The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 889: Aspect of the Tiger

Waiting for the large group to quickly walk into the canyon map, Mo Xie also greeted him and went directly to General Anode.

"Young man, you must have already entered the Hupaogang Mountains to check, what's the situation inside?" General anode asked with a smile.

"Master General knew that I could not last long in there, so let's deliberately laugh at me." Mo Xie said helplessly.

"It's good to know, Hupao Post can't enter casually. Even my soldiers must form a team to enter as a whole, otherwise the situation is very dangerous." General Yang said with a smile.

"Master General, what's the matter with the tigers on the hills? Are they there to block the passages on the cliffs?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"You still have some eyesight, but didn't you investigate the names of those tigers? If you know their names, you should know what's going on." General anode smiled lightly.

"This...I was chased by the tigers too hard just now, I haven't had a chance to see their names." Mo Xie said embarrassedly.

"It turns out that this is the case. You are with this general, and I will take you to see the situation here." General Anode waved his hand, and the soldiers behind him immediately stepped forward, and teams continued to flood into the canyon mouth.

When the entire canyon was filled with countless dense golden armored figures, General Anode began to move forward, Mo Xie followed him closely.

"Hupaogang has always been the throat area of ​​Sunset City leading to the Everlasting City. It guards the border between the two cities and is the last barrier to protect Everlasting City if Sunset City is occupied by the enemy. So. The terrain here, no matter what the generals of the sunset towns, are very concerned about this place. This general and Yang Hui are the same." General anode introduced as he walked.

"Then General Yang Hui must know the abandoned barracks here?" Mo Xie asked.

"Of course, the old man has already informed him of this matter in his personal letter. From now on, he will be dealing with the Protoss in Sunset City. I will defend the last passage here to help him resist the threats of the Protoss. He also helped me to delay. The protoss forces that live in the sunset city." General anode replied with a smile.

"You two generals have negotiated, just keep the secret from letting me know." Mo Xie said silently.

"I'm not hiding from you, didn't this bring you here? The so-called Hupaogang abandoned barracks, this is when Yang Hui destroyed this barracks in order to reassure the Protoss. In fact, for the two of us, Hupao Whether there is a barracks in Gang, there is a natural danger here, and the Protoss will definitely not be able to cross it!" General Yang said confidently.

"Oh, is that barracks really gone?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"I have so many soldiers here, it's nothing to restore an abandoned barracks, isn't there still you can help." General Yang looked at Mo Xie with a smile.

"Master General, repairing a barracks requires a lot of materials and gold coins. I can only help you prepare the materials at most. Other...I am afraid I can't help you." Mo Xie shook his head quickly.

Just kidding, the cost of building a new territory is worth tens of millions of gold coins. The same is true for repairing a barracks. He can't bear to help repair the territory and then take out all his belongings...

"Don't worry about this, this general will issue a task in a while. Whoever is willing to help us repair the barracks will get a huge reward. Let's see who has this ability." General anode shrugged and said indifferently.

"There are rewards?" Mo Xie was stunned by what he said.

It seems that as long as the general anode takes the team back to the abandoned barracks, a system task of repairing the barracks will start. If any player is willing to help the general, he will get a lot of task rewards.

It's no wonder that the general anode has always been indifferent, and there must be corresponding arrangements.

"Since you don't want to get rewards, then the general will only be cheaper to others. Don't regret it when you come." General Yang continued forward with a smile.

"We'll discuss it in a while, and now you can tell me what secret is hiding in Hupaogang?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"You have also seen the terrain here. The narrow valley is not good for the marching of large forces. It is a very easy zone for the defender." General anode said.

"Yes, the canyon can only accommodate three soldiers in a row, and each canyon is less than 100 meters long. Even if the enemy's large-scale army attacks, once it enters the canyon, it can’t take care of the beginning and the end, and it is easy to be ambushed. It can't prevent an effective counterattack, it's a very easy place to be surrounded." Mo Xie nodded.

"You have a good observation. You really have the talent. But you don't know everything. The only way to pass Hupao Post is to climb up the cliffs and use them to move quickly between the cliffs. But there are groups of tigers on the cliffs. Their strength is not necessarily so powerful, but they are very suitable for such an environment, as if walking on the ground between the mountains, even if the powerful legion climbs the cliff, it will be wiped out by the tiger group one by one." General anode laughed.

"You mean that there is more than one tiger group on the cliff?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"Of course, in the entire Hupaogang, there is a group of tigers under each of the main peaks. These tigers are our soldiers guarding the barracks. They have been domesticated after a long time. They not only help us guard the key areas. , And also help us guard the core secrets of Hupaogang." General anode smiled.

"What? You domesticated these tigers?" Mo Xie was really shocked.

"So this general asked you to see the names of those tigers clearly, but you didn't see it." The anode general smiled and continued forward, already walking into the canyon.

A large group of soldiers in front of them were clinging to the sides of the cliff, as if waiting for the command of the general.

"If the order continues, all legions enter the safe passage of Hupaogang. People who are not members of our legion are not allowed to climb the cliff." The anode general frowned and glanced back, and the large black shadow of the players guarding outside the canyon gave a loud order.

What he meant is very clear, the legion can go to the top of the cliff, but the players absolutely can't.

Of course, Mo Xie is an exception.

"Yes." A group of Jinjia lieutenants answered one after another, urging their soldiers to start action.

In Mo Xie’s surprised eyes, countless golden armored soldiers began to climb the cliffs at high speed. They seemed to have been training here for a long time. The golden heavy shoes climbed quickly on the cliffs with ease, holding weapons in both hands without any tools. , Actually rushed to the cliff one by one...

"What's the situation?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"Young man, didn't you pay attention to some places on both sides of the cliff, where many small pits were dug out on the cliff?" General anode asked.

"This...I really haven't found it yet."

Mo Xie opened his mouth wide.

He didn't come here for a long time. He only saw the dangerous environment of the cliff and the countless monster spawning areas in front of him. He didn't even check the situation on the cliffs on both sides.

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