The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 897: System conspiracy setting

"Sister Hong..." Mo Xie turned around, looking at the beautiful woman who was thinking about it in front of her, and she couldn't help being extremely excited.

"Don't tell me, I just promised you no longer run away from you, but I want to make me your girlfriend, and it depends on your performance in the future." Sister Hong interrupted him quickly and ran to her control chair. Next, immediately lie down and prepare to land in the game world.

Mo Xie stood there, staring blankly at the lowering of the beautiful woman's helmet, feeling very surprised.

Future performance?

How should I behave so that Sister Hong can completely accept herself...

However, the current situation has already made Mo Xie very happy. Sister Hong no longer hides from herself, and things can go their way in the future.

He firmly believes that as long as she treats Sister Hong with a sincere heart, she will definitely accept herself.

Excited in his heart, Mo Xie also came to his bench and lay down slowly, feeling a more comfortable game environment than before. Pressing the start button, the helmet slowly lowered.


There was a crisp electronic sound. Because of the replacement of the new device, he had to log in the user information by himself. After the identity was bound to the control device, the password was confirmed to log in. The light was shining, and he felt his body fluttering again and flew in. In a dark world...

In less than two or three seconds, a beam of light fell from the sky, and as the beam dissipated, Mo Xie appeared on the entrance map of the desert underground palace.

The eyes are full of yellow sand, and there are already countless God Realm League players in the underground palace who are forming a group to level up.

But at this time, Mo Xie didn't want to continue to go to the underground palace to follow the mixed experience, he had to do more important tasks.

Now that the relocation of the base is complete, it's time to head to the Everlasting City and start a new mission...

Take out the City Return Scroll, directly choose to use it, Mo Xie immediately turned into a beam of light, and appeared in the central teleportation array of Sunset City in the next second.

But this time, luck is really bad. I just appeared from the beam of light, and there was a large group of acquaintances around...

These people happen to be players of the arrogant alliance, and they are also a group of core management players such as Luo Feng and Chen Shao.

"It turned out to be President Mo, what a coincidence." Luo Feng seemed to have just teleported to the main city. When he was about to leave, he suddenly saw Mo Xie next to him appear, so he stopped and said hello with a smile.

"Mr. Luo, are you here?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

The two sides looked at each other, but the 50-level number on top of Mo Xie's head surprised Luo Feng and his party.

"Mr. Mo is already level 50, is this going to take the task?" Luo Feng smiled and waved, motioning the people around him to leave temporarily.

Chen Shao gave Mo Xie a fierce look, and reluctantly led his subordinates away.

Looking at Luo Feng's actions, Mo Xie knew in his heart that the other party had something to say.

"Mr. Luo, don't call me that, just call me Xiao Mo." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Xiao Mo, although we are a competitor, we have had misunderstandings before, but now we are about to start a level 50 mission. I don't know what you think?" Luo Feng asked lightly.

"What kind of mission does Luo always refer to?" Mo Xie asked suspiciously.

He looked at Luo Feng's head. The level was still 48. It seemed that there was still some time before level 50. I don't know why he asked about the mission of level 50 so early.

"Xiao Mo doesn't know anything. Although my boss is less than level 50, some of my subordinates just reached level 50 today. They are discussing the task route with Lord City Lord. I don’t know that Xiao Mo is on this task. What good suggestions for us?" Luo Feng asked.

"It turned out to be this..." Mo Xie suddenly understood.

Among Luo Feng's master players, some have reached level 50, and some of their mission routes are very likely to follow the Saint Princess route just like themselves.

As a result, Luo Feng was a little uncertain about the temptation of the high price from the city lord.

"A total of four of my people have reached level 50 today. Three of them are the Saint Princess route. I originally planned to let them stick to this route to do tasks. Presumably Xiao Mo is also doing the same task as them." Luo Feng asked again. Tao.

"Mr Luo is right, I also support the reverse storyline of the Saint Princess route, but I don't know how far the story mission of the three is going?" Mo Xie asked.

"They rescued a lot and helped some wounded soldiers to find herbs, but they haven't found the whereabouts of the holy princess yet." Luo Feng replied.

After listening to his introduction, Mo Xie's heart trembled. It seemed that the progress of the other party's mission was not bad, but the other party did not rescue the elves, nor found the plot to destroy the temple, so he could not get the full trust of the general anode.

But in a strict sense, as long as they continue to search and find clues that the Saint Princess may exist, then their task progress will also have a chance to surpass themselves.

Although he was selfish, but seeing Luo Feng come to ask so sincerely, Mo Xie didn't intend to fool them.

After all, the final mission of the Saint Princess route affects the final direction of the entire region, so you must not joke at will.

"I know your situation, Lord City Lord has offered generous conditions to allow those of you to change your mission background and support the Grand Prince's route, right?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"Sure enough, Mo is sad, you have already passed this task." Luo Feng's eyes lit up.

"Mr. Luo, this task is very important. What I can tell you is, don’t let your people accept the conditions. Even if most players in your alliance support the prince, I would like to ask you to tell the story of the entire task. Change to support Saint Princess." Mo Xie said.

"Oh, what's the way here, can you tell me in detail." Luo Feng asked in surprise.

"According to my analysis, the reason why the system divides the main task into two poles is actually a big hole for our players. If we all support the prince, who will ultimately benefit?" Mo Xie asked.

"This is still a question. Of course, the Protoss gains. After all, the Human Race royal family is controlled by the Protoss. If the Saint Princess fails completely, then the Protoss will take over the rule of the Human Race." Luo Feng said.

"That is the consequence. What I suspect now is that once the Protoss takes over the throne of the Sun Empire, I am afraid that it will be detrimental to our entire region. Players will finally have to fight the Protoss to the death. By then, the task progress in our region will be behind. In other regions, you don't want to see this situation." Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"You mean, if we choose to help the prince, the final result is that the Protoss will take over the throne of the empire, and then they will initiate a battle against the players?" Luo Feng asked incredulously.

"Yes, the Protoss is proud and they will never allow others to share their rights. After the Protoss controls the throne, the next battle will be between the players and the players."

"So I believe that only supporting the Saint Princess camp is the most suitable route for our players, and it can also avoid an extra part of the mission story."

Mo Xie said.

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