The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 890: Hidden strategic channel

"Young man, go up with this general." The anode general strode to the back of the soldiers, and followed the soldiers in front of him who continued to climb up the cliff.

"I can't do this..." Mo Xie shook his head. He had already seen two rows of small pits on the black rock wall, stretching all the way to the top of the cliff.

But without a long training period, he can rush up to the cliff less than once.

"Let my soldiers help you." General anode waved his hand, and regardless of whether Mo Xie agreed, a golden armored soldier quickly stretched out his hand, hugged Mo Xie horizontally, and rushed to the top of the mountain along the pit...


Mo Xie only felt the sound of the wind whistling in his ears, the figure shaking in front of him, and the whole person spinning around.

But within a few seconds, the shaking disappeared, and he was also placed on the ground easily by the soldiers. The scene he saw before his eyes made his eyes straighten suddenly...

I saw countless golden armored soldiers who had climbed to the top of the mountain, bending down and playing with the giant tigers in front of them. The fierce giant tigers seemed to see the master's hounds, lying on the ground one by one. He stroked his head lightly and hummed in a low voice from time to time.

And some golden armor soldiers are taking out golden chains from their armor and buckling them easily on the neck collars of these tigers.

I went, it really was a tamed tiger!

Mo Xie quickly looked at the tops of these tigers, and a line of purple-red names appeared on their heads...

Tiger guards special elite leader

Level: 59

I'll go, it turned out to be the leader of the special elite!

Only then did Mo Xie understand everything. The system added two special words to these, and the situation changed a lot. No wonder he couldn't guess the role of these tigers.

But anyway, in the 50-level advanced map, the elite leaders have every map, and they are responsible for very special tasks in the map. This is already certain.

"How about it, understand now." The figure of General Anode leaped out of the cliff and fell right next to Mo Xie.

"These tigers belong to your family, so of course you have the final say on this map." Mo Xie smiled.

"It's not just that simple. Keep going with this general and you will understand everything." General Anode waved his hand to signal the legion to leave immediately.

The soldiers in the golden armor led the tiger and walked around the mountain to the other side.

Mo Xie followed them. After going around the mountain, he suddenly found a black hole on the other side of the mountain, like a tiger cave.

The soldiers walked into the cave one by one, and walked directly to the opposite side of the darkness in the spacious cave hall. At the end of the cave, a cave opening appeared again, and inside it was a stone staircase winding downward.

"There are secret roads?" Mo Xie's eyes widened in surprise.

"Let's continue." General anode did not explain, and followed the troops down the cave...

The cave was not long. After going around two bends, the light in front flickered, and another cave appeared, and outside the cave was the end of the cliff.

But on the opposite mountain cliff not far away, there happened to be a cave entrance facing this cave entrance far away, and the distance between the two sides was only within 5 meters.

"Prepare to pass, follow carefully." General anode smiled.


The footsteps in the cave suddenly accelerated, and the soldiers in the golden armor with the tiger in front began to accelerate forward.

"What, rush over?" Mo Xie was so scared that his face turned pale. This is five meters wide. He can't do it when someone else flies over...

"Don't be afraid, this general will help you." General anode said with a smile.

With all the large forces speeding up and running wildly, the screaming figure directly rushed out of the cave, leaped over the canyon and the sky, and rushed into the dark hole on the opposite side.

There were fewer and fewer people in front, and it was Mo Xie's turn to start rushing wildly. He saw a pair of big hands behind him suddenly pushed his back, a huge force surged, before Mo Xie opened his mouth to shout, he was already straight like a cannonball. Rushing over the cliff, flying into the dark hole, sitting on the ground and sprinting forward...

It felt as if the buttocks were about to rub and burn, and with the help of the soldiers, Mo Xie stopped forward and finally stood up.

General Anode followed a large group of soldiers and rushed to this side of the cave easily.

"The tiger's den is our secret road. With the countless tiger dens in the belly of the mountain, we can fly freely between the mountains, and there is no power in all things." General anode laughed.

"I finally understand that even if there is no military camp, with these mountain secret roads, the entire Hupao Post is under your control, and can appear anywhere to attack the enemy at any time." Mo Xie said in surprise.

"Russ can be taught, these secret paths are guarded by tigers, and no one except us can use them." General Yang said proudly.

"It turns out that these tigers are used to block roads and guard secret passages..." Mo Xie said in surprise.

"There is still another purpose. The Tigers are also our patrolmen. Once they find an enemy approaching, their roar can be heard throughout the mountain range, and we can also keep track of the enemy's movements at any time." General Yang reminded.

"Now I'm relieved." Mo Xie smiled and nodded.

"The whole army speeds up and heads to the ruins of the Tiger Barracks." General Anode shouted.

The intensive footsteps sounded again, and countless golden armored soldiers galloped through the dense mountain roads, drilling from one mountain range to another mountain range, moving very fast.

Mo Xie rushed forward with them. Unconsciously, he didn't know how many ridges and cliffs he crossed. In the end, half an hour later, when he was completely dizzy and lost his sense of orientation, the large troops began to slow down. Climb up the cave one by one.

When Mo Xie walked out of a cave with General Anode, his eyes suddenly became bright...

He was standing on a mountainside platform with a high mountain peak with General Anode now, and he stepped on a vast expanse of mountain terrain and valleys as dense as spider webs.

The location here is surprisingly on the coordinates of the center point of the entire Hupaogang map, and the peak he occupies is also the highest peak of all the mountains in Hupaogang, with a panoramic view of the mountains.

Outside the platform at the foot, a winding mountain ladder winds down, about a hundred meters below the mountain halfway, and there is a huge platform surrounded by a steep abyss!

The lower platform has a larger area. It has entered the night environment. Mo Xie can't see more scenes, but vaguely finds that many collapsed buildings on this platform around the mountain, leaning against the wall of the cliff, seem to be Was also overthrown most of...

Is this the site of the so-called Tiger Barracks?

The Tiger Barracks were actually built on the mountainside of the main peak, overlooking the surrounding mountains...

I go, the environment and terrain of this barracks are really good.

"Young man, look down now. This is the ruins of the barracks. Our tiger barracks were once guarded here. It is a strong fortress that is definitely not easy to conquer." General Yang said.

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