The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 896: Together

Seeing Sister Hong rushing into the room shyly, and the balcony door closed heavily, Mo Xie was puzzled at first, but then she understood the meaning of Sister Hong's words.

Although her answer was a little vague, the meaning in her words did not directly refuse. It seems that there is still drama...

Mo Xie was immediately surprised, and after such a long period of persistence, he was finally about to have a good result.

After smoking in twos or twos, he walked back to the room and sorted out the rest, he opened the door and went out.

In the spacious living room, Mo Xiaoyuan and the handsome bodyguard had finished cleaning up, and seemed to be waiting for him to appear.

"Mr. Mo, let's go to the studio when we are done. I have prepared your office." Mo Xiaoyuan laughed.

"Okay, what should he do?" Mo Xie glanced at the handsome bodyguard, and asked curiously.

"Mr. Mo don't care about me, my task is to protect Miss Zhou's safety, so when you go online, I will watch nearby and will not let anyone approach Miss Zhou." The handsome bodyguard said lightly.

"Then we don't care about you." Mo Xie nodded and walked towards the door with the two of them.

At this time, the door to the opposite room just opened. The four beauties were chatting excitedly, and they walked out of the room one by one, and they happened to meet Mo Xie head-on. The red sister among the four beauties suddenly had a burst of red clouds on Yu’s face. Hiding behind the three sisters, she did not dare to make eye contact with Mo Xie.

However, the situation now is different from before. He has confessed just now that the current sister Hong is just shy and has no intention of avoiding it.

"It's all finished, now you can go to the studio." Lianna said excitedly.

"Let's go and see how our new studio is." Mo Xie nodded and pressed the elevator...

Take the elevator to the first floor of the office building. After greeted Liu Li at the reception desk, everyone walked out of the gate and walked towards the studio.

"Mr. Mo, dear beauties, I have made some special arrangements for the division of the office. The core command layer has one studio for every two people, and all the equipment has been logged in to your identity information, and it will be ready for use in a while." Xiao Yuan suddenly spoke.

"The two have a studio...has it been divided?" Zhou Jianing asked suspiciously.

"No, you didn't even tell us, do you know who we are willing to share a room with?" Ouyang Jiaojiao asked puzzledly.

"Everyone will be very satisfied with my assignment. The boss and sister-in-law have a studio, don't you object?" Mo Xiaoyuan asked with a smile.

"That's for sure, it's normal for them to be together." All the beautiful women nodded.

"Sister Na and Sister Jiao are in a studio, are you okay?" Mo Xiaoyuan asked again.

"We have no problem, we are used to being together." Lianna nodded with a smile.

"Ms. Zhou has a special status and she has a bodyguard to protect her, so she has a separate studio." Mo Xiaoyuan said.

"Well, it's just logging into the game anyway, I can do it alone." Zhou Jianing nodded.

"It's me again. I'm a lonely family member. There are many things that need to be offline. In order not to affect others, I set up a studio for myself. After the new commander is promoted, I will be next to me. Give it to him." Mo Xiaoyuan said.

"Wait, didn't you... put Ahong and Xiao Mo together?" Lianna asked in surprise.

"Yeah, you have been talking for a long time, there are only two of them left." Ouyang Jiaojiao also reacted immediately.

"Yes, Mr. Mo and Sister Hong have a studio. Are you against it?" Mo Xiaoyuan asked with a smile.

Mo Xie’s thoughts towards Sister Hong are almost unknown to the core command. During this period of time between the two of them, they seldom talked, and they were embarrassed to meet each other. This made Mo Xiaolang and Mo Xiaoyuan both see and worry. , But can't help...

Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang were supposed to be together in the studio where the core members were assigned. However, after Mo Xiaolang approached Mo Xiaoyuan for a discussion, he decided to separate the two enemies together and see how they get along day and night. It's not that they turned a blind eye to each other...

"We don't have any problems, it's great." Lianna smiled covering her mouth.

"It depends on whether A Hong is willing or not." Ouyang Jiaojiao looked behind her nervously, and based on her understanding of her good sisters, as long as Li Hong didn't agree, no matter how others arranged it, it wouldn't work.

"I...I have no opinion." Li Hong lowered his head and replied in a low voice.


Everyone was truly surprised now.

Seeing that Sister Hong did not object, Mo Xie was even more excited. It seemed that the confession made not long ago finally got the attitude of Sister Hong...

"The sun is coming out from the west." Ouyang Jiaojiao was shocked.

"Well, since there is no objection, then it is decided." Mo Xiaoyuan laughed.

Everyone did not stop while they were talking, and they had already passed through the open space in front of the building and came to the gate of the second factory. The three big characters of Sunset City were shining in the sun. Inside the bright floor-to-ceiling windows, neat studios opened. Open the door, the inside looks very neat.

"It's so beautiful." The beauties were amazed. The decoration of the combat legion studio is more beautiful than that of the life legion, and the layout is more reasonable.

This is not because of favoritism, but after the completion of the first phase of the project, the construction team also has experience, made changes to some of the shortcomings of the first phase of the project, and the combat studio has become much more comfortable.

Opening the heavy door, a group of people walked into the spacious studio and looked at the huge space tens of meters long, divided into two major areas.

The window area is divided into recreational and fitness areas, allowing studio players to drink coffee, play basketball and billiards, or sit and sunbathe near their studios without going out of the door. Relax in the sun.

On the left-hand side, all the studio areas are divided into three floors, with a sufficient number of rooms on each floor.

The three stairs on the left, middle and right are also deliberately set to the shape of a siege ladder. Once you enter the studio, it is like crossing into a virtual world.

"Let's go, our office area is on the third floor. The first and second floors will have a new owner this time tomorrow." Mo Xiaoyuan smiled and led everyone up the nearby stairs, all the way to the top of the third floor.

I have seen the environment of the studio last time, and the working area of ​​the core commander is set on the left.

After entering the three-story hall, two heavy anti-theft doors were installed on the left and right passages to protect the safety of the core commander.

Open the door on the left, on either side of a corridor, is their studio.

Mo Xie and Li Hong were placed in the most spacious working room at the end. Open the door and enter. There are two comfortable benches in the spacious room, and the control equipment is ready.

There is a desk on the other side of the room, with all kinds of computer equipment.

Each studio has a bathroom and a rest room. All curtains are computer controlled and adjusted according to the player's body temperature, so that players can enjoy the ceiling and specially set glass skylights when they are in the virtual world. Moderate sunlight shines.

The same is true for the air-conditioning equipment in the room. If the players feel cold or hot, the air-conditioning equipment will immediately change the temperature to ensure that the players will not catch a cold while playing the game.

Facing such a precise and confident setting, Mo Xie and his teammates were very satisfied. After entering the room, they couldn't wait to check their own space...

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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