The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 880: Tibetan Soldier Canyon

The large force continued to move forward, bypassing this peculiar mountain, and continuing to explore the depths of Cuiping Mountain.

According to the instructions on the mission map, the location where General Yanghui hid the remnants was in the depths of the Cuiping Mountains, in an area densely covered with numerous canyons.

There was originally an extremely complex terrain, but with the guidance of the mission map, finding this location was just a matter of time.

Unknowingly, the large group of troops climbed the ridges, and in the middle of the mountains in front, a large area of ​​mountains was clearly visible, and they came to a new environment surrounded by mountains.

There are high mountains and ridges everywhere, and between each peak is a deep valley. Seeing the terrain here is so complicated, Mo Xie knew that they had already arrived near the location of the Tibetan soldiers.

Next, follow the map's guidelines to find the hidden place.

"Brother Wolf, you take a group of people down from the left, Sister Na, you and Sister Jiao take a group of people from the right, Miss Zhou and Master General and I explore from the middle." Mo Xie ordered.

"Understood." The commanders nodded and immediately dispatched their staff to spread out from the mountain to the sides.

Such a large canyon map can only be explored separately to find the small box marked on the map.

When the teams on both sides started to move, Mo Xie also led General Ying and Zhou Jianing and his party, walking from the middle hillside to the foot of the hill.

Below this mountain peak is a horizontal canyon that connects the vast maze of valleys ahead. I wonder what other dangers exist in this valley?

All the way down the steep slope, the large group of troops stood under a high mountain cliff in a short while, with wide valleys on the left and right sides, and a huge valley entrance was clearly visible in the cliff on the left not far from them.

However, just before the entrance of the valley, large monsters and shadows gathered there, and there are also many monster refresh area settings.

However, Cuiping Mountain is only a level 40 field map, and the players here haven't paid attention to the strength of the monsters.

"The shield warriors swept open the passage, and we speed up our exploration." Mo Xie gave the order, and the hundreds of shield warriors assigned to him immediately gathered to the left, forming a shield wall, and began to advance like a bulldozer.

The players followed, rushing towards the mouth of the valley...

Soon they approached the huge gorge, and saw cliffs as high as hundreds of meters on both sides of the long winding gorge. In the black lacquered gorge, the light was blocked, and it looked extremely quiet.

In the entire canyon, there are countless monster refresh areas at intervals, which is also a good leveling location.

It's just that the map area of ​​each major city in the unfinished business is huge, and players can choose too many locations for leveling. Up to now, it's still very quiet.

However, top players like Moxie all know that, because the players are now separated by the main city. Once the level becomes higher, they will go to a more advanced map. At that time, every piece of leveling guarantee will be Occupied by ocean-like players.

Now it is only the system that allows players to get through the novice stage as soon as possible, so the grand primary leveling site has been established so that everyone can improve their strength as soon as possible, avoiding crowded competition.

Protected by the shield wall, a team of hundreds of people rushed into the canyon, ignoring the anger of the monster group, and rushed all the way into the canyon and out...

Mo Xie followed the large troops quickly, always opening the task map interface in front of him, looking for places that were similar to the terrain in the box above.

You know, the tracing map that General Yang Hui gave him is just a small screenshot of a map in the mountains. It is impossible to use a large map as a reference. Moreover, Moxie has never been in this gorge. If you want to tell at a glance The right place is really difficult.

Otherwise, he would have brought thousands of players in the search for the Tibetan soldiers this time, just to take advantage of the large number of people to complete this mission as quickly as possible.

While moving forward, he checked the map and accepted the news from the teams on both wings at any time, but it had been half an hour since entering the valley area, and he never found a similar location on the mission map.

"Xiao Mo, according to the markings on the mission map, what you are looking for should be a fork like a crossroad, but when we walked this way, we only saw three forks at most, and never saw four passages. , Did you misread the map?” Mo Xiaolang has been searching according to the screenshots of the system given by Mo Xie.

"Yeah, Xiao Mo, I, like Brother Wolf, have never seen the terrain of the four intersections." Lianna also said.

One person's statement may be wrong, but the commanders of the two teams said so, making Mo Xie feel a little unsure.

In fact, his mind was the same as the two people saw. Since he walked through countless gorges, he has seen countless intersections of two fork roads, and many canyons of three fork roads, but he has never seen the crossroads of four roads...

The location of this terrain should be on the left of the middle of the canyon map. Logically speaking, it was already near the location he was looking for.

"Don't worry, I'll look at it again." Mo Xie was reminded this time, and when he studied the map, he took extra care.

On the map interface, the location delineated by the red box is indeed a crossroads...

However, this fork in the road now looks a bit awkward. It seems that the location of one intersection is incompatible with the other three, as if it was forced on the map.

Mo Xie looked suspiciously in his heart and found that the width of this gorge seemed to be slightly narrower than the other three gorges, and it happened to be at the other three scattered intersections, at the same position in the middle.

No, this intersection should not exist!

Looking at the gorge that was added, Mo Xie frowned, feeling that this gorge should not be visible on the map, but General Yang Hui marked it on the map, there is only one possibility...

This canyon is a hidden passage that will never be revealed in the existing terrain. It is a hidden passage that requires players to open the mechanism.

"I see, you temporarily cover the thinnest canyon, as long as you find the other three canyons with similar terrain, you will immediately notify me." Mo Xie said excitedly.

"That's it, that's good, I'll try first." Lianna immediately responded.

"It's pretty much the same, I found that there was something wrong." Mo Xiaolang nodded and said.

The three troops continued to explore forward in the winding canyon, and now the target they were looking for had been locked in the terrain of the fork of the three roads, so it was really much easier to find.

In less than ten minutes, Mo Xiaolang, exploring the area on the left, was the first to send good news.

He found a three-way intersection with the terrain similar to the box...

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