The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 888: Tiger infested

And the entire map of Hupaogang is all such narrow valleys, and there is no wider place.

As soon as he touched the terrain here, Mo Xie vaguely understood the intentions of General Anode.

If there really is a military camp here, it must be a very strong fortress that can control all the passages of the entire map.

Walking in the narrow valley, as night fell, the entire Hupaogang map looked particularly gloomy.

On both sides are closely attached cliffs, and in front is a sand valley that seems to never see the end, only a line of sky above the head is revealed.

Walking in such a treacherous environment, Mo Xie was always worried that a pile of rocks would fall from the top of his head and could easily hit him.

In such a map environment, the marching of large troops is very restricted, not to mention, as long as a few hundred people ambush, it can cause a fatal threat to tens of thousands of troops.

The setting of the system is really amazing. In the entire sunset city east, the only map that can be passed by large troops is actually only this place, which shows how important the strategic position here is!

It is not surprising that the Sunset Army hides a military camp here.

As he continued to move forward, Mo Xie carefully observed the surroundings. Without stepping out of a canyon, a dense group of monsters appeared in front of him, blocking the entire canyon from leaking water.

And above the heads of these monsters, all fuchsia names were shocking, level 50 elite monsters blocked Mo Xie's forward path.

Faced with such dense monsters and narrow terrain, not to mention that he is only one person. Even with all the allied troops of the God Realm, it is difficult to fight the elite monsters here.

However, the terrain here makes Mo Xie feel that it is not difficult to deal with monsters, but leveling is very headache.

To deal with monsters, as long as you send people to throw stones at the top of the cliffs on both sides, many monsters can be killed by smashing them, but you can't get experience points and loot.

Looking at the crowd of monsters ahead, Mo Xie knew that it was impossible to walk through the canyon channel.

He jumped off his mount and looked at the high mountain cliffs on both sides. The steep cliffs were densely covered with countless vegetation. It was not difficult to climb up, but it took a little time.

After putting away the mount, he immediately began to open the package and take out the ropes and other corresponding props, and started to get busy on the cliff on the left...

Accompanied by the clear percussive sound in the empty valley, Mo Xie climbed the rope and spent ten minutes, finally climbing to the top of a cliff.

But as he stood on the top of the cliff and looked at the countless continuous ridges ahead, in the jungle on the top of the mountain not far away, suddenly black shadows flickered, and huge monsters continued to emerge from the forest...

A giant, two-meter-high giant tiger was displayed in front of Mo Xie's eyes. As the black shadows continued to flicker, more and more tigers slowly drilled out of the jungle, and their big blood-red eyes fixed on Mo Xie... …

Seeing the sluggish appearance of the tigers, as if thinking, how long is this little man enough to eat?

Let me take it, and Hupaogang must set up Tigers, and there are so many tiger groups on the top of the mountain?

Mo Xie wanted to cry without tears at this time. There was a monster blockade in the canyon. After climbing to the top of the mountain, he entered the territory of the tigers. What is Nima doing?

But what surprised him even more was that the names on the heads of these tigers were actually marked by the elite leaders...

After experiencing the quicksand desert map expedition, Mo Xie basically understands the different settings of the 50-level elite map and the previous maps. The system will specifically set some elite-level bosses on this type of map.

These strengths far exceed those of ordinary elite monsters, and each head has a special ability set by the system.

But these exist only once on the map, and the secrets hidden in them will be exposed to the player with death, and then never refreshed.

The existence of those quicksand mirages has verified this special setting.

Unexpectedly, now, just climbing to the top of the cliff, I ran into a group of elite leaders!

Mo Xie knew that he was definitely not an opponent of these fierce tigers just by his own strength, and that he would die...


When he finished his judgment and was about to escape, these giant tigers could not wait, roaring and rushing forward, a dozen terrifying tigers swooped forward, the colorful patterns on their bodies made Mo Xie dizzy...

But he can't control so much. When will he stay if he doesn't escape now?

Fortunately, the rope hasn't been untied yet, he can't even slide down slowly now, holding on to the rope with both hands and flying backwards to the deep cliff bottom...


The black shadow above his head was shining, and the wind rushed towards his face. As soon as he jumped off the cliff, a dozen sturdy tiger figures continuously rushed over his head, whizzing directly over the canyon, and landed on the other side of the cliff.

Mo Xie grabbed the rope and slid down quickly. He landed heavily on the ground without any danger, and the blood volume on his head fell by one third.

At the moment he landed successfully, he quickly turned and looked over his head, and saw a dozen tigers sticking out their heads at the top of the cliff on the other side, constantly looking towards the bottom of the cliff, seemingly reluctant to let their prey escape.

However, these tigers did not intend to rush down, and Mo Xie let out a sigh of relief.

He seemed to have determined the purpose of these tigers, and the system was to let them guard the cliff and prevent anyone from going up easily.

It's good now, the canyon channel is blocked by the monster refresh area, and the top of the cliff is guarded by the boss. It seems that he can't get through alone.

However, the entrance to the entire Hupaogang map is not only the one he is now, but I don't know where General Anode's troops will enter the map, and looking at the time, they should not be close to the map area of ​​Hupaogang at this time.

Mo Xie thought for a while, immediately exited the canyon and returned to the edge of the previous level 40 map.

Back to the safety zone, he was still in a state of shock. Then he remembered that he fled too fast just now, and he didn't even see the names above his head. It was really speechless.

Mo Xie immediately opened the Alliance Channel and asked who knew the current position of the anode generals.

Unexpectedly, someone soon answered and told him the current map location of the legion. It turned out that the legion was going all the way, and countless players followed curiously along the way, and actually followed from the west to the east...

The boring people helped a lot, and Mo Xie hurriedly recruited his mount and turned back towards the legion.

In the eastern part of Sunset City, Hupaogang is in the very center of the outermost area.

The high-level maps on both sides have entrances but no exits. The only passage is all horizontally connecting the valleys on both sides of Hupaogang.

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