The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 884: Protoss Wrath

The Sunshine Crystal Mine was discovered. For Mo Xie, the God Realm League had another potential strategic resource.

Although this kind of energy crystal cannot be turned into a profitable resource, for future development, it may become an indispensable treasure!

"Okay, according to Brother Wolf's suggestion, we will rebuild the canyon hole outside. We will guard this place later." Mo Xie nodded.

"Then now we start to take action, brothers go back to continue leveling, I will send the outer army to patrol or level up nearby." Mo Xiaolang said.

"I'll leave the matter here to you. I will pay the task first, and then take a look at the barracks in Hupaogang." Mo Xie nodded, still thinking about the situation of the abandoned barracks.

After explaining the matter, Mo Xie immediately used the Huicheng Scroll and directly chose to return to the sunset city.

With a flash of light, he returned to the main city, immediately called out the mount, and rushed to the nearest city lord mansion first...

After these few things, Mo Xie has made up his mind to give up the temptation conditions of the Protoss and continue to help the Saint Princess against the Protoss.

Of course, once this decision is made, I am afraid there will be headaches...

Quickly rushed to the city lord's mansion, jumped off the mount and walked into the depths of the city lord's compound, came to the high platform, and stood in front of the lord of the city.

Selecting the task dialogue, the scene suddenly switched, and the Lord of the City with a smile appeared in front of him.

"Mo sad, you are finally back, what is your choice now?" Lord City Lord asked with a smile.

"My Lord City Lord, I have made a decision. Thank you for your kindness. I am still willing to find out the truth of the year." Mo Xie replied lightly.

" kid, you are obsessed with it. What happened back then is a foregone conclusion. Why are you going to investigate it now? If you insist on investigating the truth back then, you will take the initiative to oppose our Protoss. Have you ever thought about it?" The smile on Lord City Lord's face disappeared instantly, and he asked with an angry expression.

"I have already thought about it. The truth must be found out and returned to the general anode and the soldiers who died unjustly." Mo Xie said decisively.

"Damn it! Don't you know that nowadays the human royal family is dying and the human emperor has no virtue and incompetence. This world will always return to the rule of our protoss. Only if you follow us will have a future. If you have to be right, you know what it is End?" Lord City Lord asked coldly.

"You finally exposed the ambition of your Protoss. No matter what you will do to me in the future, I will always be loyal to the human royal family. No need to threaten me anymore. I decided to support the holy princess and find out the truth of the year." Mo Xie said with a sneer.

"You, really don't know good or bad! Forget it, since you are determined to oppose us, from now on, Mo Sad is the enemy of our Protoss! Whatever happens in the future, you will bear it yourself!" Angrily, with a wave of his sleeves, a colorful halo pounced...

Before Mo Xie could figure out what was going on, the colored light ball flew directly into his body with a ding sound, and the system prompt suddenly sounded.

Ding...System: Warning! Players should not be sad, because you refused the alliance invitation of the Protoss and completely offended the Protoss. You have been marked as the Wrath of the Gods state. Under the influence of this state, any Protoss can attack you. Please be extra careful!

Ding...System: The Wrath of the Gods mark is effective. You will become the most wanted criminal of the Protoss in any territory controlled by the Protoss. You may encounter attacks from the Protoss at any time. There is no level restriction!

Two consecutive system messages flew out in front of him, and Mo Xie stared blankly...

It turns out that offending the Protoss is such a punishment?

Seeing a colorful icon flying into the status bar, it really showed the four characters of Wrath of the Gods.

Wrath of the Gods: You are marked by the Protoss and become the target of the Protoss. Once you enter the territory of the Protoss, a warning will sound and you must quickly escape.

Looking at the state introduction, Mo Xie only relieved his nervous mood a little. Fortunately, this state of chasing and killing is subject to geographical restrictions, not being attacked by the Protoss anytime and anywhere.

And whenever he accidentally entered the Protoss territory, the system would issue a warning, as long as he left quickly.

It's just that.

Mo Xie smiled faintly, the dialogue plot in front of him was still open, and it seemed that the angry lord of the city still had something to say.

"Don't be sad, I'll give you the way and you won't go. From now on, you can do it yourself!" The city lord waved his long sleeves angrily, and the light gleamed, and the dialogue interface finally disappeared.

Mo Xie stood on the high platform, looking at the tall image of the city lord in front of him, with unusual doubts in his heart.

Isn't the main task gone?

However, the golden exclamation mark that appeared on the Lord's head again made him understand immediately, and he refused the invitation of the Lord, and he started a new task.

Click on the body of the city lord to open the task dialogue interface again...

"Don’t be sad, your strength is prompting quickly, you can already enter the imperial city to join the emperor’s regiment, and contribute to our empire on the day. With the letter from the lord of the city, go to the emperor city to find the lord of the imperial city. Continue to serve the empire." Lord City Lord waved, a golden light flew over, and the dialogue interface disappeared instantly.

Ding...System: Congratulations to players, don’t be sad, you successfully reached level 50 and got a letter from the lord’s recommendation. With this letter, you can turn on the imperial city teleportation function and find the lord of the imperial city that never sleeps, and accept the next main quest!

In the package, there was an extra golden letter in an instant, which was the voucher for starting the imperial city transmission and receiving the next stage of the main mission.

Mo Xie was waiting for this task, and after getting the letter, he could complete all the tasks in Sunset City.

He immediately turned around and walked off the high platform, quickly rushed out of the city lord's mansion, and drew out the mount to rush towards the general's mansion...

Quickly rushing through large areas and streets, and once again came to the gate of the General's Mansion. Now Mo Xie was curious about the question and wanted to find General Yang Hui to ask what happened.

Walked into the general's mansion, came to the general's body, opened the dialogue interface for the first time, the light flashed, and a burly and mighty figure appeared in front of him.

"The young man is here, how about it, did you help the old man and found his soldier?" General Yang Hui asked with a smile.

"Master General, I have successfully brought General Anode to the place of the Tibetan soldiers, and tens of thousands of legions have also left with the General, so I am here to return. This is a letter from General Anode."

Mo Xie took out the letter from the package and handed it over with respectful hands.

Mo Xie looked at the constantly shining Wrath of the Gods icon in his status bar, always feeling a little inconvenient, so he turned to General Yang Hui to see if the General could help control the influence of this state.

"They came here again. They promised to this general that they had a lot of generous conditions, but they are still subject to contract restrictions. How can the imperial territory be controlled by them."

General Yang Hui sneered.

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