The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 885: The future of the empire

"Master General, I have been marked by them as the wrath of the gods, and I may be in danger at any time. Is there any way you can help me avoid disaster?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"How difficult is this? You just have to remember one thing. Once you encounter danger, just go to the nearby human army camps. No matter how rampant the Protoss is, you still dare not turn your face with the Imperial Legion. And you can rest assured that this general will send messages to those generals. Warning, once the Protoss chases and kills our people, they will provide immediate support." General Yang Hui said.

"You mean that the imperial legion is united and ready to fight a decisive battle with the Protoss?" Mo Xie's eyes lit up and he asked excitedly.

This is a very important piece of information. If all the generals in the Imperial Legion have reached a consensus and are ready to fight against the Protoss, then for Mo Xie, this will be a very good opportunity!

"Don't think too much about it. Now all the generals can't pay attention. After all, the Protoss is too strong, and the Emperor also obeys their words. If you are not careful, you will lose everything! So now we can't make peace. The Protoss is the enemy head-on. Some things require a warrior like you to explore. Once the exact plot of the Protoss is figured out and the evidence of their actions is available, we can fight back." General Yang Hui said with a sigh.

"I understand this. All generals must obey His Majesty's orders, so they cannot take the initiative..." Mo Xie nodded and said.

Now he finally understood the thoughts of General Yanghui and these people. They all knew that the Protoss threatened so much, and if they didn't, the Human Empire would completely collapse.

However, as legion generals, they cannot arbitrarily disobey the human emperor’s orders. This is the basic setting of the system. Once any general dares to oppose the human emperor’s authority, it is equivalent to giving the Protoss an excuse to deprive the emperor...

The most important thing is that the human throne has been set for so many years now, not the situation of the anode generals, because at that time the holy princess and the eldest prince were fighting for the throne, the throne of the emperor has not been determined, these generals can still choose.

But now, they have no chance to choose, the emperor's order is above all else.

Restricted by this rule, even if all the generals know that the Protoss is plotting badly, they can't take the initiative to attack unless they get the order of the emperor, or evidence of the other party's conspiracy.

And what General Yanghui needs him to do now is nothing more than two conditions.

One, find her Royal Highness the Holy Princess and think of a way to let her succeed the eldest prince to ascend the throne of the emperor, so that the holy princess' orders can be issued to all generals.

Second, find a way to find out the evidence of the Protoss plot and give them to these generals, and let them think about whether they should send troops to fight the Protoss.

For these two conditions, in Mo Xie's opinion, the first one should be simpler and more effective. Otherwise, it would be difficult to complete the task if other settings were to be found by looking for evidence of the conspiracy.

"Master General, what do you want me to do for you? Are you looking for the princess, or inquire about the conspiracy of the Protoss?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"This is the new task that this general is about to give you. These years, your Majesty’s behavior has made us guarding generals very disappointed. We have continuously strengthened our forces and provided the most strength to support His Majesty, but found that His Majesty only listens to the suggestions of the Protoss. Regardless of the interests of the empire. Therefore, we have been secretly investigating the whereabouts of the holy princess that year. Recently, we have some clues. But our identity is special and we cannot continue to investigate, so we want to get your help." Yang General Hui said.

"Ah... you already have the whereabouts of the holy princess?" Mo Xie's surprised eyes beamed.

His next hidden main quest is to find the current whereabouts of the holy princess. Unexpectedly, this clue is completely clueless. Now after reaching level 50, he actually jumped out...

It can be seen that the system has set the task link very cleverly. After the player reaches a certain level of strength, he can naturally obtain some useful information.

"As long as you agree to accept this general's mission, this general can tell you directly about the clues about the holy princess." General Yang Hui smiled and waved his hand, and finally released the follow-up mission...

Ding...System: Congratulations to the players, don’t be sad, you successfully triggered the 50-level main mission story The future of the empire. Out of dissatisfaction with the current status of the empire, the anode general secretly conspired with many guarding generals and decided to abandon the current emperor who has become a puppet of the gods , Turned to look for the whereabouts of the holy princess, hoping that her appearance can help the empire turn the tide, do you accept General Yanghui’s mission request?


Of course Mo Xie would not refuse such a good thing, and immediately chose to confirm it.

"Very well, you really did not live up to this general's expectations. In fact, a few years ago, this general and other generals had secretly sent people to investigate the inside story of the battle of the imperial city that year, hoping to find the situation of the Holy Princess at that time." General Yang Hui said with satisfaction.

"You don't even know the battle of the imperial city back then?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"In the Imperial City War, the Protoss did not use the human legion at all. They first sent a part of the Protoss masters to join the orc legion to surround the Elf Legion, and forced the Elf King to sign a contract. Since then, the Elf Legion has all lost its combat effectiveness. They ambush the elite Protoss legion in the imperial city, and wait for the Holy Princess to lead the legion to attack. But according to our investigation, the reason why the Holy Princess's tribe failed is not because of the defeat of the battle, but the hateful Protoss At the most critical moment of the battle, nearly 100,000 soldiers from the previously suppressed Saint Princess in the imperial city were pressed on the head of the city. If the Saint Princess continued to attack the city, they would kill all the 100,000 soldiers!" Yang Hui The general said angrily.

"Use the lives of 100,000 soldiers to threaten Your Royal Highness the Holy Princess?" Mo Xie opened his mouth in surprise. If this is the case, he would not be ignored by any general, after all, the imperial city is more important.

However, it may not be necessary to change to a holy princess, after all, a woman's heart is weaker...

"Yes, the life and death of one hundred thousand soldiers is in the hands of the holy princess. She gave up the fight and ordered all the troops to retreat, scattered and fleeing everywhere, and she disappeared in the wilderness, no matter how the Protoss looked for it. , I can't find her whereabouts again." General Yang Hui said.

"How can this situation be completely different from the records of the Temple of Life..." Mo Xie said in surprise.

When he saw the plot screen at the beginning, it was recorded that the battle of the imperial city failed, and the holy princess was almost caught, and was able to escape under the protection of the remaining subordinates.

"Don't worry about other sources of information. This is the most accurate information that our generals have explored in a few years. Most of the other information is rumors spread by the Protoss or the result of other people's imagination. So this general gave you The task is to go to the imperial city immediately and take my token to a place called Niutoushan Barracks on the western outskirts of the city. The commander there is my old ministry, and he holds some clues to the Holy Princess." Yang Hui Said the general.

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