The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 881: Rural scenery underground

The mission map given by General Yanghui originally showed the bifurcation of the four canyons, but in fact, one of the canyons will not be displayed on the players' maps, and it is also the only correct way to the location of the Tibetan soldiers.

After clarifying the settings of the system, the players quickly found the correct mission location based on the general characteristics of the other three canyons.

The location of the fourth canyon, on the real map, is the row of high cliffs in front of Mo Xie.

The entrance of the canyon is in the middle of this cliff.

After Mo Xiaolang led a carpet-like search, he finally found the hidden place of the organ in the large pile of rocks in front of the cliff.

A thick iron ring is hidden among the three massive boulders that are randomly piled up together. The iron ring is connected to the thick iron chain of the arm and has been connected to the underground organs.

Players grabbed the iron ring, lined up and began to pull the iron chain desperately, as the thick and long iron chains were pulled out of the ground, but the sound of the mechanism opening still did not appear.

"I can't pull it, the Wolf University will send someone again." The head of the branch commanded hundreds of players to pull desperately. After pulling the iron chain out of the rock pile for nearly ten meters, he couldn't move anymore. Shouting for assistance.

"Let's help too." Mo Xie quickly let the hundreds of brothers under his leadership join the ranks of pulling the hoop.


As the number increased to thousands of people, everyone worked hard together, and the chains were pulled out again and again, and the sound of the organs finally came clearly from the underground.


The whole earth seemed to be trembling violently. In the middle of the cliff in front of Mo Xie, huge cracks began to appear at a height of more than ten meters. Pieces of rubble continued to fall from the cliff, and a hole was slowly spreading...

The sky was full of smoke and dust, countless rubbles rolled down, and the players evaded one after another. Looking at the steep mountain wall in surprise, a big square hole appeared suddenly...

"I'm going, it turned out to be such a setting, and the entire cave on the cliff is actually sealed!" Mo Xiaolang said in surprise.

"Isn't there people hidden inside? If the hole is sealed, wouldn't the inside be able to survive?" Lianna asked curiously.

"Yes, it is said that there are a lot of soldiers hidden inside. How did they survive after being sealed in the cave for so many years?" Zhou Jianing was also extremely puzzled.

"Don't be curious, let's go in and take a look. General, come with me." Mo Xie looked at the anode general beside him, waiting for his response.

"Young man, this must be the Tibetan location arranged by Yanghui. I didn't expect that after so many years, most of my subordinates are still alive." General Yang said in surprise.

Seeing that he had already taken a big step and rushed towards the entrance of the cave impatiently, Mo Xie hurriedly followed him and walked towards the entrance of the cliff where the dust had not yet dispersed.

General Yanghui actually excavated a huge cave here, then hid people in, and then sealed the hole from the outside, so that others could not find there is a hidden canyon hole...

If this picture is not very clear, even if a player has been leveling here for a long time, it is impossible to find the location of the hole.

Mo Xiaolang and the beauties hurriedly followed, and the group quickly came to the cliff.

Outside the hole that just appeared, there are long steps set up to lead into the dark hole.

Stepping up the steps, General Mo Xie and General Anode took the lead to walk towards the entrance of the cave. Inside the spacious stone cave, the ground and walls were very smooth, and they were dug out manually.

The long cave leads straight into the belly of the mountain, and the steep steps sloping down let Mo Xie understand that this is a passage to the underground.

The two followed the steps all the way down, leading the curious players behind them into the deep hole...

Fortunately, there is no fork in the cave, as long as they walk along the way, but after walking a long distance, they have entered the depths of the mountain belly, and the surrounding area is getting darker and darker.

Mo Xie lit a torch to let Qing Binger and Princess Zixin step forward to avoid danger.

With the protection of two beautiful masters, the team has been advancing very fast. After ten minutes, it is no longer known how far from the entrance of the cave, and all the way down, it seems to reach a depth of one or two hundred meters underground.

"There is light ahead." Qing Bing'er suddenly turned back in front and said.

"Are you here so soon?" Mo Xie looked forward curiously, and as expected, only a light appeared at the end of the cave entrance.

Excited, he hurried forward and quickly walked over a few hundred meters of steps. At the end of the hole in front of him, there was a cave with a 90-degree corner.

Outside the cave, a white light curtain appeared.

There is still such a dazzling light in the underground cave. What is the situation?

Mo Xie was curious, and led the anode general behind the two beauties, quickly walked through the last section of the horizontal cave, and came to the front of the white light curtain.

Standing in front of the light curtain, there was a huge underground space outside the entrance of the cave. At first glance, it looked like a huge canyon. The light above the canyon was shining. Although it was underground, Mo Xie thought he had walked out of the mountain and returned to the ground again. a feeling of.

"Yanghui, the old guy, is very considerate." General Anode smiled and strode towards the light curtain. Under Mo Xie's nervous gaze, he easily penetrated the white light curtain and entered the middle of the huge underground canyon.

"This isn't a barrier?" Mo Xie touched his head and quickly followed out of the light curtain.

As soon as he appeared next to General Anode, he was completely stunned by the sight before him...

Where is this underground cave? It is a strange huge space. On both sides of the canyon are towering ridges, and behind it is a high cliff with no view of the top of the mountain.

And on the cliff in front of the canyon, a white tower stands in the midair of the ridge, a group of brilliant white halo, constantly emitting light to the surrounding...

The whole world underneath, made it look like on the ground, it would be difficult for players to tell whether it was the ground or the ground without the top of the cave far above.

"Ah, what's the situation, there is still light?" Lianna had just drilled out of the cave, and was shocked by the sight in front of her.

"This is called the Concentration Tower. It was originally a special building of the Light Element Protoss. I didn’t expect that the old thing Yang Hui considered very well, and actually built the Concentration Tower under the ground. My soldiers don’t have to worry about living in the dark. It's in." General anode seemed very satisfied.

"The Tower of Light Concentration, it turned out to be like this." Mo Xie has been to the Sun Valley, a holy land of the light system. This kind of tower can be seen everywhere in the Sun Valley. Almost every building has two or three such towers on the roof.

It's just that the golden towers that he saw in Sun Valley were numerous, so he didn't pay much attention to it. He didn't expect this kind of concentrating tower to have such a powerful function.

"Let's go, over this ridge, you should be able to see my soldiers." General anode moved forward again excitedly.

The team followed him mightily, entered a wide canyon, walked through a straight path, and then left a huge curve canyon.

The front of my eyes suddenly opened up, and the huge map scene finally appeared...

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