.

In the system settings, each map has a level setting, but the ore has no level division, only the level of quality.

Therefore, in the low-level maps, high-quality ores are also hidden. Even if they are discovered early by the players, they can only be watched but cannot be used.

Pieces of shady caves gradually opened, and more and more dense ore piles were discovered.

But so far, there are no other surprises yet.

Mo Xie and his teammates led the team to move forward. After ten minutes of forward exploration, walking among the piles of golden ore, slowly came to the center of the map.

As they continued to move towards the other half of the cave, the dense ore piles were gradually decreasing, and deep traces appeared on the ground, extending towards the other side of the cave.

These long strips of dents on the ground, like the tracks of a vehicle, form a pair of long parallel lines in pairs.

"The ground seems to be a lane, I don't know if my guess is correct." Zhou Jianing said.

"Ms. Zhou is right. From the perspective of the width of the track, it looks like a trace of a small vehicle walking. It seems to be a mine cart loaded with mines. Please pay attention to search and see if there is any mine cart wreckage." Mo Xie reminded. .

"I see, we are looking for it." Mo Xiaolang nodded and said.

After walking through half the area of ​​the cave, the mine pile disappeared completely, and countless lane tracks can be seen everywhere on the flat ground.

As Mo Xie walked forward, looking at the situation on the ground, he seemed to understand something in his heart.

It was supposed to be a busy mining area back then. Numerous mine carts were loaded with ore along the tracks and transported to the side of the cave, and then transported to the upper-level workshop for refining, and then they were manufactured and assembled into some kind of Large props.

Such a large hanging platform can prove that the props made in this ancient workshop must be very huge!

And these ore, because the attributes are currently invisible, no one can guess what kind of treasure it can produce...

As the large troops walked through the vast expanse of caves, they were about to reach the end of the cave unknowingly.

But along the way, no one reported any new discoveries, as if the entire cave had been cleaned up, and no other situation was seen.

But when the large army completely passed through the entire cave and came to the other side of this hall, the spectacular scene appeared again!

At the end of the cave in front, tall stone platforms are lined up. In front of each stone platform, there are countless traces of car tracks. On the **** of the stone platform, in the middle of a section of steps, impressive There is a wide conveyor belt...

Countless black four-wheeled small mine carts were neatly stacked on the open space in the middle of the stone platform. At a glance, they were densely packed with no less than a thousand!

"I'm going, so many minecarts!" Everyone was stunned by the sight.

"There is no doubt that this was a lively mining area before, but I don't know when it was abandoned, but seeing such a neat and clean cleaning, they should purposely abandon this mine and completely abandon the workshop."

"Then all entrances are also cleverly hidden to prevent others from finding them."

Mo Xiaolang said.

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