Seeing Mo Xiaolang hit the hammer, he actually caused double durability damage to Shimen, and Mo Xie was speechless.

But now everyone understands that since this hidden stone gate has a durability setting, it can definitely be opened with violence.

"Let me come, maybe because of professional reasons, my damage is higher than yours." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Okay." Mo Xie stood aside, watching Mo Xiaolang continue to swing the sledgehammer...

Bang bang bang!

The percussions continued to sound, the gaps in the stone walls became larger and larger, and the durability damage value appeared in a series of percussions.

After several minutes have passed, Mo Xiaolang has been prompted by the system to warn him, ordering him to ban the current dangerous actions and quickly regain his strength.

But Shimen has not been opened yet.

Mo Xiaolang waved his hand, and several burly men in heavy armor rushed out from the group of players behind him. They lined up and began to hit the stone wall again, and the muffled noise continued...


A full ten minutes passed, and finally a tower-like brawny player swung a hammer to hit the stone wall with a loud bang, and the door fell backward, revealing a huge hole again.

"The shield warrior goes in first, the shield wall defends, and the organs ambush carefully." Mo Xiaolang gave an order, and a row of shield warriors immediately held up their huge shields, and the three of them cautiously rushed into the cave.

As several rows of soldiers rushed into the stone cave one after another, they soon connected into a straight shield wall, slowly marching towards the inside...

"The wolf is big, the inside is very empty, no danger was found." The shield warrior sub-group leader sent a message from the cave.

"Be careful, we are also ready to come in behind you." Mo Xiaolang replied.

The shield wall stopped moving forward, and stood on the spot carefully, paying attention to the surrounding environment.

Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang led the beauties into the cave afterwards, and the large army behind them followed them and started pouring into the cave.

As soon as I entered the entrance of the cave, there really was a huge cave hall inside.

"Xiao Mo, it's really a hidden space. Since this place is so hidden, there should be more important discoveries?" Zhou Jianing asked excitedly.

"Since they closed this place, there must be something that people don't want to see. We don't know what it is, so we should be careful," Moxie said.

"Let the assassin go invisible first, and look at the situation ahead." Mo Xiaolang suggested.

"Then let the assassins explore the map first." Mo Xie nodded and gave instructions.

Among the large number of players who followed behind, the Assassin profession had a whole sub-group, and they immediately fanned out under the command of the sub-group leader to explore stealth ahead.

In an instant, countless swaying black shadows appeared in front of Mo Xie's eyes. The assassin players of the God Realm League had entered a state of invisibility, and no one could see them except their teammates.

I saw countless swaying black shadows reaching out towards the cave and moving forward quickly, before disappearing into their sight...

The entire cave is extremely quiet, and the light is not very sufficient, and there is no environment in sight 30 meters away.

However, the assassins quickly sent back a message, stating that the entire cave was flat and there was no suspicious discovery.

When the group of assassins reached the side of the cave unhindered, nothing was found in the entire cave...

"No, this cave is empty?" Zhou Jianing blinked her beautiful eyes, she couldn't believe it.

"Impossible, since there is nothing, why should I close the entrance so secretly?" Lianna asked puzzled.

"There is no silver three hundred taels here. If you don't close the hole, you might be able to fool us." Mo Xie smiled coldly, waved his hand, and led all the players forward...

The players were scattered and arranged to sweep away the dark scenes of the cave in large swathes. What is surprising is that what they saw was the same as the situation reported by the assassins. The cave was really empty!

"How could this happen?" Ouyang Jiaojiao was extremely surprised.

"Don't worry, there must be secrets hidden here, first explore the entire cave, and then we will find a way." Moxie said.

Of course, it is impossible to have nothing in such a secret place, but I don't know what secrets there is.

He can say with certainty that not only is there something hidden here, but it is also very important!

"I led the team to the left, Nana led a team to the right, in the middle of Xiao Mo, we explored separately." Mo Xiaolang said.

The large force immediately divided into three teams, and spread out in three directions towards the cave...

Walking through a large open area, finally reached the opposite stone wall, and joined a group of assassin players who were waiting there and had already begun to explore the stone wall.

"I went, really didn't find anything. It seems that I can only check the stone wall, maybe there are hidden organs." Lianna said helplessly.

"The Assassin Commander has already told me that they have searched all the stone walls here, and it seems that they have found nothing." Mo Xiaolang said silently.

"Continue to check." Mo Xie frowned, doubting his own judgment in his heart.

But it shouldn't. There is nothing in the hidden cave. What is the situation?

Take the people, let them all hold the hammers, and start to strike carefully every inch and every inch on the rock wall. In an instant, there were clanging percussions everywhere in the cave, and their ears were almost numb. ...

But after half an hour of busy work, everyone shook their heads helplessly. They beat all the stone walls once, and even used a very large force. If there is a hidden secret door, they should be beaten out.

But the entire stone wall is extremely hard, and the existence of hidden doors has been ruled out...

"Xiao Mo, none of them." Mo Xiaolang said, shaking his head.

"On my side too, the entire side of the stone wall has been checked, and there will be no hidden organs." Liana said.

"Weird thing, I didn't notice it here..." Mo Xie frowned, turned to look at the large empty space and the flat ground behind him, with unusual doubts in his heart.

The current situation completely exceeded his judgment. In such a secret space, nothing was discovered. This is the biggest puzzle.

But the secret door was tightly sealed, and no one had ever entered or exited. How could the things here disappear?

While he was racking his brains and thinking hard, the commanders all gathered where he was, surrounded them in the middle, waiting for his next instructions.

"Xiao Mo, do you want to check all the ground too?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"The place is too wide. If we check all the ground, I'm afraid we people will stay here until tomorrow." Mo Xie said, shaking his head.

"What should I do? Is there really nothing here?" Zhou Jianing said helplessly.

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