The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 895: Finally confessed

The room assigned to Moxie is a large room with a private bathroom and a wide balcony.

As long as you walk to the balcony, from the gate of the base to the last factory building, which is the third stage project area that has not yet started, the entire factory area can be seen.

Quickly open the suitcase, take out the clothes and items and put them in the corresponding position. First quickly sort out his room. Then Mo Xie lit a cigarette, opened the balcony door and went out, planning to relax, and then wait for the formality after lunch jobs.

But who knows that just walking to the balcony, Mo Xie suddenly found that on the balcony of another apartment not far from him on the right hand side, a familiar and beautiful figure was standing there, seeming to be looking at the outside scenery...

And this figure happened to be Mo Xiehun's dreamy sister Hong.

Sister Hong was wearing a black dress, standing in front of the balcony fence with her shoulders on her shoulders, letting the breeze blow her long hair, her beautiful face was looming in the flying black hair, and she looked like a fairy.

Looking at the graceful figure of Sister Hong, Mo Xie suddenly opened his mouth and stayed there.

Since Sister Hong joined the studio, he has always wanted to find opportunities to communicate with her more and see if he can open up to each other.

It's a pity that Sister Hong has been avoiding him deliberately. The two have never had the opportunity to be alone. During this time, Sister Hong likes to build territories and other project management jobs, and has been busy in God Realm Town and now. The construction of the subsidiary mining area, the opportunity for the two to meet in the game is very rare...

But today, Mo Xie was pleasantly surprised to find that the room allocated to Sister Hong was right next to his own room. The balconies of the two were almost close to each other, with a distance of less than half a meter between them.

And because of the new decoration, Moxie did not completely renovate the balcony in order to save costs, so the two balconies are all open, except for the fence.

So now, he can clearly see the profile of Sister Hong...

"You..." Li Hong was also a little nervous by Mo Xie's sudden appearance. He opened his mouth and stopped talking.

"Sister Hong, don't you forgive me yet?" Mo Xie finally had the opportunity to get along with the two alone. Some things must be asked clearly.

"No, Xiao Mo, you misunderstood. I never blamed you. It's just that our situation shouldn't happen that day. It's my fault. Don't mention this matter again." Hong Jie lowered her head. Said as if a little horrified.

"Then since you didn't blame me, why have you been deliberately avoiding me?" Mo Xie asked helplessly.

"I...I don't know how to get along with you, Xiao Mo, I have always regarded you as my own brother, but this kind of thing happened, how would you let me face you?" Li Hong lowered his head and said speechlessly. .

"But anyway, that incident has happened, and I must be responsible for you." Mo Xie said nervously.

"Responsible...I'm five years older than you, and I'm a broomstick. As long as I'm the closest person, there is nothing going to end. A woman like me is not worth your troubles, let alone you concentrate on your career now, I can't drag You." Li Hong said, shaking his head.

"What is dragging? If it weren't for you, I wouldn't desperately become stronger, because I want to have enough strength to protect you and prevent you from being bullied." Mo Xie couldn't help but say loudly.

"You...but in my heart, you have always been like my own brother, I never thought about..." Li Hong turned his head and looked at him, with a particularly helpless expression in his eyes.

"Sister Hong, in fact, in my heart, since you sent me a midnight snack for the first time and asked me to speak with you, I have regarded you as the woman I want to protect the most, watching you being bullied, what am I? You can ignore it, as long as you can stay by your side. If you really hate me, don't like me, I won't be entangled anymore, just hope you can tell me the truth is enough." Mo Xie looked at her, Feel the pain in my heart.

He wants a truth from Sister Hong now, if she really doesn’t like herself, then this relationship doesn’t have to be overwhelming...

"Xiao Mo, why are you doing this..." Li Hong looked at him, two lines of tears in her beautiful eyes finally flickering.

For her, the events of that night also made her unforgettable. She never expected that on the night when she was about to resign, Shao Chen would use such despicable means to almost take away her 26 years of innocence...

But the same thing I never expected was that she actually spent the night with Xiao Mo, but when she woke up the next day, she had no hatred for this innocent little brother.

It was just that such a thing happened suddenly, making her faceless to face Mo Xie, so she hurriedly returned home to calm her mood.

The next thing, one by one, caused her to suffer. When she was desperate, Mo Xie actually took her in and helped her solve the huge trouble.

What surprised Li Hong most was that Xiao Mo at this time was completely transformed into a human in the virtual world. The short figure appeared so stalwart in the game, commanding thousands of troops and horses as if waiting for a while, facing again Difficult and dangerous tasks will not appear panic...

Such a man is half of what she wants most in her mind.

But somehow, once I saw the hot gaze that Xiao Mo was looking at, I felt a burst of tension in my heart, especially when I saw the beauties gathering around Xiao Mo, even Da obviously took the initiative to join the studio, and there were so many beautiful women following him. By your side.

For the first time, Li Hong felt that her life experience, coupled with her previous work experience in a bar, made her feel more and more distant from Mo Xie. The two are like living in two worlds separately.

Fortunately, she finally found what she likes to do in the virtual world, and it is a good fun to direct the player to build the territory.

So, she just wanted to keep a certain distance like this and live a carefree life like this.

But today he was alone with Mo Xie inexplicably, and the other party took the initiative to express his feelings, making Li Hong not know how to respond.

In fact, what she said was all the truth. In her heart, Mo Xie had always regarded her as her own brother. It was only because of the unexpected situation that night that she felt overwhelmed.

"Sister Hong, I can tell you clearly that I have always liked you. If you can accept me, I will be responsible to you for the rest of my life." Mo Xie said solemnly again.

"But I, I haven't figured it out yet, but, I promise you, I won't deliberately avoid you again, let me think about it for a while?" Li Hong pinched the tips of his hair nervously, and said with a flushed face.

Before Mo Xie could understand, she had bowed her head and quickly left the balcony, and the balcony door was immediately closed.

Sister Hong, what does this mean?

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