The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 902: Restrictions and penalties

As soon as the lord of the imperial city spoke, Mo Xie knew that the situation was not good, the state of wrath of the gods took effect, and the opponent was a member of the Protoss.

According to the warning from General Zhen Guo and the analysis by him and Mo Xiaolang just now, the Lord of the Protoss will not let him go easily. The task to be deployed is either extremely difficult and difficult to complete, or difficult, and Time-limited tasks.

What he was even more worried about was that if the opponent added a task failure penalty, it would be even more troublesome.

But what scared Mo Xie the most was that the Lord of the City should never give some trap missions and let him go to the Protoss territory to find clues...

"Dear Lord City Lord, when I came to the imperial city, I came here to accept your command. During this time, many people will reach level 50 and come to you to pick up the task. Excuse me, my task should be with them. Is it the same?" Mo Xie asked.

"Don't be sad, you don't have to worry at all. Since you are the first elite fighter to report to the imperial city to reach level 50, I will definitely delegate some very important tasks to you, but it will not be much more difficult than others." The city lord smiled lightly.

"That's good, do you have any new tasks for me to do?" Mo Xie asked.

"That's right. Recently, in some special areas outside the imperial city, many spies were found watching the defenses of the imperial city. It is very likely that they were spies sent by the Holy Moon Empire. However, the soldiers sent by General Zhen Guo have not been able to spot them. Traces, in order to ensure the safety of the imperial city and figure out the enemy’s plan, I ask you to go to those special locations outside the city to catch the spies within one day, and finally bring back some useful clues. This mission is definitely not for you Isn't it too difficult?" Lord City Lord asked.

"This...within a day?" Mo Xie was shocked, that the time limit mission he most worried about appeared so soon.

"Don't be afraid. According to my information, those spies are not very strong. You can easily deal with them. It is easy to find clues within a day." The city lord smiled.

"Okay, please give your sir to the task." Mo Xie thought for a few seconds. On the surface, this task is really not too difficult. As long as there are coordinate points, he is confident that he can do it within a day to find the task clues.

Moreover, Lord City Lord's task cannot be refused unless he is ignored in the future. But in that case, it would be impossible to enter Huangcheng Mountain and unlock more secrets.

"Very well, don't be sad, accept the task." The city lord had long sleeves for a while, a beam of light fell from the sky, and the system prompt sounded crisply...

Ding...System: Congratulations to the players, don’t be sad, you successfully triggered the 50-level imperial city main story mission. Find eyeliner: According to the clues of the imperial city’s lord, some special places outside the city are haunted by enemy spies, and I often check the situation of the nearby main city and other places. In order to ensure the safety of the barracks, the lord of the city hopes that you will immediately go to some designated places, look for those hidden eyeliners, and obtain valuable mission intelligence from them!

Mission period: The countdown starts 24 hours after receiving the mission.

Task reward: Obtain valuable information within the specified time, and obtain the excellent task gift box according to the importance of the intelligence. The outstanding task gift box, the excellent task gift box, and the perfect task gift box.

Mission penalty: If the mission is still not completed after the countdown, the current experience value of 10 and 200 points of merit will be deducted, and 500 points of faction reputation will be deducted.

Note: Once you fail to deduct various data, if the current data cannot maintain the level or official position, the current level will be lowered, please be cautious.


Looking at the task interface that jumped out in front of him, Mo Xie was stunned...

Sure enough!

It's just the first 50-level main line mission of the city lord, there is a mission time limit, and there is a failure penalty!

The penalty conditions are also very headache, if 10 current experience points are deducted, then he will drop to level 49 again!

And the system clearly stated that after deducting the merit value and reputation value, if the data cannot maintain the current official rank, it will reduce the official position, and even the alliance experience will be affected...

"Go, I am here waiting for your good news." The city lord said with a smile and waved his hand.

The dialogue interface disappeared, leaving only Mo Xie standing there blankly, gritted his teeth and looked at the splendid City Lord in front of him.

The task bar was shining with a circle of light, indicating that the new task has entered the list, and a 24-hour countdown number appeared at the upper left corner of the eye, reminding Mo Xie to finish the task quickly.

Fortunately, 24 hours should be enough. This task will not cause trouble...

Mo Xie comforted herself, quickly turned and left, and opened the task bar to check the exact situation of the mission.

The task bar jumped out, and the detailed task introduction in the new task asked him to go to at least five coordinate points west of the imperial city to inquire about the news of the eyeliner.

And among these coordinate points, only Mo Xie who received this mission could trigger the appearance of enemy spies, but other players without the mission could not find the presence of enemy spies.

In other words, this task can only be carried out by him alone, even if he can find thousands of troops to help.

Quickly rushed down to the high platform of the city lord. In order to run the road, Mo Xie directly took out a return to the city scroll worth one gold coin and chose to use it. A beam of light fell. The next second he had returned to the center of the imperial city teleportation array, and then spent a little teleportation cost. , Go directly to the west of the city teleportation array.

After two consecutive teleports, Mo Xie mobilized his mount and quickly rushed out of the teleportation array, rushing directly to the west gate...

When he rushed across the moat bridge outside the west gate, a vast green grassland appeared in front of him.

Following the winding roads in the grassland, Mo Xie embarked on a galloping journey.

Those mission locations are at the end of this grassland map, the edge of the map bordering the next map.

There is a large sparse grove there, and one of the mission coordinates is in that grove, and it is the closest mission location.

While rushing forward quickly, Mo Xie couldn’t help but feel a little skeptical. According to the position of the five coordinate points given by the mission, they are not too far away from the imperial city. All the coordinate points can be found in less than an hour, so find The position of the spy can be fixed in up to three hours.

But this shouldn't be. Judging from the situation that the city lord deliberately makes things difficult, how can he give a long task time of 24 hours? Is there any special situation here?

The more Mo Xie thinks about it, the worse it gets. Anyway, this time when the city owner makes things difficult, the future will definitely be difficult. He must pay 120,000 points to prevent falling into the trap set by the other party!

Quickly rush across large grasslands and refresh areas with countless monsters.

Gradually, the grassland in front came to the end, and a low washing grove appeared in Mo Xie's sight.

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