The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 876: Floating boat

Mo Xie had always suspected that the Buddha statue in the mine was the main material for making magical mine carts, and that's why these mine carts were so lightweight.

The huge hangers on the first floor of the workshop are almost as high as the ceiling of the hole, but there are no hoisting tools such as chains and ropes. Maybe those accessories are also very light, so they can be easily transported to the hanger. Assemble.

So, is there a place to hide mystery above your head?

Mo Xie raised his head and looked at the top of the cave curiously. This look instantly strengthened his confidence.

Because intuitively, he just raised his head and glanced up, and he felt that the top of the second floor seemed to be much lower than the first and third floors...

The distance from the ground to the top of the cave is not a bit low, but a distance of tens of meters!

With such a big gap, Mo Xie, who has always had a heartache in height, is usually very sensitive to height, but now it comes in handy!

In the second floor space, the distance between the ground and the top of the cave is almost only about half of the first and third floors.

"Brother Wolf, let the brothers find a way to build a high platform, I want to see the situation on the top of the cave." Moxie said.

"Do you suspect that the hidden mechanism is above your head?" Mo Xiaolang's eyes lit up and he asked excitedly.

"It's hard to say now. You can know by looking at the situation first." Mo Xie was already afraid to boast about going to Haikou, so he could only explore first before drawing conclusions.

"But the height here is thirty meters. It is a bit of a hassle to build a high platform. I want to find a way." Mo Xiaolang glanced at the top of the cave, immediately issued an order in the team to gather all the players together, and then took it out. The stone props in the package, build a high platform as soon as possible.

Originally, if you wanted to build such a high stone platform, the stones brought by one player were far from enough, but after all, there are nearly two thousand players here, and more people have an advantage.

After receiving the order, all the sub-group leaders summoned their subordinates and cooperated with other sub-group players to pave blocks of ashlar on the ground to form a huge stone platform foundation.

Then another group of players will build from the bottom to the top...

Soon, in front of Mo Xie and the beauties, a tall stone platform was constantly being piled up...

"Princess, go up and see first." Mo Xie handed a hammer in his hand to Princess Zixin behind him.

"Got it." Princess Zixin seemed to be bored. After receiving the task, she smiled and rushed forward. The charming figure stepped forward and flew to the first floor of the stone platform, and then jumped continuously, layer by layer. up……

It didn't take a few seconds to see the agile woman, who was already standing on the top of the tall stone platform, and was able to reach the rock wall at the top of the cave as soon as he reached out.


As Princess Zixin waved the hammer in her hand, strange voices rang above the players...

"This it empty inside?" Mo Xiaolang listened to the sound, with a surprised expression on his face.

If you hit the rock wall with a clang, it means that the rock wall is solid. No matter how you hit it, only sparks will appear, but the rocks cannot be dropped because the entire mountain is made of metal.

And now, as soon as Princess Zixin took the shot and did not carefully choose the location of the strike, she heard this surprising sound, indicating that the entire cave roof seemed to be hidden in mystery!

"I'll go up and take a look." Mo Xie couldn't bear his excitement, and hurried to the stone platform.

"I'll help too, others are waiting below." Mo Xiaolang smiled and followed behind him, and quickly rushed to the edge of the stone platform.

The two clumsily climbed up the layers of stone platforms, panting for breath, and finally stood beside Princess Zixin.

What makes people speechless is that neither of them can reach the top of the cave, so they have to take out the rocks again and stand on it and look at the top of the cave.

The black stone wall seemed to be no different from other places, but there was a trace of cracks in the place where Princess Zixin struck just now...

"The stone walls here are fake, with compartments in the middle." Mo Xie said in surprise.

"Damn, the system settings are too secret. Who would have thought that the mechanism would be hidden in the air?" Mo Xiaolang was also speechless.

"Open it and take a look, what kind of treasure is inside, hidden so tightly." Ouyang Jiaojiao urged excitedly.

"Wait a moment." Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang looked at each other and smiled, shaking their hammers one after another, slamming them towards the top of the cave...

Princess Zixin also waved the sledgehammer, and the dull banging sound suddenly sounded over the players' heads...


A burst of cracking sound soon came in the air, and large pieces of broken black stones fell like raindrops, frightening the players to scatter and escape.

As the stones continued to fall, looking at a smooth black top of the cave, three cave openings gradually appeared...

Under the strenuous percussion of the three people, the stones were still falling to the ground, and the entrance of the cave became bigger and bigger.

Excited players looked at their eyes shining brightly, waiting for the hidden things inside to fully reveal.

"Don't be stunned, everyone, build a few more high platforms and take apart all the roof of the cave." Zhou Jianing said with a smile.

"Yeah, let's help together." The players hurriedly built a stone platform again...

Every ten meters away, a high platform was quickly built and formed, and excited players kept pouring up, standing on the top of the platform and struggling against the rock wall.

The clattering sound became denser, and large pieces of black gravel fell to the ground...

The roof of the cave was almost sealed with a layer of black stone bricks. When the stone bricks were broken, there was still half of the space inside!

And as the hole got bigger and bigger, Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang looked up and saw that in the pitch-black environment above their heads, huge long strips of black objects were spectacularly suspended in rows in the ceiling compartment. ...

"What is this, it looks like the shape of a boat." Lianna also saw the situation inside the cave roof compartment.

"Yes, many small boats are hung on it, the number is about fifty." Ouyang Jiaojiao nodded.

"What kind of boat is it?" Zhou Jianing, who was standing below and not going up, asked curiously.

"It's too dark, the specific situation is not clear." Lianna shook her head.

"Great, great wolf, we found an iron chain here." A branch leader just smashed the stone slab above his head and suddenly found an iron chain hanging on top.

"What kind of chain?" Mo Xiaolang asked curiously.

"It's an iron chain hanging in the air, and it's connected by an iron ring." The branch leader replied.

"Where is your position?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"I'm right in the center of the stone wall, Mo Da can see our high platform as long as I get there," the head of the branch replied.

"You don't need to move, your place is where the mechanism is opened, try to pull the iron chain." Mo Xie said quickly in surprise.

"Okay." The head of the sub-group stretched out his hand, carefully grasped the iron ring, and tried to pull the iron chain downward...

Click click!

As he pulled the iron ring vigorously, the top of his head made the sound of two organs turning.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, dull noises rang continuously above the players' heads.

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